7 Bible Verses for Christian Weight Loss You NEED to Know!


You can lose weight. You can get healthy. You can do all things through Christ who strengthens you! These 7 Bible verses for Christian weight loss will help you lose weight, gain control over emotional eating, and transform your mind, heart, and body! And, they come with a POWER Thought to help you overcome where you are stuck!

In our daily walk with Christ, we are called to live a life of self-discipline and self-control, even in our eating habits. As Christian women, we have answers in the Bible about how to eat and find our greatest health. 

These 7 Scriptures and Power Statements will transform your eating habits!

1. Invite Jesus to Eat with You

I will open the door and invite Jesus to eat with me.

Revelation 3:20 says, "Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me." This beautiful promise reminds us to include Jesus in every aspect of our lives, including our...

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Hormonal Weight Gain, Metabolic Resistance, Ozempic, and More! Your Questions Answered by Dr. Wazny

Do you ever wish you had a doctor who could answer your questions? Well, today is your day! Join Dr. Wazny, and me as he answers questions about:

Hormones and Weight:

  • April asks for advice on hormonal health, eating, exercise, and weight loss for women over 40.
  • Wendy seeks recommendations for transitioning through perimenopause.
  • Lizelda wonders if menopausal symptoms can occur despite normal blood work.
  • K.C. inquires about checking for hormonal effects on weight gain and natural weight loss strategies, including foods and exercises to avoid due to cortisol.
  • Karie wants to know if it's possible to lose body fat and gain muscle post-menopause.


  • Nataliya seeks natural ways to improve sleep quality.


  • Wendy asks about the risks of not taking cholesterol-lowering medication and natural methods to lower cholesterol.
  • Sheila wonders if certain medications can raise cholesterol levels.

Heart Health Tests:

  • Amanda, concerned about her heart health, asks about...
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7 Powerful Strategies to Beat Hormonal Weight Gain

Sisters, I had a moment this week. It was like Jesus connected all the pieces of my fitness goals and my hormonal weight struggle. Everything clicked together, and I could see the clouds lift.

Today I’m going to share the things I learned and the conversation I had with a top integrative Doctor that made this happen.

 If this is your struggle, I want this clarity for you too!

Before you read another word, let’s pray.


Father God, Help reveal to my Sister what is keeping her from her best health and fitness. Give her clarity. Show her you are with her. God throughout the day, help her remember to stay connected to you. The answers to her problems and the consistency she needs are found in you, Don’t let her lose hope. Father do a new thing in her today, show her it isn’t over, and the best is yet to come.

In Jesus’ name, amen.

Okay, let’s dive in!

Why am I gaining weight so fast during perimenopause/menopause?

A few things are going...

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