Kim Dolan Leto-About

Has anyone ever told you that you can come to God with your struggle to get healthy, workout out, and even have body confidence? You Can

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Kim Dolan Leto-About

How I went from being overweight and insecure to helping thousands of women create a strong, confident, Christ-focused fit life.

Before countless fitness magazine covers, published articles, and competitions...

Before the best-selling, internationally-sold Christian fitness book and workout series...

Before coaching Christian women to gain confidence by seeing themselves through the eyes of Christ and making God their source of strength with fitness and food… there was a girl who felt it was too late, she was too old and deep down, questioned her worth.

Overwhelmed by all of the dieting and workout advice, but desperate to lose weight and get fit, I relied on my faith, took the first step, and went all in.

Fitness Modeling, Unworthiness & A Scale That Wouldn’t Budge…

My weight and worth were always been a place of struggle

Second-guessing, self-doubt and self-sabotage tripped me daily.

While I loved Jesus, I never invited Him on my desperate journey to lose weight and find control. Trying different diets, comparing myself to the models in the fitness magazines and asking for opinions lead to deep feelings of “not good enough!”

Signing up to do a fitness competition was the goal I thought I needed, but it felt like a giant cloud looming over me daily with a crippling sense of not enoughness.

Kim Dolan Leto-Before-after

Gymnastics experience… nope.

Modeling experience… nope.

Dance experience… nope.

Over 30 and *ahem* 40… yes!

Fitness competition… are you sure?

Cue the laughter, right? Wrong! 

One fall Sunday at church, as the worship music played, I sobbed. 

Desperate tears poured out to God to help me find control, feel good in my skin and tackle my outrageous fitness dream.

He showed me how… I needed to fully surrender it all to Him!

So I took a stand in Christ and vowed to do this fitness thing completely different from the world.

With each small win, Jesus fueled my fire. In Christ, I’d finally found the way.

I learned: 

  • In Jesus, I am ENOUGH, NOW! Not when I get to my goal weight.
  • How God must be first, IN ALL THINGS – including eating, exercising and how I see my body.
  • How to eat the right foods, in the right amount and for the right reasons.
  • To lose weight and keep it off FOR GOOD.
  • That I am UNIQUELY GOD-MADE, and everyone has a different shape and size, each to be celebrated, but never compared.
  • To find the “WANT TO” to workout when I was full of excuses, not seeing results and my mind was telling me to quit. 
  • To walk in BOLDNESS and step into God’s perfect plan for my life.

With each
small win,
Jesus fueled
my fire.
In Christ, I’d
finally found
the way.

I learned: 

  • In Jesus, I am ENOUGH, NOW! Not when I get to my goal weight.
  • How God must be first, IN ALL THINGS – including eating, exercising and how I see my body.
  • How to eat the right foods, in the right amount and for the right reasons.
  • To lose weight and keep it off FOR GOOD.
  • That I am UNIQUELY GOD-MADE, and everyone has a different shape and size, each to be celebrated, but never compared.
  • To find the “WANT TO” to workout when I was full of excuses, not seeing results and my mind was telling me to quit. 
  • To walk in BOLDNESS and step into God’s perfect plan for my life.

And once this happened, there was power and peace:

Kim Dolan Leto-Family
  • With food
  • That my workouts were working
  • Getting dressed
  • In the way God made me
  • With aging
  • To be a role model for my daughter
  • With my body
  • To shine in God’s chosen path for my life

And now, best of all . . .

I get to use my life to bring God glory.

I have the honor of helping mothers, young girls, and women of all ages and backgrounds across the country, avoid the years of struggle of trying to get healthy and find confidence in themselves – all alone… the world’s way.


Faith-filled action by faith-filled action…

Diving into the daily details to create systems for success and the Christ-filled power to execute them, without the overwhelm, lack of willpower, and self-sabotaging cycle of starting over every Monday only to quit and binge eat by Thursday.

Eating only chicken and broccoli and doing endless hours of cardio doesn’t work. 

Willpower doesn’t last.

I teach what I know, what I’ve personally done, and what I’ve used to help countless women lose weight, gain confidence and grow in Christ. 

  • They ate real food. 
  • They liked who they saw in the mirror.
  • They didn’t spend their lives working out. 
  • They stopped feeling like a failure. 

If you need something stronger than willpower and want to start living fit now, I’m here to help you.


Get Your Fit God's Way Guide Here! >>>

Do you want:

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To stop relying on your own strength?

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A lasting answer to getting your eating under control?

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To feel confident every day.

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To grab a hold of every good thing God has planned for you?

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The motivation to workout.

Deep down, there’s a girl in you who knows she was made for more, for such a time as this.

Ready to take the first step?


Yes, I Need That!


Kim Dolan Leto-Fit-Testimonials

"Kim's book has inspired and empowered me to change my perspective on food, exercise and my relationship with God for the better, for the rest of my life. Her workout DVD makes working out fun, quick and effective. I love the way she shows us proper form and technique, while cheering us on to give it our all! I’m happy to say I’ve lost 13 pounds and kept it off!"

- Sophie

"I heard Kim Dolan Leto on His radio then came across a promotion for her book, ordered it in January (so from beginning my F.I.T. journey in January to currently I've lost 11 pounds since starting F.I.T.!) and it totally changed my view about my health and how I can and need to make God my strength and focus for my F.I.T. journey, and since starting your book and applying it to my life, I have had the MOST steady, consistent success in my health journey than I have had in almost 20 years. Not only am I loosing pounds but inches too, I am having steady progress and making it about a lifestyle to honor God not just reach a number on the scale or look a certain way! F.I.T. has finally helped me find a path of freedom for my health and fitness and it is wonderful, when I get discouraged I just pick up my F.I.T. book and remind myself of truth, and strategized to get my focus back, my heart stays encouraged and it keeps me keeping on! I love that the message is so simple, yes it takes hard work, but hope isn’t in a product or method but hope for change is in a Person, Christ and His truth! It works!"

– Rhonda

Kim Dolan Leto-Fit-Testimonials-Rhonda
Kim Dolan Leto-Fit-testimonials

"I bought Kim's F.I.T. book and DVD and highly recommend both for anyone who's looking for a real and thorough change from the inside out! In a market filled with diet, fitness and nutrition books, F.I.T. is a unique, one-of-a-kind, comprehensive, holistic, inspirational and Faith-driven book. It is absolutely God-sent! This book is not a quick fix, but a refreshing and thorough journey of change from the inside out. This book is organized into 10 Steps to your Faith Inspired Transformation. Each step is Faith-filled, very practical and down to earth at the same time. I love it! The Reflection questions at the end of each chapter help personalize everything. You can feel Kim's expertise, love, enthusiasm and Faith throughout every page of her book. She shares her personal story, challenges, and is very open and direct in each chapter. This book has been life-changing for me. I am a personal trainer, wife and mom. Prior to becoming a wife and mom, I was always at a healthy weight. I didn't realize that with life's challenges, my coping mechanisms weren't always the best and I began emotional eating, gradually gaining 25 lbs! With this book, I've learned to "bring it to God", rather than dealing with stresses by emotional eating. What a relief!"

– Karen