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How to Overcome Fitness Anxiety (Yes, it’s a real thing!)

How to Overcome Fitness Anxiety (Yes, it’s a real thing!)

Press play to listen above or read the highlights below.

Ever feel overly self-conscious, awkward, or embarrassed when it comes to going to a fitness class or your gym? Do you feel anxious wondering what people will think of how you look? Do you ever feel anxious wondering if what you're eating and how your exercising is working?

Today we learn how to get free from anxious and fearful thoughts and steps we can take to overcome them through God's wisdom, peace, and strength.

Join me for day 20 of the Strong. Confident. His. Faith & Fitness Devotional challenge.

Feel free to join in with or without your devotional.

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Scriptures to steady your anxious thoughts:

“ Be anxious for nothing but in everything with prayer and supplication make your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”...

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How to Get Control Over Food

How to Get Control Over Food

Press play above to listen or read the highlights below.

  • Does food have more control over you than you want it to?
  • Do you struggle with finding balance?
  • Do you often feel like you’re “I’m full signal” is broken?

Today we learn how to find balance and control.

Join me for day 19 of the Strong. Confident. His. Faith & Fitness Devotional challenge.

Feel free to join in with or without your devotional.

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Scripture to empower you with God’s truth:

“ Be sober [well balanced and self-disciplined], be alert and cautious at all times. That enemy of yours, the devil, prowls around like a roaring lion [fiercely hungry], seeking someone to devour. 1 Peter 5:8 AMP

Prayer from day 19 of the Strong. Confident. His. Faith and Fitness Devotional

Dear God,

I don’t know how to deal with my emotions, and it causes me to turn to food and other unhealthy behaviors. I keep getting stuck in a...

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Here’s the POWER to Overcome What Derails Your Fitness Goals!

Here’s the POWER to Overcome What Derails Your Fitness Goals!

Press play above to listen to this episode or read the highlights below.

Did you know they are moments of each day or a habit you have that is derailing your fitness goals?

For example, these eight women share their triggers...do any of them sound like you?

I get so frustrated when I weigh myself. I want to quit.
I crash at 4:00 every afternoon and need sugar or caffeine, or
both, to keep me going.
Dressing room mirrors are evil and make me want to cry. Do I
really look like that?
My hormones make me eat so badly.
Looking at social media makes me feel like there is no point in
working out. I’ll never look like that!
I overthink everything to the point of not doing anything.
I let sideways glances and people’s comments throw me off
Why do I buy junk food? I know I’ll eat it, and then I’ll feel really bad about my choices.

Which of these triggers do you most relate to? Are there any other...

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Is THIS the Missing Piece of Your Fitness Success?

 Is THIS the Missing Piece of Your Fitness Success? 

Press play to listen above or read the highlights below. This episode discusses Day 17 of The Strong. Confident. His. Faith & Fitness Devotional

Do you need more support for your fitness journey?

Have you ever had an accountability partner or been one?

 Today we find that extra special something we need to cross the finish line of our goals through accountability for our fitness journey knowing that God chose us and set us apart for such a time as this.

Feel free to join in with or without your devotional. Get Your Copy Here

Prayer from day 17 of the Strong. Confident. His. Devotional 

Dear God,

Please forgive me for thinking I am of no use to others or that I can’t help anyone. I see this is a lie from the enemy. Put the person on my heart who desperately needs to know she can come to you with her struggle to get healthy, feel confident, and be at peace with the way you made her. Dress me...

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Jesus Can Unbreak Your Heart

Jesus Can Unbreak Your Heart

Press play to listen above or read the highlights below. This episode discusses Day 16 of The Strong. Confident. His. Faith & Fitness Devotional

Do you feel broken or has something in the past left your heart shattered?

Maybe today you’re hiding your brokenness: eating to comfort, numb, or sabotage your goals, not working out because you’ve lost hope, or even overcompensating and striving to attain goals to cover your brokenness.

Our brokenness is like a foot that keeps tripping us, and it can only be healed by the blood of Jesus Christ. 

Welcome to day 16 of the Strong. Confident. His. Faith & Fitness Devotional challenge today we are talking about brokenness and how it greatly affects our fitness and wholeness because we can’t answer spiritual problems with worldly answers.

Feel free to join in with or without your devotional.

