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Trusting God in YOUR Season With Tess Augustine

faith Mar 02, 2021

Trusting God in YOUR Season with Tess Augustine

Press play above to listen or read the highlights below.

I recently had my dear friend, Tess Augustine on the Strong. Confident. His. Podcast and wow, was I blessed! Her positivity is infectious and she’s one of the most talented creatives  I know.

She’s a mom of six kids, a wife, a business owner, and has had her fair share of battles including: a miscarriage, postpartum depression, binge eating, restricting and body dysmorphia.

I loved interviewing her because she’s so real and she shares only to help. She could be going through the worst time but she’s right there to pick you up out of yours!

Tess and I shared so much that it’s impossible to do the conversation justice in a blog. Please listen to this one by pressing play above. You’ll hear all about Tess’ secret to life, her fitness journey, and the scripture that gets her through it all!

The Seasons of Life

God doesn't always take...

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Listen to THIS When You Want To Quit: 3 Step Power Thought Game Plan

faith Feb 23, 2021


Listen to THIS When You Want To Quit: 3 Step Power Thought Game Plan 

Press play above or read the blog version below.

This is your go-to message for when you want to give up and quit! Don’t do it, don’t let the enemy win! 

If you ever:

  • Start thinking, I’ve been working so hard, but I’m not seeing any results. What's the point?
  • Jump on social media and you see people who have the success you’ve been praying for and working on and it makes you compare yourself and feel small.
  • Question if it’s even God’s plan for you and you feel hopeless.

The enemy sure comes at us with degrading lies, doesn't he?

We all need what I’m going to share today…

This is real talk. Like straight from a note I keep on my iPhone! One night when I started to think these negative thoughts for no reason, the Holy Spirit quickly pointed it out and caught me before I spent days here.

I grabbed my phone and voice texted this to read...

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Behind The Scenes With My LOVE

faith Feb 12, 2021

Behind The Scenes With My LOVE

I'll share what we covered below, but this one's a MUST listen to! Press the Pink PLAY Button.

If you’re listening in real-time, it’s Valentine’s day, so Happy Valentine's Day!

In the spirit of love, I thought it would be fun to share my life, behind the scenes, and have my husband on the show, Bill Leto.

He’s my man of God, best friend, the man of my dreams, #1 supporter, and has believed in me and my crazy huge goals from the word go. 

He believes in me when no one else does!

Welcome my husband, Bill Leto, to the Strong. Confident. His. Podcast and Blog.

I posted a survey to find out what questions you would like us to answer and what you'd like to ask my husband.

Here are your top three:

  • How did you meet? And how did you know you were right for each other? 
  • What’s the secret to being together for 22 years!  
  • What do we not see or know about Kim? EEKKKK!!!

 Our Prayer for Marriages &...

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Do THIS instead of Diet

food Feb 02, 2021


Do THIS instead of Diet

Press play to listen above or read the highlights below.

Maybe today you’re about to give up on your health goals, maybe the struggle to get fit feels like a turtle stuck in peanut butter...funny, not funny or maybe you look in the mirror and barely recognize yourself.

If you’re ready to get passed this and want to start creating a healthy lifestyle with Jesus at the center of it all, you’re in the right place.

As a certified specialist in fitness nutrition, Jesus follower, and someone who’s been through a weightloss and complete body transformation, this WORKS. It’s helped 1000s of women all around the world, and now it’s your turn.

Today you’re going to learn Word-based answers, a proven framework, simple food exchanges, and steps you can start taking today!

Before I dive in, I have two important things I want to share with you.

  1. Will you pray for this message to be heard in the Church? In all my years...
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Introducing The Strong. Confident. His. Faith and Fitness Devotional

faith fitness Jan 26, 2021

Introducing The Strong. Confident. His. Faith and Fitness Devotional

Press PLAY above to join my virtual book launch party or

Get your copy HERE 

  • Ready to live healthy, happy, and whole?
  • Want to see a confident daughter of the King when you look in the mirror?
  • Need a daily reminder that you are chosen and set apart for such a time as this?

Sweet friend, the time is NOW! 

Don’t let another day go by living any less than who our Father created you to be!

THIS is the answer to help you gain control of your health, find body confidence, and step into your purpose.

SIsters today is a day of celebration!

My labor of love, sweat, and tears is here and I just can’t believe it!

You know I joke about doing a high kick and cartwheel in the Holy Spirit to celebrate, but I’m going to do it and put it on social media so you can come watch and get a good laugh. Be sure to check out my stories.

 The Strong. Confident. His. Faith & Fitness Devotional is...

