22 Bible Verses Every Woman Needs to Control Her Emotions


In the last three years the world has really changed, right?! Anxiety is at an all-time high, but as Christians, we don’t need to worry and fear, we need to stand on the Word. It is our sword! It is what we fight with. 

What we believe affects the way we think, feel, and live. It’s very hard for us to act or feel better unless we believe better. Today, I want to share 22 scriptures to help us control our emotions and enable us to protect our mental,  emotional, and physical health.

Science and the Bible

I was at Church and the Pastor mentioned a recent study. I wish I knew the source, but it stated that when we talk about something stressful it activates a part of our brain that increases anxiety, but when we pray about it reduces anxiety. Science is catching up to the Bible. 

One of the reasons we feel our emotions is because we want to be in control, but if we’re honest we have no control. We don’t need to try to be in control, we...

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You Didn’t Miss It! God’s Best is Worth the Wait! With Wendy Griffith


If you’ve been praying for a husband and you feel like you’re getting older and losing hope, this is going to remind you that you still deserve the fairy tale. I recently had the pleasure of interviewing television personality and author Wendy Griffith and her story is filling women with hope!

I met Wendy when she interviewed me on The 700 Club and we’ve been friends ever since.

Wendy has a story of inspiration for women who are looking for a Godly husband. She was living her dream as an international reporter and news anchor for the Christian Broadcasting Network but the one thing she really wanted was to fall in love and get married, but it seemed life was passing her by.

Watch the full video of our chat here or click the image below!

Wendy shares about her new book, You Didn’t Miss It! God’s Best Is Worth the Wait! She is a trusted friend who has been there and wants to guide you through:

- How she found a godly man

- How to enjoy life...

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How to Eliminate Your Doubts and Why You Should

Doubt has been an area of struggle for me, so I understand this subject well. What about you, friend? Do you doubt, question, and find yourself being indecisive too? 

Think about what you’re doubting now and put that front and center as we dive into today’s show. It’s time to be an Overcomer in Christ.‌ I have a life-changing word for you today. Overcoming what I’m going to share today has helped me succeed at goals I never thought I could, I’m talking about doubt!

Doubt to Defeat

Did you know the devil uses your doubt to defeat you?

Let me jump in with the Word. Get out your Bible or write these scriptures down because they are exactly what you need to know when you doubt, question, or feel confused.

James 1:5-8, “If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him. But let him ask in faith, with no doubting, for he who doubts is like a wave of the sea driven and...

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How to be Consistent with Healthy Eating, Working Out, and Staying Motivated: 5 Steps to Overcome Quitting!

Ever wonder why being consistent with your food, workouts, and motivation is SO hard?

This blog will give you the reasons why and 5 things you can do to that work!

I want to introduce you to Christine because her problem is many of our problems, but she beat it in the Lord.

She came to me because she couldn’t stick to her goals. She would do really well for a couple of weeks, but then she would quit. She asked me to help her understand why she kept quitting. I asked Christine if she had ever made God the God of her fitness goals. She laughed and said, “What do you mean? He doesn’t care about the forty pounds I need to lose.” As we spoke, Christine started to cry and said, “I did this to myself. I did this to my body. Why would God want to help me, and how could He help me?”

Maybe today you feel like Christine. You’ve started and stopped your fitness goals more times than you can count—but you really want to see them through.

If you...

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50 Powerful Christian Quotes to Inspire Your Fitness Every Day!

Hey Sister, Today, I’m getting personal and opening up the pages of my messy tea-stained journal to share the priceless words God has given me to encourage myself to get motivated, be consistent, and show up when I have nothing left.

Download your copy of "50 Powerful Christian Quotes to Inspire Your Fitness Every Day!" Just tap on the picture below.

Having a powerful Godly quote to read in a time of need can be exactly what you need to take a hopeless moment and transform it into a Thank You God, I see you working kind of transition! He renews our minds when we reset our focus! 

Here’s something you may not know about me, I love writing, and my mind is always putting words together. What’s funny is God always gives me quotes when I’m working out. There’s something about moving my body and listening to Christian music that really brings on creativity. I believe so much that Jesus is right there waiting on us to say, I need you, so let’s...

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Girl, I just want to pray over your fitness goals!

 You are on my heart today! I know the battle to get healthy is hard and you’re facing things today that you think no one understands, but Jesus does. I want to remind you of that today, and help you get free and on the right track in Him today!

I want to quickly say that I’m right there with you sister, and I understand the struggle too. I’m trying to make every food choice a God-made one, and I’m faced daily with the same choices you are. To work out or put it off. To look in the mirror and see a fearfully and wonderfully made woman of God or someone I don’t want to be. We are on this battleship together, it is not a cruise ship, so let’s get powered up and prayed up for the day.

My prayer for you.

Dear God,

I pray over my sister today that she would know you are there to take her pain, her hidden hurts, and you can help her with the habits that keep her from your best. Father, the world is so loud and the journey to be fit is hard....

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