The Jesus Series: 20 Practical Steps to Live Like Jesus for Your Best Health


Hey there fit sister in Christ, I’m so excited to share this message with you. Today I’m going to share why Jesus is the answer to your fitness, and not just your fitness but food struggles, and worth issues associated with fitness.

Get out your journal because these scriptures and tips will create a breakthrough. This is the help and hope your heart needs.

Have you ever wondered…

- If God cares about your struggles with food and fitness?

- How to get your eating under control?

- Why it’s so hard to stay motivated?

- How to have a healthy body image?

- Why worldly fitness answers don’t work?

As our answer to fitness unfolds in this episode, we will see how Jesus cares about every detail of our lives—yes, even our fitness struggles. We’ll also learn that He gave us a helper, the Holy Spirit, why His plans for us are our greatest motivation, that we are fearfully and wonderfully made, and that the answers to our fitness issues are...

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How to Invite Jesus Into Your Fitness

This blog is part two of our Jesus Series and today we open our hearts, minds, and Bibles to learn from Jesus’ example in our fitness. This series is important for every Christian to know because we rely on the Word for help with our marriages, parenting, and finances, but what about our health, fitness, and wholeness?

Let’s dive in!

Give It All to God

Elisabeth Elliot’s quote captures this perfectly: “We cannot give our hearts to God and keep our bodies to ourselves.” 

Has this ever happened to you? You walk into your closet to get dressed, and as you try on outfits a conversation starts in your mind—thoughts like, I need to lose weight, I need to start working out more, I hope no one notices the weight I’ve gained. You find nothing seems to fit right, and it’s making you miserable. You frantically change a few times before finally settling on your go-to outfit for those days.

How many times have you promised to eat cleaner,...

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