What Did Jesus Eat?



Have you ever wondered what Jesus ate? If you’re anything like me, you love any details you can learn about Him. I did some research and discovered some of the foods he most likely ate. 


Did you know food is mentioned 1207 times in the Bible? Here's what we can learn from Jesus about food.


I’ve got 7 points for you packed with tips, food lists, and help to heal your relationship with food and find your best health, God’s way! 

1. There is no diet in the Bible

As much as we may want God to tell us exactly what to eat, the truth is there isn’t a macro split or diet in the Bible. But we can still glean a lot of wisdom from it for our physical health as well as our spiritual, mental, and emotional health. For example, since God made our bodies the best fuel for them will be the foods He made

2. What did Jesus eat?

Have you ever wondered what Jesus ate? If you’re anything like me, you love any details you can...

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Get Rid of These 5 Fitness Success Stealers

In this episode, you’ll gain a clear understanding of how to get rid of the top 5 Fitness Success Stealers. You’ll learn 5 steps that will help you move from the struggle to success and a challenge that will empower you.

I have a word for you in this message that could create a breakthrough right where you are struggling! In fact, I have complete faith that it will!

Prefer videos? Watch this episode.


You are not alone if you struggle 

I posted this question in my fit sister in Christ group,” What do you know you need to get rid of that is blocking your fitness goals?

 The answers were honest, and I bet there are some you can relate to; 

  • Self-sabotage
  • Stress
  • Sneaking food
  • Sugar, empty calories
  • Self-esteem

 And here’s a comment from that post that is worth highlighting because the enemy attacks us by trying to look like we used to.

“My preconceived ideas of what “fit” must look like. I’ve had to learn that...

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Announcing the New Fit God's Way Book and Website

Okay, heart to heart, Sister-friend,

I know how hard fitness can be, but I also know that fitness with God is the lasting answer you’ve been looking for.
I want you to succeed. 
In case no one has ever told you, Jesus chose you and He set you apart for such a time as this. This is your time, girl! No more settling for less than. It's GO time!
Yes! You can get fit and feel good in your body.

Today is all about the NEW! 

I'm so excited to share that I wrote a New Book, Fit God's Way!

 Fit God's Way Your Bible-Based Plan to Food, Fitness, and Wholeness

“Making fitness a Spirit-led lifestyle instead of a flesh-driven frustration project is the turning point of greatness,” And as you make this pivotal change, you discover a new hope because God can do a ‘new thing’ in your fitness.” 

This book is the daily plan every Christian woman has been missing!

"Fit God’s Way isn’t about achieving a look, it’s about...

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Coaching Session Q & A Part 2

Welcome to Part 2 of the Coaching Q & A Session! You submitted your questions to me, and I am answering them here today. Although I’m pointing to answers, I want to always first point straight to God because He is our answer to everything!

If you are not a part of my online community, I highly encourage you to join us! We talk about all things faith, fitness, womanhood, food, and all of the above!! Join us here!

If you’re experiencing any of these: hormones, cravings, hopelessness, age-related weight gain, lack of desire to workout, wondering how to get your abs back after baby, wanting to know what my favorite God-made meals are, my thoughts on intermittent fasting, finding joy, or what to do when you feel alone and lack confidence, buckle up because I’m pouring and praying it out today!

This blog format will be a little different than usual because I really want to focus on answering your questions fully! Let’s dive in! 

What do you do when...

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Coaching Session Q & A Part 1

Today I’m answering your questions! You submitted your questions to me, and I am answering them here today. Although I’m pointing to answers, I want to always first point straight to God because He is our answer to everything!

If you are not a part of my online community, I highly encourage you to join us! We talk all things faith, fitness, womanhood, food, and all of the above!! Join us here!

If you’re experiencing any of these: hormones, cravings, hopelessness, age-related weight gain, lack of desire to workout, wondering how to get your abs back after baby, wanting to know what my favorite God-made meals are, my thoughts on intermittent fasting, finding joy, or what to do when you feel alone and lack confidence, buckle up because I’m pouring and praying it out today!

This blog format will be a little different than usual because I really want to focus on answering your questions fully! Let’s dive in!

How do you avoid screwing everything up each time...

