Should Christian Women Wear Makeup, Get Botox, or Want to Be Fit? Let’s Talk Legalism vs. Freedom in Christ!

Do you ever feel judged for how you look, wear your makeup, dress, or for your goals to be fit as a Christian woman? It hurts, right?! If legalism is new to you, I’m blessed to have the opportunity to show you the difference between a relationship with Jesus and a list of man-made religious rules.

Hear my heart. I have lived under much scrutiny trying to bring a message of faith and fitness into the world, so if you have been hurt by this too I want you to know the truth and freedom of Jesus.

Although we have never met, I’m certain I’m not alone in the intense desire to know what God says about these things, so  I’m going there today.  We are talking about Legalism in this Jesus Glow series because nothing will steal your light like a bunch of man-made rules and judgments.

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3 Ways Legalism is Stealing Your Light

1. Legalism says that Salvation isn’t enough, you have to earn it.

This is...

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How to Take Your Seat at the Table: With Emmy-Nominated Host Megan Alexander

Today, we have a special treat for you on the Strong. Confident. His. Podcast– an inspiring conversation with the talented and Emmy-nominated national host, Megan Alexander.  You might recognize her from CBS's "Inside Edition," Thursday Night Football, or the Country Music Awards.

Not only is she a familiar face on television, but Megan is also a bestselling author, mama to three, and the host of the holiday travel show, "Small Town Christmas." 

Megan and I sat down to discuss the importance of faith in culture and as women of God, we need to take our seat at the table God has prepared for us.

Here are the conversation topics, but please listen to this episode on the podcast player above or watch the live taping below!

Taking Your Seat at the Table

Megan Alexander shared some powerful insights. 

She said, You have more power than you think. What matters to you? What are the non-negotiable? What if we could raise up strong solid women of faith in...

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How God’s Unwavering Love Guides and Sustains Us with Shannon Bream

FOX News Sunday's, Shannon Bream, joins us today to share about God’s love for us and how it has led her and sustained her. You don’t want to miss the advice she has for those of us with big goals. Shannon is the author of the number one New York Times bestsellers The Women of the Bible Speak and The Mothers and Daughters of the Bible Speak, the anchor of FOX News Sunday, and FOX News Channel’s chief legal correspondent.

Shannon and I sit down to have a very real talk about her heart behind her new book, the struggles of reaching your goals, and a message that will help you know God’s love for you. We are so grateful you are joining us.

Shannon talks about God’s love for us and why she wrote her new book, Love Stories of the Bible Speak

She draws lessons from the good, the bad, and the ugly of Biblical romances, friendships, and families. She shows how God’s love is often very different from ours, turning upside down our assumptions about...

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