Learn How to Transform your Diet Struggles into Peaceful Victories


Want to Transform your diet struggles into peaceful victories?

Today I will teach you how to embrace grace and freedom in Christ as you break free from diet culture's grip!

I know God is calling me to write this blog for you because every day I get emails, DMs, or comments on my posts with phrases like. 

- I struggle with self-control, no matter how hard I try I always mess up.

- I was doing so good and then I gained 40 pounds back so I’m on whatever diet plan again but it’s not working why?

- I’m promising to eat cleaner and try harder to work out and I’m praying God will help me.

- I’ve tried every diet and I‘m heavier than ever I’m at the end of my rope I just can’t do this anymore. I’m so sad about how I look.

- And why do I keep sabotaging myself?

Every time I read these comments they hurt my heart! Ladies, we are so deceived by diet culture.

2 Timothy 1:7 reminds us, "For God has not given us a spirit...

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What Did Jesus Eat?



Have you ever wondered what Jesus ate? If you’re anything like me, you love any details you can learn about Him. I did some research and discovered some of the foods he most likely ate. 


Did you know food is mentioned 1207 times in the Bible? Here's what we can learn from Jesus about food.


I’ve got 7 points for you packed with tips, food lists, and help to heal your relationship with food and find your best health, God’s way! 

1. There is no diet in the Bible

As much as we may want God to tell us exactly what to eat, the truth is there isn’t a macro split or diet in the Bible. But we can still glean a lot of wisdom from it for our physical health as well as our spiritual, mental, and emotional health. For example, since God made our bodies the best fuel for them will be the foods He made

2. What did Jesus eat?

Have you ever wondered what Jesus ate? If you’re anything like me, you love any details you can...

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