These Scriptures Will Help You Lose Weight


Learn scriptures to help you lose weight for good on this episode of The Strong. Confident. His. Podcast! You don’t need another quick-fix diet to lose weight and get fit, what you need is Jesus and these scriptures I’m about to share.

I know firsthand how the emotional roller coaster of losing weight and getting fit can feel like you’ve tried everything and nothing works, but today I’m serving up the answer. And it comes with a Freebie: Get 50 Powerful Quotes to Inspire Your Fitness Every Day!

Take out your Bible and a journal or open a note on your phone and write down these key points and Scriptures. God wants to be the centerpiece of every detail of your life, including your health.

Spot The Trap: Food And Fitness Are A Spiritual Battle.

“But I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh. For the desires of the flesh are against the Spirit, and the desires of the Spirit are against the flesh, for these are...

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Week 3 Recap: Fitness Bible Study Challenge

Hi Sweet Friend! Today we are going over the days 15 - 21 of our Fitness Bible Study Challenge!

This 21-Day Fitness Bible Study Challenge answers the questions of what God says about fitness, and how to incorporate God into fitness, and because it’s November, we are leaning into the spirit of gratitude and learning to be grateful, not hateful of our bodies.

This challenge will help you build a foundation of fitness based on the Word of God and help you create results with power, peace, and grace.

You can still sign up and do the challenge at your own pace here: https://www.kimdolanleto.com/21daychallenge.

Day 15

Pray for God to make your fitness goals more about serving Him and less about what you look like.

Rather than make fitness all about what you look like, make it about how you live and who you live for. God has placed gifts in you and called you to tell people about Him. When you think of fitness motivation begin to consider getting fit to serve, for example, to go on...

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Christian Weight Loss: Learn a 7-Step Guide to Eating

As Christians, it’s important to understand that there are spiritual battles going on when it comes to eating —and spiritual battles cannot be solved with worldly answers. This is why dieting, obsessively counting macros and calories, doesn’t work.

Today I will teach you a 7 Step Guide to Eating that will help you learn how to eat with intention and give you a simple plan to live by to forever end mindless eating, stress-driven eating, gluttony, and the seemingly never-ending cycle of dieting failure.

Maybe no one has ever told you to give yourself grace because God doesn’t expect you to be perfect. He wants you to be faithful. God sees you. He knows where you struggle, and He wants to help you! This is a journey to be taken meal by meal, one day at a time, so remember to replace any food guilt with God’s grace and do your very best to glorify God in your body. One meal at a time!

We need to retrain our brains from the dieting mentality we’ve...

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50% Complete

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