Overcome 3 Mistakes Christians Make With Fitness

What Does The Bible Say About Fitness?

This is one of the most important blogs and episodes I’ve ever done because many Christians don't know what the Bible says about fitness.

I find it interesting that fitness is so separate from the Christian life, don't you? And I don’t think it’s an accident. 

Have ever wondered…

  • What does the Bible say about fitness? 
  • How do I make fitness Christian?
  • What if I’m a Christian and I don’t believe it’s biblical to take care of myself?

Today’s message is for you! I will give you scriptures and help you get answers that give you clarity, which creates peace and results in your life. I made a Freebie for you too! You can get it here, Get 25 Faith-Filled Quotes to Motivate Your Fitness!

Let’s dive in!

Does God Want You To Be Fit?

Okay let’s be honest, have you ever wondered deep down in your heart if God wants you to be fit, if is it okay to be fit, and what the Bible...

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Success Stories of How Real Women Lost Weight and Found Themselves in Christ

Hear Success Stories from real women who struggled to get fit, healthy, and find peace. From overcoming major health issues, to breaking strongholds with dieting, body image, and the thinking they were too old, or that fitness was not Christian. Their success will inspire and motivate you.

Fitness Can Feel So Lonely

Have you ever felt like no one understands what you’re going through when it comes to getting fit? Well, friend, this is going to show you that you are seen, heard, and known and certainly not alone.

One of the hardest things about fitness is that it can feel so lonely. And when you’re really trying to get healthy it can feel like every meal and every workout is just another thing you have to do alone and in your own willpower. But it doesn’t have to be that way.

These women found hope and answers in God through the Strong. Confident. His. Podcast and my books, Faith Inspired Transformation, The Strong. Confident. His. Faith and Fitness...

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The Jesus Series: 20 Practical Steps to Live Like Jesus for Your Best Health


Hey there fit sister in Christ, I’m so excited to share this message with you. Today I’m going to share why Jesus is the answer to your fitness, and not just your fitness but food struggles, and worth issues associated with fitness.

Get out your journal because these scriptures and tips will create a breakthrough. This is the help and hope your heart needs.

Have you ever wondered…

- If God cares about your struggles with food and fitness?

- How to get your eating under control?

- Why it’s so hard to stay motivated?

- How to have a healthy body image?

- Why worldly fitness answers don’t work?

As our answer to fitness unfolds in this episode, we will see how Jesus cares about every detail of our lives—yes, even our fitness struggles. We’ll also learn that He gave us a helper, the Holy Spirit, why His plans for us are our greatest motivation, that we are fearfully and wonderfully made, and that the answers to our fitness issues are...

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The BEST MOTIVATIONAL SPEECH: Failure is NOT Your Destiny!


Hey Sister,

One day, I was feeling really down, so I did a Google search on the best motivational speeches. I found a few that were great, but they were worldly. All hype, and no Jesus!

I know God had me go through this experience, so I could create the very thing I needed to hear that day. I prayed about what to say, and God blew me away with this. I'm so excited to share it with you. I pray it blesses you again and again. 

Promise me you'll listen. And share it. It's very important that you press that play button and that you save this page. You are not alone on your fitness journey, so refer back to this as often as you need it.

I'm here for you Sister, and in case you want to read the words I wrote, here they are. I typed them through Holy Spirit-filled tears! God is so good.

 The BEST MOTIVATIONAL SPEECH: Failure is NOT Your Destiny! by Kim Dolan Leto

There will be days you want to quit. 

When frustration overtakes you. 

And hopelessness...

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Announcing the New Fit God's Way Book and Website

Okay, heart to heart, Sister-friend,

I know how hard fitness can be, but I also know that fitness with God is the lasting answer you’ve been looking for.
I want you to succeed. 
In case no one has ever told you, Jesus chose you and He set you apart for such a time as this. This is your time, girl! No more settling for less than. It's GO time!
Yes! You can get fit and feel good in your body.

Today is all about the NEW! 

I'm so excited to share that I wrote a New Book, Fit God's Way!

 Fit God's Way Your Bible-Based Plan to Food, Fitness, and Wholeness

“Making fitness a Spirit-led lifestyle instead of a flesh-driven frustration project is the turning point of greatness,” And as you make this pivotal change, you discover a new hope because God can do a ‘new thing’ in your fitness.” 

This book is the daily plan every Christian woman has been missing!

"Fit God’s Way isn’t about achieving a look, it’s about...

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