Don't Fall for THIS Fitness Trap!

 Don't Fall for THIS Fitness Trap!

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Do you have insecure you’re a failure and you’re never going to make it to your goals?!

Our minds think earthly thoughts and give into the flesh telling us we are not good enough, not smart enough, not strong enough, not pretty enough. But with Jesus we are more than enough, sweet friend, because HE is more than enough!

Press play to breakthrough and live from a place of victory, beautiful woman of God!

Power thought:

You might’ve made a mistake, but you are not a mistake. It isn’t about what you’ve done. It’s about what HE did once and for all on the cross.

Faith fuel:

I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 3:14 ESV

This video dives deep into day 39 of the Strong. Confident. His. Faith & Fitness Devotional.

Learn all about the Strong. Confident. His. Faith and Fitness...

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Girl, God Saved YOU to Shine!

 Girl, God Saved YOU to Shine!

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Do you ever wonder if it's okay to want to be fit or successful?

Could you have a stronghold about fitness being prideful or ungodly? 

God wouldn't give you a drive for your fitness without it having a purpose in your life! HE alone can give you the grace, endurance, motivation and drive to meet your fitness goals!

Press play above and get free from the lie that God doesn’t want you to be successful but rather glorified through your success.

Power thought:

You are God-designed and one-of-a-kind! Shine bright woman of God!

Faith Fuel:

“You are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden. Nor do they light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a lampstand, and it gives light to all who are in the house. Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.” (Matthew 5:14-16 NKJV)

This video...

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For The Days You Feel Like Giving Up!

For The Days You Feel Like Giving Up!

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“But me, I’m not giving up. I’m sticking around to see what God will do.” - Micah 7:7 MSG 

Today we choose to turn to God when we want to give up, not the world. The struggle can be SO real some days! You think you're making progress, but the numbers say different.

You wake up ready to tackle your goals, but then little inconveniences steal your motivation. Don't let these things take away from the positive impact of your journey, DON'T GIVE UP! Turn to Jesus and let Him help push you forward!

Faith Fuel:

“Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the...

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If Not Now, When? It's TIME to Make Your Health a Priority!


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If Not Now, When Will You Make Your Health a Priority?

Let me let you in on a secret…the truth is you may never feel like it, or you think you’ll have more time someday, but this tool will help you, NOW!

Whether you are 25 years old or 65 years old, it’s never too early or too late to start making your health a priority, and the best part about it is I can help you!

Faith Fuel

“Therefore prepare your minds for action; be self-controlled; set your hope fully on the grace to be given you when Jesus Christ is revealed. 1 Peter 1:13

Power Thought

God, give me the strength to accomplish all you have planned for me.

Whenever you’re ready, sweet friend, I am here to help you on your fitness journey!

Join me for day 37 of the Strong. Confident. His. Faith & Fitness Devotional Challenge with or without your copy.

You can get your copy where books are sold or HERE.

Start today! God can do a new...

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Choose to Believe with Boldness!

Choose to Believe with Boldness!

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Day 35 of the STRONG. CONFIDENT. HIS. Devotional Series - Choose to Believe with Boldness! I want to try something new. Read the following then close your eyes...

...For as long as she could remember, she felt like she was sitting on the sidelines of her life observing it, but not really living it.

She watched other people succeed in their dreams and she said it made her feel small.

She shared that God had given her a really big dream but she said, “ have you ever felt like your dreams are bigger than you are?”

Sound familiar? Often times we believe but we are too scared to act upon what we believe in. Today we overcome playing small and counting ourselves out and begin believing with boldness in our God-given dreams!

After all, this is the best motivation for our fitness goals!

Faith Fuel

“In the day when I cried out, you answered me, and made me bold with strengthen my...

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F.I.T. Bible Study Series: Step 10: Become a NEW You in Him With Small Wins

F.I.T. Bible Study Series: Step 10: Become a NEW You in Him With Small Wins

Press play above to listen, read highlights below, or watch the video here.

Do your days keep getting away from you?

  • You mean to workout.
  • You want to eat right.
  • You want to read your Bible.

