Could A Past Trauma Be Blocking Your Fitness Goals? With Alisa Keeton

Do you sometimes feel as though your body is a problem to solve? Discover how to make it part of the solution instead. Alisa Keeton poses and answers this question on today’s episode. Alisa is an accomplished Author, Speaker, and the Founder of Revelation Wellness. Join us as we dive into the transformative power of faith in our healing and cover these topics:

  • Understanding Pain and Trauma:

Alisa explains how pain affects our health, emphasizing the impact of past trauma on our well-being.

  • Healing Partnership with the Body:

 Alisa explores the concept of partnering with our bodies to facilitate healing, encouraging a holistic approach to wellness.

 Watch the Live Taping of our conversation below!

  • Mending the Mind-Body-Soul Connection:

The importance of mending the broken connection between mind, body, and soul is discussed, highlighting the interconnectedness of these elements in our overall health.

  • 6 Steps to Metabolize Pain:

Alisa shares practical...

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Overcoming Trauma with Rachel Elizabeth Murray

I had the best conversation with a true woman of God! Her name is Rachel Elizabeth Murray. She's a personal trainer and a competition coach. If you've ever been through trauma, need healing, or if you've been hiding your pain with fitness goals keep reading!

The healthiest industry isn't getting any healthier. But why? Rachel’s theory makes so much sense and she shared it will me! It's neglecting the source of health and fitness. The truth is, looks can be deceiving. You can look super healthy, even super hot while burying trauma disorders and spiritual atrophy. Let’s dive into my conversation with Rachel Elizebeth!

Can you tell us where or what trauma you mentioned on your website that jumpstarted this belief that the industry isn’t getting healthier?

“I experienced sexual abuse in college, and the only thing I knew to turn to was running as some form of fitness because I had grown up in sports that became very destructive. And I mean, destructive...

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