Hormonal Weight Gain, Metabolic Resistance, Ozempic, and More! Your Questions Answered by Dr. Wazny

Do you ever wish you had a doctor who could answer your questions? Well, today is your day! Join Dr. Wazny, and me as he answers questions about:

Hormones and Weight:

  • April asks for advice on hormonal health, eating, exercise, and weight loss for women over 40.
  • Wendy seeks recommendations for transitioning through perimenopause.
  • Lizelda wonders if menopausal symptoms can occur despite normal blood work.
  • K.C. inquires about checking for hormonal effects on weight gain and natural weight loss strategies, including foods and exercises to avoid due to cortisol.
  • Karie wants to know if it's possible to lose body fat and gain muscle post-menopause.


  • Nataliya seeks natural ways to improve sleep quality.


  • Wendy asks about the risks of not taking cholesterol-lowering medication and natural methods to lower cholesterol.
  • Sheila wonders if certain medications can raise cholesterol levels.

Heart Health Tests:

  • Amanda, concerned about her heart health, asks about...
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These Scriptures Will Help You Lose Weight


Learn scriptures to help you lose weight for good on this episode of The Strong. Confident. His. Podcast! You don’t need another quick-fix diet to lose weight and get fit, what you need is Jesus and these scriptures I’m about to share.

I know firsthand how the emotional roller coaster of losing weight and getting fit can feel like you’ve tried everything and nothing works, but today I’m serving up the answer. And it comes with a Freebie: Get 50 Powerful Quotes to Inspire Your Fitness Every Day!

Take out your Bible and a journal or open a note on your phone and write down these key points and Scriptures. God wants to be the centerpiece of every detail of your life, including your health.

Spot The Trap: Food And Fitness Are A Spiritual Battle.

“But I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh. For the desires of the flesh are against the Spirit, and the desires of the Spirit are against the flesh, for these are...

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Unveiling The Truth About Our Marriage

My Husband Bill Leto and I Met 25 Years Ago

Don’t you love a sneak peek into someone’s real life? Me too! Well on this episode my husband, Bill Leto, and I are peeling back the curtain and inviting you into our personal lives. It’s about to get real and kind of embarrassing, but it’s all for God’s glory. 

In this new episode of The Strong. Confident. His. Podcast, we share the not-so-perfect truths about us and how God brought us together.

This episode is one you need to listen to. Press that play button above.

Whether you’re single or married, this will bless you. 

Here is a small sample of the things we chatted about: 

  • If you’re single, hear how we met. Hint he was on a date with someone else!
  • If you went through a divorce, and think you’ll never find someone again, you will be inspired by my husband’s story.
  • If you want your husband to go to church, hear how Bill’s heart changed for God.
  • If you...
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Fit God's Way Small Group Leader Course: Available Now!

Do you want to help women learn how to invite God into their fitness? Is faith and fitness and Christian health and fitness something you feel called to do? I have a special announcement, The Fit God Way Small Group Leader Guide and Video Lessons are Available Now, Click Here!

The Fit God’s Way Small Group Leader Guide and Video Course will equip you with everything you need to know to lead your group with confidence, or should I say Godfidence! 

Here’s what’s included:

  • A Step-by-Step Fit God’s Way Downloadable Leader Guide

  • 5 Fit God’s Way Video Lessons to Address All of Your Questions and Concerns.

  • Small Group Leader Prayer and Scriptures to Fuel Your Confidence.

Will you answer the call God put on your heart? The dream you have to lead a small group, or to add faith to your existing fitness class.‌ Is that you, friend?

Fitness is something we don’t hear enough about in Church and I hope with your help we can change that.


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Success Stories of How Real Women Lost Weight and Found Themselves in Christ

Hear Success Stories from real women who struggled to get fit, healthy, and find peace. From overcoming major health issues, to breaking strongholds with dieting, body image, and the thinking they were too old, or that fitness was not Christian. Their success will inspire and motivate you.

Fitness Can Feel So Lonely

Have you ever felt like no one understands what you’re going through when it comes to getting fit? Well, friend, this is going to show you that you are seen, heard, and known and certainly not alone.

One of the hardest things about fitness is that it can feel so lonely. And when you’re really trying to get healthy it can feel like every meal and every workout is just another thing you have to do alone and in your own willpower. But it doesn’t have to be that way.

These women found hope and answers in God through the Strong. Confident. His. Podcast and my books, Faith Inspired Transformation, The Strong. Confident. His. Faith and Fitness...

