Do you want to help women learn how to invite God into their fitness? Is faith and fitness and Christian health and fitness something you feel called to do? I have a special announcement, The Fit God Way Small Group Leader Guide and Video Lessons are Available Now, Click Here!
The Fit God’s Way Small Group Leader Guide and Video Course will equip you with everything you need to know to lead your group with confidence, or should I say Godfidence!
Here’s what’s included:
A Step-by-Step Fit God’s Way Downloadable Leader Guide
5 Fit God’s Way Video Lessons to Address All of Your Questions and Concerns.
Fitness is something we don’t hear enough about in Church and I hope with your help we can change that.
Welcome to Part 2 of the Coaching Q & A Session! You submitted your questions to me, and I am answering them here today. Although I’m pointing to answers, I want to always first point straight to God because He is our answer to everything!
If you are not a part of my online community, I highly encourage you to join us! We talk about all things faith, fitness, womanhood, food, and all of the above!! Join us here!
If you’re experiencing any of these: hormones, cravings, hopelessness, age-related weight gain, lack of desire to workout, wondering how to get your abs back after baby, wanting to know what my favorite God-made meals are, my thoughts on intermittent fasting, finding joy, or what to do when you feel alone and lack confidence, buckle up because I’m pouring and praying it out today!
This blog format will be a little different than usual because I really want to focus on answering your questions fully! Let’s dive in!
I recently had Glenda Alvarez on my podcast, The Strong. Confident. His. Podcast, and I’m so excited to share how God works and the story of how we connected.
Glenda is a wife, mother, and entrepreneur. She is the founder of Ella Asciende, a faith-based organization whose focus is to equip women with the truth of God's Word through conferences, online Bible studies, and practical tools and resources.
We chatted about everything from family to goals, and today I want to share the wisdom she shared we me: How to Balance Mom Life with God-Sized Goals & Finding Success!
Sisters, do you ever look at someone and think, wow, how does she do what she does? How does she run a business with kids, how does she show up on social media so consistently, how did she get started, what keeps her motivated, how does she balance all of this, and still takes care of herself?
Glenda is very successful and has a lot of knowledge to share about being a busy wife mom and...
Press that pink button above to listen to the full episode and share it with a friend.
Do you ever hear people say, I heard from God or God told me and you think man, I really want to hear from God! You find yourself being curious, how can I hear from God? I recently interview a powerful Bible teacher whose Instagram I follow, and I love the way that she shares the Word of God and shares how you can hear from God and how you can spend time with God and His Word.
Amy Hale is a wife and mom who lives in Memphis, Tennessee. She loves teaching women how to cultivate friendships with God through daily prayer, study His Word by reflecting and studying His Word.
I grew up as a Christian, I was saved when I was a child, but I did not start reading my Bible until about probably 10 to 12 years ago, very faithfully, and regularly. It changed my life. That sounds so cliche, but it absolutely changed my life and I can't stop talking about it.
I spent many...
It's is the beginning of the year, and I have a message for you! God can't do a new thing and you if you're holding on to the old you. I want you to think about the things God has been calling you to lay down. What is blocking your success? Let's dive into who God says you are and how to release who we once were for His glory!
I want you to think about the things God has been calling you to lay down. What is blocking your success?
I was putting my Christmas tree away, and this song came on the radio, and I could hear God's saying, "I have decided." A decision means there's no finish line. So, let's think about this…I want you to think about your fitness goals through Jesus in a completely new and fresh way. Let's dedicate our fitness to God.
When we say we've decided we're deciding to dedicate our fitness, our health, our wholeness to God, deciding to do this takes away the finish line. Like you know, you can't just stop and stop and start...
If you want to listen to today's episode, press that pink play button above and leave me a review if this episode touched your heart!
2021 was challenging for all of us, to say the least. I don’t always share about my personal life outside of fitness, but I know God wants you to hear this. This message you are reading today is directly for you. I am going to take you through my 2021 trials and show you how each time God used them for His glory.
Maybe today you have a mountain in front of you that you feel like you just don't have it in you to climb. That mountain can be a diagnosis, a lifelong struggle to reach your fitness goals. Or maybe even just finding the energy to try one more time. If you feel like you have nothing left, this episode today is for you. I haven't shared the things I'm going to share publicly today. I went through a very, very tough couple of months. And God put it on my heart to talk about it because he gave me a phrase from this time that I...
Press play above to listen to this episode.
Today's show is straight from your questions. I often get asked, "what if I have a lot of weight to lose, what if I need to lose 20, 50, 100, or 200 pounds?"
And, here’s another one, "how do I break my sugar addiction?"
If these questions are on your heart, today’s show has your answer.
Before I dive in though, I want to share something that means more to me than you will ever know, listen to this 5 star review for the Strong. Confident. His. Podcast.
I found Kim by accident but really by Divine intervention. I am a 59 year woman who for most of my life has been caught up in the world’s vision of beauty and health…body idolatry not seeing myself as a perfectly designed child of my Father, Abba. My self worth was not based on the living word of God but the media. Since listening to Kim’s podcast everyday on my drive from work, I my desire for...
Press play above to listen, read highlights below, or watch the video here.
Do your days keep getting away from you?
But by the end of the day, you haven't done the things you promised you'd do?
This episode will teach you to win the moment in front of you, this is how we reach impossible small win at a time?
I think we forget to celebrate the impossible God has done and will do in the in-between places.
Jesus replied, “The things that are impossible for people are possible for God.” – Luke 18:27
God wants us to praise Him like it’s already done, but don’t we get frustrated in our impatience, complain, and quit too soon?
Try recognizing this and choose to win the moment in front of you.
As Charles Duhigg explains with the Theory of Small Wins in his book, The Power of Habit,...
Press play above to listen or watch the video here.
This is for the girl who has…
Step 9 of the F.I.T Bible Study Series is about keeping your eyes on God and trusting Him, even through all of the “what if’s”.
What makes F.I.T. different from other programs is the daily commitment to keep our eyes fixed on God. The time spent in our daily F.I.T. Power Hour is meant, first and foremost, to help us grow in our faith. From that faith comes the desire and the strength to honor Him with healthy choices in other areas of our lives. When we get away from our time with Him, the cares of the world take over. For this reason, we must continue to go to the Word and not the world when setbacks...
Press play above to listen or watch the video here.
Step 8 of the F.I.T Bible Study Series is about changing your perspective and finding joy in every situation.
"The joy of the Lord is your strength." (Nehemiah 8:10)
If the joy of the Lord is our strength, then happiness isn’t material; it’s a choice we make in those tough moments to see Him working in our circumstances rather than focusing on our problems. I find joy by grabbing my daughter and hugging her, playing my favorite Christian song that makes me feel overwhelmed by God’s love and His presence, choosing to see people through the eyes of grace—remembering all the things God has forgiven me of, and recognizing when I choose gratitude over complaining.
Even if you make mistakes along the way, don’t let yourself be controlled by self-doubt, laziness, depression, or any other negative feeling along...
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