But by the end of the day, you haven't done the things you promised you'd do?

This episode will teach you to win the moment in front of you, this is how we reach impossible small win at a time? 

I think we forget to celebrate the impossible God has done and will do in the in-between places.

Jesus replied, “The things that are impossible for people are possible for God.” – Luke 18:27 

God wants us to praise Him like it’s already done, but don’t we get frustrated in our impatience, complain, and quit too soon?

Try recognizing this and choose to win the moment in front of you.

As Charles Duhigg explains with the Theory of Small Wins in his book, The Power of Habit,...

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F.I.T. Bible Study Series: Step 9 “Turn Your Fitness Setback into a Comeback!”

 F.I.T. Bible Study Series: Step 9 “Turn Your Fitness Setback into a Comeback!” 

 Press play above to listen or watch the video here.

This is for the girl who has… 

  •  Lost motivation
  •  Isn’t seeing results  
  • Hit a plateau  
  • Is tired of eating God-made Whole Foods
  • Needs to get back on track

Step 9 of the F.I.T Bible Study Series is about keeping your eyes on God and trusting Him, even through all of the “what if’s”.

What makes F.I.T. different from other programs is the daily commitment to keep our eyes fixed on God. The time spent in our daily F.I.T. Power Hour is meant, first and foremost, to help us grow in our faith. From that faith comes the desire and the strength to honor Him with healthy choices in other areas of our lives. When we get away from our time with Him, the cares of the world take over. For this reason, we must continue to go to the Word and not the world when setbacks...

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F.I.T. Bible Study Series: Step 8 “How to Find Joy in Your Fitness Struggle”

F.I.T. Bible Study Series: Step 8 “How to Find Joy in Your Fitness Struggle”

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Step 8 of the F.I.T Bible Study Series is about changing your perspective and finding joy in every situation.

"The joy of the Lord is your strength." (Nehemiah 8:10)

If the joy of the Lord is our strength, then happiness isn’t material; it’s a choice we make in those tough moments to see Him working in our circumstances rather than focusing on our problems. I find joy by grabbing my daughter and hugging her, playing my favorite Christian song that makes me feel overwhelmed by God’s love and His presence, choosing to see people through the eyes of grace—remembering all the things God has forgiven me of, and recognizing when I choose gratitude over complaining. 

Even if you make mistakes along the way, don’t let yourself be controlled by self-doubt, laziness, depression, or any other negative feeling along...

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F.I.T. Bible Study Series: Step 7 “How to Control Your Appetite and Stay Motivated"

F.I.T. Bible Study Series: Step 7 “How to Control Your Appetite and Stay Motivated" 

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I’ve witnessed hundreds of people work tirelessly to lose weight only to gain it all back. In fact, more than 80% of people who have lost weight on a dieting plan regain all or more of it after two years.12 Sadly, this is the very result of most diets because the common short term mindset of dieting overrules the lifestyle change that should be happening. Lasting change requires lasting commitment. 

I can’t even count the number of times I’ve lost weight only to gain it all back. Until I got my mindset right, I was on a never-ending roller coaster of restriction and overconsumption—happiness and depression. A pivotal shift in my thinking came when I realized I wanted to be happy and healthy all the time, not only after I’d lost weight for a special occasion. 

The enemy of self-control is instant...

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F.I.T. Bible Study Series: Step 6 “How to Eat God-Made”

 F.I.T. Bible Study Series: Step 6 “How to Eat God-Made”

Press play above to listen or watch the video here.

If you struggle with weight loss, dieting, overeating, stress eating, or using food to cope, this will help you learn how to beat this with the Word, create Godly eating habits, and how to make a God-made plate of food. 

Glorify God in Body and Spirit

All things are lawful for me, but all things are not helpful. All things are lawful for me, but I will not be brought under the power of any. – 1 Corinthians 6:12 

Did you know Jesus wants to eat with you?

Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me. – Revelation 3:20

Many of us use food to cope with stress, we find ourselves mindlessly eating quite often. And although this coping mechanism may seem harmless, it can shake the foundation of health that we are trying to build into our...

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