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Should Christian Women Wear Makeup, Get Botox, or Want to Be Fit? Let’s Talk Legalism vs. Freedom in Christ!

Do you ever feel judged for how you look, wear your makeup, dress, or for your goals to be fit as a Christian woman? It hurts, right?! If legalism is new to you, I’m blessed to have the opportunity to show you the difference between a relationship with Jesus and a list of man-made religious rules.

Hear my heart. I have lived under much scrutiny trying to bring a message of faith and fitness into the world, so if you have been hurt by this too I want you to know the truth and freedom of Jesus.

Although we have never met, I’m certain I’m not alone in the intense desire to know what God says about these things, so  I’m going there today.  We are talking about Legalism in this Jesus Glow series because nothing will steal your light like a bunch of man-made rules and judgments.

Prefer Videos? Watch the Live Taping Below


3 Ways Legalism is Stealing Your Light

1. Legalism says that Salvation isn’t enough, you have to earn it.

This is...

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The First Step to Fitness Success

 My Before and After

I know someone else needs to hear this. I'm praying as I'm typing that it will help you and you won't give up on your health and fitness goals.

It's hard for me to be vulnerable and share my before photo. To be honest, I don't have many old photos because I threw them away. I was horrified by pictures back then. 

This picture on the left is me before God. I was only 25. I had never worked out consistently, didn't know how to eat healthy, and I was miserable in my skin.

All I knew was dieting. That's what the world taught me. My weight went up and down and so did my worth.

But God! He met me in my pain and He helped me, so as your sister in Christ,  I'm going to share the first step that I took that changed everything. I made you a helpful guide that lays out the steps. Download it here. 

My Before. Without God in my fitness:

  • I was taught dieting was how you get healthy
  • I relied on willpower and self-confidence
  • My weight went up...
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Learn the Promises of God to be a Fit New You in 2024


You might think you have tried everything to get fit, but have you tried this? Join me to learn how God’s promises hold the answer for you. 

  • This will teach you the promises of God and show you how they are the answers you've been missing.
  • Did you know God is seeking an encounter with you?
  • He wants you to turn to Him and rely on Him.

It’s in His grace that you can let go of your past attempts at getting fit and begin again, and become new in Him.

I  know God has a word for you in this new message that could transform your life. I can’t wait for you to hear it, because I know this is going to encourage you, strengthen you, and it could free you from what has kept you down. 

Here’s our foundational scripture

“Do not remember the former things, Nor consider the things of old. Behold, I will do a new thing, Now it shall spring forth; Shall you not know it? I will even make a road in the wilderness And rivers in the desert."...

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Could A Past Trauma Be Blocking Your Fitness Goals? With Alisa Keeton

Do you sometimes feel as though your body is a problem to solve? Discover how to make it part of the solution instead. Alisa Keeton poses and answers this question on today’s episode. Alisa is an accomplished Author, Speaker, and the Founder of Revelation Wellness. Join us as we dive into the transformative power of faith in our healing and cover these topics:

  • Understanding Pain and Trauma:

Alisa explains how pain affects our health, emphasizing the impact of past trauma on our well-being.

  • Healing Partnership with the Body:

 Alisa explores the concept of partnering with our bodies to facilitate healing, encouraging a holistic approach to wellness.

 Watch the Live Taping of our conversation below!

  • Mending the Mind-Body-Soul Connection:

The importance of mending the broken connection between mind, body, and soul is discussed, highlighting the interconnectedness of these elements in our overall health.

  • 6 Steps to Metabolize Pain:

Alisa shares practical...

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Looking Back to See How God Is Always Working

Feeling like you're never going to reach your goals, feeling the weight of unanswered prayers, or questioning your calling? This is for you! As a sister in faith, I want to inspire and motivate you to recognize that your dreams are not impossible with God. Please listen above or scroll down to watch the Live Taping.

I was praying about how to end the 2023 Strong. Confident His. Podcast Season. It took a moment of pause and reflection to see God’s undeniable hand over every minute of 2023.

What unfolded were remarkable moments of God's grace, guiding every minute of the past 12 months. As I share my experiences, you'll witness how walking in faith, even in the face of doubts, led to incredible outcomes.

I'm not one to boast, but I feel compelled to acknowledge the divine support that carried me through 2023. Battling feelings of who me, being too old, or the thinking that it's too late, I chose to turn away from the devil's lies and follow the path laid out by Jesus....

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