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Prayer from day 16 of the Strong. Confident. His. Devotional


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3 Steps to Trade Exhausted for Empowered in HIS Strength

3 Steps to Trade Exhausted for Empowered in HIS Strength

Press play to listen above or read the highlights below. This episode discusses Day 15 of The Strong. Confident. His. Faith & Fitness Devotional

If your fitness journey exhausts and frustrates you, this 3 step battle plan is your answer.

Have you ever noticed in the world we have all the “how to” but no“ want to”? 

But God! With our hearts set on Him, He provides the “want to” and the power! 

Join me for day 15 of the Strong. Confident. His. Faith & Fitness Devotional Challenge to get FREE from this thinking!

 Today we trade our strength for His and learn a 3 Step Winning Strategy! 

 Feel free to listen with or without your devotional.

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A prayer to encourage you taken from day 15 of the Strong. Confident. His. Faith & Fitness Devotional 

Dear God,

I have nothing left. Why do I wait until I hit rock bottom to come to you?...

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Get FREE From the “All or Nothing” Fitness Trap!

Get FREE From the “All or Nothing” Fitness Trap! 

(Press play to listen above or read the highlights below. This episode discusses Day 14 of The Strong. Confident. His. Faith & Fitness Devotional)

•Do you have limiting beliefs that you can only eat certain things and only do specific workouts?

•Do you focus on what you’re doing wrong more than what you’re doing right?

•Do you long to have peace and wholeness in your fitness? 

Join me for day 14 of the Strong. Confident. His. Faith & Fitness Devotional Challenge to get FREE from this thinking!

Press play above or watch the video series, HERE. 

Feel free to join in with or without your devotional. If you'd like a copy, you can:

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Today we trade perfect for peace and focus on the do’s not the don’ts.

Join me to learn to trade the chaos of all or nothing thinking for a peace-filled Spirit-led lifestyle.

Prayer from Day 14 of the Strong....

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How to Stop Comparing and Start Celebrating

How to Stop Comparing and Start Celebrating

(Press play to listen above or read the highlights below. This episode discusses Day 13 of The Strong. Confident. His. Faith & Fitness Devotional)

Did you know the enemy uses comparison to steal away your ability to get fit and live with confidence?

On today's podcast episode we shift from intimidated to inspired, from comparison to content in Christ, and celebrate others and ourselves! 

Join me for day 13 of the Strong. Confident. His. Faith & Fitness Devotional.

Feel free to join in with or without your devotional. Get Your Copy Here

Scriptures to build your confidence:

Let everyone be sure that he is doing his very best, for then he will have the personal satisfaction of work well done and won’t need to compare himself with someone else. – Galatians 6:4 

So don’t lose your confidence, since it holds a great reward for you. – Hebrews 10:35 

Power Thought:

Why would you compare yourself...

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How to Overcome Approval Addiction

How to Overcome Approval Addiction

(Press play to listen above or read the highlights below. This episode discusses Day 12 of The Strong. Confident. His. Faith & Fitness Devotional)

Did you know approval addiction manifests itself in very sneaky ways like:

  • Over explaining/apologizing
  • Being afraid of rejection or what people think
  • Questioning if you’re good enough
  • Mirroring other people
  • Saying yes when you want to say no

 Sweet Friend, we can’t go where God is leading us caring what everyone else thinks. 

Today we learn to spot approval addiction, surrender it and get free. Press play above to listen. You don't want to miss this one.

Prayer from the Strong. Confident. His. Faith and Fitness Devotional

Dear God,

Strip away my pride and need for people’s approval, and let me serve you, placing no confidence in the fleshly things of this world. Give me the strength in the power of the Holy Spirit to see that I don’t need anyone’s...

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Girl, Put Your Workout on Your To-Do List!

Girl, Put Your Workout on Your To-Do List!

(Press play to listen above or read the highlights below. This episode discusses Day 11 of The Strong. Confident. His. Faith & Fitness Devotional)

  • Do you feel like you don’t have enough time to workout?
  • Do you mean to get a workout in, but it seems to get lost in your day?
  • How good would you feel if, at the end of your day, you got your workout in?

All too often women skip their workouts and put everything before their health. Learn how to get your workout in through faith with these Word-based solutions. 

Join me for Day 11, “Time to Move It, Move It, Girl!” From our Strong. Confident. His. Faith & Fitness Devotional.

Feel free to join in with or without your devotional.

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Prayer from the Strong. Confident. His. Faith & Fitness Devotional

Dear God,

Open my eyes to where I am not being the best steward of my body or my time. Help me find the workout you made my body to do and to enjoy....

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