Find Out Why Your Fitness Plan Isn’t Working and How to Fix It! The Christian Women’s Summit Replay


*This is a special bonus episode with behind-the-scenes content from The Christian Women’s Summit: Restoring Faith, Body and Soul. I heard the many requests for a live stream or replay and made it my goal to make this available to you.

*For behind-the-scenes pictures and video, check them out on Facebook or Instagram.


Have you ever wondered…

  • If God cares about your struggles with food and fitness?
  • How to get your eating under control?
  • Why it’s so hard to stay motivated?
  • How to have a healthy body image?
  • Why worldly fitness answers don’t work?

Sister, I can promise you right now that God cares about you and every struggle or thought you have ever had.

Ladies come to me constantly wondering why they aren’t seeing results, why the fat isn’t melting, and the muscle building. They are doing everything their diet says to do.

Worldly fitness doesn’t work or last forever today I am revealing why.

Worldly Fitness...

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7 Biblical Truths to Get You Strong and Confident From the Inside Out


So often people ask me why they are stuck, unmotivated, or unable to achieve their goals, and when we dig into their issues, the answer is often unrelated to what they’re eating or how they’re exercising.

It’s found in the seven Biblical truths I will be sharing today. These seven Biblical truths will change you and your situation if you lean into them!

Let’s open our Bibles and our hearts to God and uncover what could be holding us back.‌‌

1. We need to love God more than anything and love people.


The Bible tells us in Deuteronomy 6:5,  “Love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength strength.”  

When Jesus is asked by the scribes what is the greatest commandment in Matthew 22:37-40, 

He replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the...

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You’re Invited! Christian Women’s Fitness Summit: Restoring Faith, Body and Soul


Come get a breakthrough in your fitness, God’s way!

I’m so excited to invite you to the Christian Women’s Summit 2023: Restoring Faith, Body and Soul to get the Bible-based steps you’ve been missing in your fitness!

What’s included in the Christian Women’s Summit 2023: Restoring Faith, Body and Soul?

  • Health Expo
  • Panel of Faith and Wellness Experts
  • Worship
  • Workout
  • Healthy Food & Cold-Press Juices

I'm the keynote speaker and I have been working hard, in constant prayer, putting together a message, a gift, and a fun little workout together for you.

How Much Is It?

‌This is a FREE EVENT! A VIP Experience is offered and you can learn more about it here!

This would be perfect for a girl's weekend trip with your best girlfriends!

‌CLICK THIS LINK TO RESERVE YOUR SEAT. WE ONLY HAVE 30 SEATS LEFT: The Word Orlando Christian Women's Summit 2023

“I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul...

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In Him We Live: 18 Scriptures Revealing Your True Identity as a Christian Woman


Today I’m sharing a life-changing word. In Him We Live: 18 Scriptures Revealing Your True Identity as a Christian Woman! This is based on Acts 17:28 and I cannot wait to share with you what God has put on my heart.

For in him we live, and move, and have our being…

I know there is at least one of the scriptures that is exactly what you need to hear.

You know, one of our greatest weaknesses is that we don’t know who we are in Christ, or we forget, so after this blog, I hope you will have a better understanding of that and I pray you feel a burden lift a breakthrough happen. 

Why This Message Is So Important

Our identities have been formed from our life experiences, but these events and circumstances can separate us from our worth in Christ and cause us to feel insecure, shameful, and fearful. Sadly, an identity in anything other than Christ can make us sit on the sidelines of our lives and play small to keep ourselves safe. But in Christ, we can be made...

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Compared to Who? Overcoming the Comparison Trap with Heather Creekmore



Is it possible to embrace being beautifully imperfect and thrive in who God created you to be? The answer is yes! But we need to do this... stop comparing!

Did you know that when we compare, we are either prideful or insecure, and neither of these is pleasing to God? 

In today’s episode, my guest Heather Creekmore, author and podcaster of Compared to Who? and I invite you to join us as we open up about our struggles with comparison and how to overcome them. Together, we will learn why Paul teaches us in 2 Corinthians 10:12 that when we compare, we are unwise.

Start listening above or watching the video below to overcome the trap of comparison and find confidence and contentment in Christ.

This conversation is packed with insightful tips to keep you moving in God’s grace. Watch the conversation below to learn why comparison could be keeping you from God’s best for you.

