The Jesus Series: 20 Practical Steps to Live Like Jesus for Your Best Health


Hey there fit sister in Christ, I’m so excited to share this message with you. Today I’m going to share why Jesus is the answer to your fitness, and not just your fitness but food struggles, and worth issues associated with fitness.

Get out your journal because these scriptures and tips will create a breakthrough. This is the help and hope your heart needs.

Have you ever wondered…

- If God cares about your struggles with food and fitness?

- How to get your eating under control?

- Why it’s so hard to stay motivated?

- How to have a healthy body image?

- Why worldly fitness answers don’t work?

As our answer to fitness unfolds in this episode, we will see how Jesus cares about every detail of our lives—yes, even our fitness struggles. We’ll also learn that He gave us a helper, the Holy Spirit, why His plans for us are our greatest motivation, that we are fearfully and wonderfully made, and that the answers to our fitness issues are...

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What Did Jesus Eat?



Have you ever wondered what Jesus ate? If you’re anything like me, you love any details you can learn about Him. I did some research and discovered some of the foods he most likely ate. 


Did you know food is mentioned 1207 times in the Bible? Here's what we can learn from Jesus about food.


I’ve got 7 points for you packed with tips, food lists, and help to heal your relationship with food and find your best health, God’s way! 

1. There is no diet in the Bible

As much as we may want God to tell us exactly what to eat, the truth is there isn’t a macro split or diet in the Bible. But we can still glean a lot of wisdom from it for our physical health as well as our spiritual, mental, and emotional health. For example, since God made our bodies the best fuel for them will be the foods He made

2. What did Jesus eat?

Have you ever wondered what Jesus ate? If you’re anything like me, you love any details you can...

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Answering Your Questions, LIVE! Coaching Session

I reached out to my Fit Sisters in Christ Facebook group and asked the question, “What is the biggest problem you need help with on your fitness journey?” Tell me in the comments. So today, I’m going to answer as many as I can.

Before I dive in, let’s pray!

Dear God,

So many of us are stuck. We need answers. Our fitness journeys feel like an on and off again roller coaster. Please help us remember that your mercies are new every morning and in you, we don’t need to have guilt about food or missed workouts or what we weigh or how we look because our worth isn’t tied to any of that. Our worth is in you. Please Father help us remember this so we stop getting stuck and basing our level of commitment on our performance. Make it clear, lift the negative spirit of confusion, laziness, and inconsistency and help us go all in with you. we love you and want to live for you for your plans and purposes. Stop this fitness thing from getting in the way. We...

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