Girl, I just want to pray over your fitness goals!

 You are on my heart today! I know the battle to get healthy is hard and you’re facing things today that you think no one understands, but Jesus does. I want to remind you of that today, and help you get free and on the right track in Him today!

I want to quickly say that I’m right there with you sister, and I understand the struggle too. I’m trying to make every food choice a God-made one, and I’m faced daily with the same choices you are. To work out or put it off. To look in the mirror and see a fearfully and wonderfully made woman of God or someone I don’t want to be. We are on this battleship together, it is not a cruise ship, so let’s get powered up and prayed up for the day.

My prayer for you.

Dear God,

I pray over my sister today that she would know you are there to take her pain, her hidden hurts, and you can help her with the habits that keep her from your best. Father, the world is so loud and the journey to be fit is hard....

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How to Motivate Yourself to Workout

Have you ever just felt like not working out? You would rather fold laundry than a single lunge. Sister I have been there! But I have a few secret weapons of motivation up my sleeve to get me out of that rut and into the gym. Today I am going to share them with you!

Let’s dive right in!

The Word

Our first stop is the WORD!

“She dresses herself with strength and makes her arms strong.” (Proverbs 31:17 ESV)

“For the Lord gives wisdom; From His mouth come knowledge and understanding;” (Proverbs 2:6 NKJV)

I want you to challenge yourself to transform your workout motivation! Don’t start the conversation with yourself, well I don’t have time today, I don’t really feel like it. Stop it by saying ay aloud, “Jesus, help me take care of my body!”

Spot the Traps

The devil will talk you out of working out with thoughts like you’re never going to look like you used to, it’s not working look at you you’ve been working...

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Sneak Peek at My New Book, Fit God's Way

Today I am inviting you to come behind the scenes with me and take a look at the inner workings of my new book Fit God's Way. I'm going to share the good, the bad, and the ugly and some sister secrets here today. I want you to walk away with value and something that can help you right now that is always my goal.

When I look back at how this new book came to be, I see how God made the impossible, possible.

I felt really called to open up about this process, the rejection, the hard work, the success, and as I prayed, I heard the Holy Spirit say it's in God's timing, your faithfulness, and relying on Him to finish strong. I want to share the truth, the reality of all the hard work, the stuff you don't see when you look at a book cover.

I think sometimes we see the end result and we don't see the middle so today we're talking about the middle spaces where we give up and quit.

Okay, so I want to share the truth and the reality and how it doesn't look like what we think it looks like. So...

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Overcoming Trauma with Rachel Elizabeth Murray

I had the best conversation with a true woman of God! Her name is Rachel Elizabeth Murray. She's a personal trainer and a competition coach. If you've ever been through trauma, need healing, or if you've been hiding your pain with fitness goals keep reading!

The healthiest industry isn't getting any healthier. But why? Rachel’s theory makes so much sense and she shared it will me! It's neglecting the source of health and fitness. The truth is, looks can be deceiving. You can look super healthy, even super hot while burying trauma disorders and spiritual atrophy. Let’s dive into my conversation with Rachel Elizebeth!

Can you tell us where or what trauma you mentioned on your website that jumpstarted this belief that the industry isn’t getting healthier?

“I experienced sexual abuse in college, and the only thing I knew to turn to was running as some form of fitness because I had grown up in sports that became very destructive. And I mean, destructive...

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Tips for God-Made Meal Planning, Grocery Shopping & Kitchen Organization

As a busy wife, mama, and entrepreneur I know how difficult it can be to eat God-Made if you don’t know how to shop God-Made. So today, I am giving you my best tips for shopping, meal planning, and organizing God’s way! This is going to be such a game-changer for you, I can’t wait any longer. Let’s dive in!

I made a freebie for you with tips and recipes, so make sure to download it at

God’s Principle

Before we get into all these tips about shopping, meal planning, and how to give your kitchen a makeover to help you with your health and fitness goals, I want to share that God has given us a principle in His word that we must follow when it comes to food.

We know the world is full of diets and tricks and has created a flesh-driven mindset around fitness, but I teach a Spirit-led lifestyle. The founding principles of Eating God-made and living this Fit God’s Way lifestyle are centered on this scripture:

“Do not be...

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When Will I Feel Like I'm Enough?

