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How to Eliminate Your Doubts and Why You Should


Doubt has been an area of struggle for me, so I understand this subject well. What about you, friend? Do you doubt, question, and find yourself being indecisive too? 

Think about what you’re doubting now and put that front and center as we dive into today’s show. It’s time to be an Overcomer in Christ.‌ I have a life-changing word for you today. Overcoming what I’m going to share today has helped me succeed at goals I never thought I could, I’m talking about doubt!

Doubt to Defeat

Did you know the devil uses your doubt to defeat you?

Let me jump in with the Word. Get out your Bible or write these scriptures down because they are exactly what you need to know when you doubt, question, or feel confused.

James 1:5-8, “If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him. But let him ask in faith, with no doubting, for he who doubts is like a wave of the sea driven and tossed by the wind. For let not that man suppose that he will receive anything from the Lord; He is a double-minded man, unstable in all his ways.” 

The Bible says that doubt is a destroyer of life. James 1:5-8 tells us that when we ask God for wisdom, we are to ask in faith, without doubt. If we doubt God’s ability to lead and guide us, what would be the point of asking in the first place? 

God says that if we doubt while we ask, we will receive nothing from Him, because we are unstable. “He who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind let not that man suppose he will receive anything, he is double minded and unstable in his ways.”

Wow, right?  Confusion, indecisiveness, and questioning are synonyms of doubt and guess what God is not the author confusion but of peace. – 1 Corinthians 14:33

How many times have you doubted, questioned, or been indecisive? What are you doubting now? Your food plan, your workout,  the pull on your heart to take a huge leap of faith and do what God made you to do? Whatever it is, put that front and center as we dive in…

The Cure For Doubt

The cure for doubt is faith, and faith comes by hearing the Word of God (Romans 10:17). God gave us the Bible as a testimony of His works in the past, so we will have a reason to trust Him in the present. “I will remember the deeds of the LORD; yes, I will remember your miracles of long ago,” Psalm 77:11.

To have faith, we must know what God has said. Once we have an understanding of what God has done in the past, what He has promised us for the present, and what we can expect from Him in the future, we are able to act in faith instead of doubt.

How does this affect your goals, and your life?

Here’s a fitness example…

  1. You say you’re going to lose weight but you doubt it will work, or at some point, doubt overrides your belief
  2. You say you’re going to work out but you doubt it’s working
  3. You say this is the time I’m going to get fit, but doubt comes when you don’t immediately see results

Now I’m not saying Jesus is a genie in a bottle and we can just say a prayer and expect blessings, no, we need to believe and act. Faith is active. Activate your faith, girl!

Doubt Destroys

Our doubt destroys God’s blessings, but when we believe, we act in faith, we hold onto hope and we continue in belief, because He who has promised us is faithful!

Fitness has trained us to doubt and to question, what’s the best diet, what’s the best workout, what should I be doing? We are bombarded with opinions daily, we don’t act in faith, all the questioning robs us of our faith and when the promised results don’t come quickly we lose our hope and quit.

The devil knows you doubt and he is using it to keep you from the healthy whole successful life you can have in Jesus

This is a call to action. Have a moment of holy anger, see the way this whole process of doubting has kept you stuck, and fight your doubts with the cure –  Faith! 

It’s time to press through the doubt. 

What Causes Inaction?

Doubt causes inaction, so let’s press on here’s some examples of how:

- Don’t doubt that eating whole God-made foods and working out are working. Be faithful! Have a morning meeting with Jesus everyday, Seek God first for your fitness, surrender your goals to Him, tell Him where you need help, lay down those foods or behaviors that tempt you, and show up in the Holy Spirit to live like the overcomer you are in Christ!

- You can break the cycle of doubt that causes your to start and stop our fitness goals by pressing on. This is a habit I talk about in Fit God’s Way and it’s a good one, Shameless plug get your copy.

- Believe that God is working on your prayers, and choose to honor Him with your free will.

In Christ, we can overcome our doubts, our pasts, our expectations, our daily failures, and our pride and live in victory! 

When you’re really trying to get fit or working on a goal but you’re not seeing any results, it can feel so hopeless and doubt can creep in. But now we can spot it and not let it make us get down on ourselves. Now we will turn to God, and He’s right there to pick us up and remind us that in Him, we are Overcomers. 

Sometimes you need to put your little holy foot down and even stomp it to claim what God has died to give you. You’re going to have to fight. It’s not going to be easy, but it’s going to be worth it. Remember you’re an Overcomer!

Dear God,

I pray for everyone listening to have a breakthrough where they are doubting and that the lies of doubt would be torn down and their faith would come alive.

Make it so clear, God, when the confusion creeps in that this doubt is not from you. No, You are not the author of confusion but of peace.

Help my sister act in faith, bold faith, and hold onto your Word Ephesians 3:20 that says, you will do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to your power that is at work within us.

God, it brings us to our knees to know that we did not choose You, but You chose us and appointed us to go and bear fruit, and that our fruit should remain, that whatever we ask You in the name of Jesus, You will give to us (John 15:16). We are asking and believing and trusting in You alone to empower us to press on through our doubts and have victory.

In Jesus’s name, amen.


Faith fuel

Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer. (Romans 12:12 ESV)

You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you, because he trusts in you. (Isaiah 26:3 ESV)

Remember You are Strong. Confident. His.


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