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What I Do Every Day To Stay Mentally, Physically And Emotionally Healthy, Stay Focused, And Accomplish God’s Plan For Me

"A day in the life" sounded a bit indulgent, but I recently did a survey on my Instagram, and it was one of the most requested topics. I heard things like, Kim take us behind the scenes, how do you do what you do, how do you juggle it all, how do you work out and work and stay focused, eat healthily, and stay on track… I also heard comments like I want to tag along with you for a week and learn. So, I’m welcoming you on over, come on in and share a day with me and then I’ll wrap up with the big takeaways, the tips you can take and put into your day that took my years to learn!

I know what it’s like to live without order, without a plan, without structure, and by my emotions, and it taught me everything I know because it never worked, it can’t. The chaos showed me why God desires order, and He desires that for you too, friend. 

Topics I’m going to cover today include focus, creating work blocks, morning and evening routines, having a daily...

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How to Balance Mom Life with God-Sized Goals & Finding Success

I recently had Glenda Alvarez on my podcast, The Strong. Confident. His. Podcast, and I’m so excited to share how God works and the story of how we connected.

Glenda is a wife, mother, and entrepreneur. She is the founder of Ella Asciende, a faith-based organization whose focus is to equip women with the truth of God's Word through conferences, online Bible studies, and practical tools and resources. 

We chatted about everything from family to goals, and today I want to share the wisdom she shared we me: How to Balance Mom Life with God-Sized Goals & Finding Success!

How I Met Glenda

Sisters, do you ever look at someone and think, wow, how does she do what she does? How does she run a business with kids, how does she show up on social media so consistently, how did she get started, what keeps her motivated, how does she balance all of this, and still takes care of herself?

Glenda is very successful and has a lot of knowledge to share about being a busy wife mom and...

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Why Is It Taking So Long To Reach My Fitness Goals?

 Do you ever feel like you’re doing everything right, but you’re not getting the result you want? Like you’re praying for answers, and they are not coming? What are you supposed to do when you’re working on your goals, but you do not see the results you’re hoping for how are you supposed to keep going?

Here’s what’s going on…

When You’re Working On Your Goals, God Is Working On You

God is working on you and He’s checking your heart motives. While we are focused on the goal, the numbers, and often are body parts, He is looking for our motives to be Godly, not fleshly.

Works of the flesh don’t work. They are weak, frustrating, and fleeting at best.

This is a good rule of thumb. When you’re working you’re little heart out, and nothing's working, you’re in the flesh. Oh, how I feel this, sometimes in the middle of my day I’ll stop and be like, Oh Lord, yep that’s me, not You! Let me...

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Fitness Inspo That Works! Godly Quotes that Motivate & Inspire

faith fitness food motivation Feb 22, 2022

 Listen above, or read below, and get your free gift of quotes, here.

Hey Fit sister friend! Do quotes motivate you? They really motivate me. For as long as I can remember, I’ve collected quotes. Have you ever noticed how within those few words, we can shift our mindsets?

One of the workout classes I go to has a screen that flashes quotes. For the last few weeks, every time I read one of these quotes, the Holy Spirit gives me a spin on it. They have been motivating me, and they will power your workout in a whole new way. I want to give you everything God has given me in hopes that it helps you too!

They can be the difference that turns your day around, gets you back on track, and fuels your motivation when you need it most.

Motivational Quotes with a Faith Spin

I want to make sure you know that I’m not saying that some of the worldly fitness quotes are bad, but the one thing that stands out is that God isn’t a part of them. He is our truest power source, so...

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My Hot MESS of a Hormone Journey


Press the pink play button above to listen to this episode on the Strong. Confident. His. Podcast and don't forget to follow and share it with a friend.

Today is a woman-to-woman girl chat! Grab a cup of coffee and join me as I overshare about my journey through perimenopause and into menopause.

Here's what I'll cover:

  • Feeling unlike yourself...could it be perimenopause or menopause?
  • Insomnia, hot flashes, weight gain, anxiety, depression, ugh!
  • Hormones making you feel like you're going to lose it? 
  • Feeling very really alone, and like no one gets it or cares?
  • Wonder how long it takes to feel better and when it's going to end?

I have gotten hundreds of emails asking for me to share my hormone journey. I wish someone would have told me the things that I'm going to share with you today. Although every woman's hormone journey is different, and I'm not a doctor, it feels good to know that you're not alone!

Let’s dive in.

What Perimenopause Looked Like For Me

Did you...

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