  1. Heather shares the need for this message and what comparing does.
  2. ...
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The Jesus Series: 20 Practical Steps to Live Like Jesus for Your Best Health


Hey there fit sister in Christ, I’m so excited to share this message with you. Today I’m going to share why Jesus is the answer to your fitness, and not just your fitness but food struggles, and worth issues associated with fitness.

Get out your journal because these scriptures and tips will create a breakthrough. This is the help and hope your heart needs.

Have you ever wondered…

- If God cares about your struggles with food and fitness?

- How to get your eating under control?

- Why it’s so hard to stay motivated?

- How to have a healthy body image?

- Why worldly fitness answers don’t work?

As our answer to fitness unfolds in this episode, we will see how Jesus cares about every detail of our lives—yes, even our fitness struggles. We’ll also learn that He gave us a helper, the Holy Spirit, why His plans for us are our greatest motivation, that we are fearfully and wonderfully made, and that the answers to our fitness issues are...

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How to Invite Jesus Into Your Fitness

This blog is part two of our Jesus Series and today we open our hearts, minds, and Bibles to learn from Jesus’ example in our fitness. This series is important for every Christian to know because we rely on the Word for help with our marriages, parenting, and finances, but what about our health, fitness, and wholeness?

Let’s dive in!

Give It All to God

Elisabeth Elliot’s quote captures this perfectly: “We cannot give our hearts to God and keep our bodies to ourselves.” 

Has this ever happened to you? You walk into your closet to get dressed, and as you try on outfits a conversation starts in your mind—thoughts like, I need to lose weight, I need to start working out more, I hope no one notices the weight I’ve gained. You find nothing seems to fit right, and it’s making you miserable. You frantically change a few times before finally settling on your go-to outfit for those days.

How many times have you promised to eat cleaner,...

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What Did Jesus Eat?



Have you ever wondered what Jesus ate? If you’re anything like me, you love any details you can learn about Him. I did some research and discovered some of the foods he most likely ate. 


Did you know food is mentioned 1207 times in the Bible? Here's what we can learn from Jesus about food.


I’ve got 7 points for you packed with tips, food lists, and help to heal your relationship with food and find your best health, God’s way! 

1. There is no diet in the Bible

As much as we may want God to tell us exactly what to eat, the truth is there isn’t a macro split or diet in the Bible. But we can still glean a lot of wisdom from it for our physical health as well as our spiritual, mental, and emotional health. For example, since God made our bodies the best fuel for them will be the foods He made

2. What did Jesus eat?

Have you ever wondered what Jesus ate? If you’re anything like me, you love any details you can...

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How to Eliminate Your Doubts and Why You Should

Doubt has been an area of struggle for me, so I understand this subject well. What about you, friend? Do you doubt, question, and find yourself being indecisive too? 

Think about what you’re doubting now and put that front and center as we dive into today’s show. It’s time to be an Overcomer in Christ.‌ I have a life-changing word for you today. Overcoming what I’m going to share today has helped me succeed at goals I never thought I could, I’m talking about doubt!

Doubt to Defeat

Did you know the devil uses your doubt to defeat you?

Let me jump in with the Word. Get out your Bible or write these scriptures down because they are exactly what you need to know when you doubt, question, or feel confused.

James 1:5-8, “If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him. But let him ask in faith, with no doubting, for he who doubts is like a wave of the sea driven and...

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How Jesus and Fitness Saved My Life with Chi Braley

 Jesus can heal your past

If you have a painful past or feel alone in your pain and need to know that Jesus can help you through it, this episode will give you a fresh hope and a renewed inspiration. I thought my guest, Chi Braley, and I were sitting down to talk about how fitness saved her life, but she shocked me when she started to share about the painful things Jesus helped her overcome in her past. 

Chi is the voice we need in this world for Jesus, because of Him, she is unashamed of her past and living in freedom.

Do you want to experience the healing power of God too?

In this episode, you’ll hear Chi’s story.

  1. She was raped and sex trafficked
  2. She found the ability to love and trust again
  3. She lost the baby she prayed for
  4. How she is dealing with a mystery diagnosis that almost killed her
  5. How fitness saved her life

I highly recommend watching or listening to this interview because a blog can’t capture the depth of this conversation. Hear...

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