Have you ever had this thought…When will I feel like I'm enough? It's a gut punch. Let's be real, right? We all have that. 

So this morning, I was praying, and I was asking God, Lord help me. How can I make this a message? What do I need to say to my sisters to help them through this? How can I help myself? This is a place we all struggle with. And he brought the woman at the well to mind. 

Friend, have you ever really like dug into all the layers and all the context and all the meaning behind that? If not, don’t worry! I'm going to unpack all of this today with you. Because her story teaches us about worth and feeling enough. Let’s dive in!

Are you striving for your enoughness?

Apart from God, are you getting your fulfillment from how many people follow you on social media? How cute you look today in your outfit? There's no judgment here.I have felt like both of these. So I just want to make sure you know, I'm talking from experience.

I want to help...

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Your Mountain is no Match For God, Keep Climbing with Kelley Tyan


I bet today you might be facing something that feels bigger than you and you could use this faith-filled reminder. “The Best View Comes After the Hardest Climb.”  This New Episode will inspire you to keep putting one front in front of the other in Christ.

God often uses our pain to push us forward, and we will never become who He made us to be if we don’t keep climbing.

Kelley Tyan knows a lot about this. Her Mom had health issues all her life and ended up passing away, but it was HER FAITH that taught Kelley that the “The Best View Comes After the Hardest Climb.”

Kelley joins me on the Strong. Confident. His. Podcast to share how she kept climbing even after the death of her Mom, facing breast cancer, and leading women to live fit through faith with Jesus at the center of it all.

Listen above and stay on your climb, speak to that mountain girl, God’s got this!

Here are the highlights of our time together:

Addicted to the Climb


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How to Reign Over Your Life through Christ with Courtney Dawn Shaw

You know those issues we don't often hear about in church topics like suicide, depression, eating disorders, low self-esteem, domestic violence, generational curses, and toxic relationships? I recently interviewed the amazing Courtney Dawn Shaw, and she has dealt with all of these issues, sisters. She is married to her best friend Jeffrey, and she is the mom of Kingston and Carrington. (Don't you love those names?!) She is an author, speaker, health advocate, spokesperson, and TV and radio host of the Authentic Living Show and the 2014 and 2015, Mrs. Florida America. She is a longtime health advocate and member of the President's Council on sports, fitness, and nutrition.

Prepare to be blessed, sister!! Let’s dive in!

I want to start with one question about your book, New Dawn, New Day, New Reign? Why reign? How did God give you that title?

“I get asked that a lot. I began my Christian walk as a young teen and really surrendered, and those were some of the darkest years...

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Own Your Worth in Christ with Cynthia Garrett

Need to tear down any walls of insecurity, fear, or approval addiction? God wants you to own your worth and claim your space!

Today's new episode and blog, will set you free and have you laughing!

 I recently had the pleasure of interviewing the amazing Cynthia Garret! Cynthia is a Long-time U.S. television personality who broke barriers when she became the first African-American woman in the USA to host a network late-night show, NBC’s LATER With Cynthia Garrett. Regularly seen on FOX News’ The Ingraham Angle, starring Laura Ingraham, as well as other Political News Channels, Cynthia currently hosts The Sessions with Cynthia Garrett, airing weekly on TBN and GIRL CLUB streaming on multiple platforms, including her own CGM TV YouTube Channel. 

 She’s an ordained minister and is a highly sought-after speaker domestically and internationally. Having graduated from the USC Gould School of Law, she holds a J.D. and a certificate in comparative law from...

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How To Hear From God, Today!

faith success Apr 26, 2022

Have you ever needed God to answer a prayer or wondered what you need to do to hear from Him? How do we hear from God? How do we know what God wants us to do when we need answers? Today I am giving you three things you can start doing now to be more open to hearing from Christ. 

Read His Word

Did you know the Bible is the best-selling book of all time? According to the Guinness Book of World Records, it has sold over 5 billion copies!

If you want to know what God’s instructions are, what He wants you to do, to think and ask for, you will find it in the Bible. So often we think we aren’t hearing from God but it’s often because we aren’t reading His word and we don’t study it. Of course, there are times when God seems silent, but in our faithfulness, He is working behind the scenes as Romans 8:28 tells us, “And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.”


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