πŸŽ‰ The Fit God's Way 30-Day Transformation Course Starts on October 7th! πŸŽ‰ Get on The Waitlist!

Week 1 Recap: Fitness Bible Study Challenge

Today we are going over the first 7 days of our Fitness Bible Study Challenge! This 21-Day Fitness Bible Study Challenge answers the questions of what God says about fitness, and how to incorporate God into my fitness, and because it’s November, we are leaning into the spirit of gratitude and learning to be grateful, not hateful of our bodies

This challenge will help you build a foundation of fitness based on the Word of God and help you create results with power, peace, and grace.

If you haven’t signed up, please join over 2300 women who have at https://www.kimdolanleto.com/21daychallenge

Let’s dive in.

Day 1

Pray to seek God first in your health and wholeness and surrender your fitness goals to Him.

Doing fitness in your strength and willpower can be frustrating and feel like a roller coaster of starting and stopping and gaining and losing. Spend time in prayer seeking a lasting motivation for your fitness and ask God to guide you and fill with a fresh hope...

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