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Hope & Healing for Your Heart When the Unthinkable Happens With Mindy Lawhorne

faith Jan 19, 2021

Hope & Healing for Your Heart When the Unthinkable Happens With Mindy Lawhorne

Press play above to listen to this brand new episode of the Strong. Confident. His. Podcast or read the highlights below.

Have you ever been through something so hard your faith was tested and you didn’t know if you would ever be the same again?

Maybe today you’re going through the struggle:

  • To get healthy and feel it’s impossible
  • Or maybe it’s infidelity
  • Of a divorce
  • Or even the loss of a loved one

Today we are going to find hope in the struggle and talk to someone who knows all about these things.

Before I dive in I have exciting news! God has opened a huge door. Guess what? My Faith Inspired Transformation, F.I.T. Workout Series is now streaming on Pure Flix. You can check it out, HERE.

  • So what do we do when we’ve failed on a fitness plan for what feels like the hundredth time?
  • What do we do when the unthinkable happens? 
  • How do we heal our hearts when they...
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Been Body Shamed, Judged, or Rejected?

fitness Jan 12, 2021

Been Body Shamed, Judged, or Rejected?

(Press play above to listen, or read below.)

  • Have you been body-shamed?
  • Do you feel judged for the way you look?
  • Are you hurt by legalism and rejection?

Do you wish you heard answers in the Church on how to get healthy and have a godly confident view of yourself?

There are millions of women who love Jesus searching for fitness and wholeness answers. They long to get rid of the weight, they don’t know how to deal with their ever-changing hormones, they want to have the energy and desire to workout, they want to look in the mirror and love who they see, they just want to feel good in their body, and they need help.

But the Church and Christian community and are silent when it comes to health, fitness, and body image answers. Why?

I’ve recently shared the...bring me to my knees... awesome gift God gave me with Pure Flix streaming my workout series Faith Inspired Transformation, F.I.T. 

But my story didn’t start that way...

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Faith, Fitness & Everything BUT the Kitchen Sink with Chalene Johnson

faith Jan 05, 2021

Faith, Fitness & Everything BUT the Kitchen Sink with Chalene Johnson

Listen above or here: Apple, Spotify

Watch the videoHere

We did a video podcast for fun, so please enjoy watching or listening above. 

Here's an idea of why you don't want to miss this episode:

  • Do you have fitness goals?
  • Do you want to start an online business?
  • Could you use a behind the scenes, candid look at the inner workings of what it takes to reach big goals?

Chalene Johnson joins me on this episode of the Strong. Confident. His. Podcast and we share it all, honestly. 

From Jesus to insecurity, to the messy road of success, and how you CAN do “that thing” God is calling you to! NOTHING was off the table.  

Our sole motivation is to help you...

About Chalene Johnson:

Chalene is a lifestyle and business expert, motivational speaker, author and New York Times best seller. She is currently a top-ranked podcaster with over 65 Million downloads. 

Chalene is...

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3 Scriptures to Pray Before You Eat

food Dec 22, 2020

3 Scriptures to Pray Before You Eat

(Press play above to listen to this Strong. Confident. His. Podcast, or read the blog version below.)

  • How should women of God approach food and dieting? 
  • What mindset should we bring to the table? 
  • What does the Bible say?

In this episode/blog, you’ll learn 3 Scriptures that will radically repair your relationship with food, how much you eat, address cravings, and help you enjoy food in a healthy, Honor God in your body way!

GOAL: Exchange failed diet plans for a spirit-led walk by making your health and fitness a journey with Jesus. You can count on Him to bring you the exact answer you need.

At the time of this recording/post, Christmas is in three days, so if you’re listening in real-time, Merry Christmas from my family to yours with so much love…

I want to take a moment and thank God for the ultimate gift and sacrifice - Jesus! I don’t know where my life would be without Him.

Before I dive in, I have to...

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God's Got THIS!

faith Dec 15, 2020

God’s Got THIS!

(Press play to listen to this Strong. Confident. His. Podcast or read the blog version below.)

Whatever you’re facing today, God knows the other side, and He’s Got This!

“And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.”

Today you will hear a living example of Romans 8:28.

This episode will give you fresh hope, reignite your motivation, and excite your prayer life.

I have a surprise about my guest today, and you’ll never guess what it is!

She went through some serious struggles, but God worked everything for her good. Her faith in the Lord is what brought her through.

And...I’m going to share something that I started doing that has changed my life, and it will change yours. You don’t want to miss it. It’s a game changer!

The Strong. Confident. His. Faith & Fitness Devotional will be out in just weeks. This is a limited edition, so...

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