Success Stories of How Real Women Lost Weight and Found Themselves in Christ

Hear Success Stories from real women who struggled to get fit, healthy, and find peace. From overcoming major health issues, to breaking strongholds with dieting, body image, and the thinking they were too old, or that fitness was not Christian. Their success will inspire and motivate you.

Fitness Can Feel So Lonely

Have you ever felt like no one understands what you’re going through when it comes to getting fit? Well, friend, this is going to show you that you are seen, heard, and known and certainly not alone.

One of the hardest things about fitness is that it can feel so lonely. And when you’re really trying to get healthy it can feel like every meal and every workout is just another thing you have to do alone and in your own willpower. But it doesn’t have to be that way.

These women found hope and answers in God through the Strong. Confident. His. Podcast and my books, Faith Inspired Transformation, The Strong. Confident. His. Faith and Fitness Devotional and my newest book, Fit God’s Way. I pray you are going to be motivated, encouraged, and walk away with  answers.

Our foundational scripture is...

"Oh give thanks to the Lord; call upon his name; make known his deeds among the peoples! Sing to him, sing praises to him; tell of all his wondrous works!" (Psalm 105:1-2)

Today I’m making known God’s deeds. Sharing what God has done through real-life stories, so you can find hope, inspiration, and motivation.

God is the Answer You've Been Missing From Your Fitness

There’s nothing like knowing someone else got off diabetes medication, or cholesterol medication, got their weight to a healthy number, and got their confidence back, or how their children are learning the importance of God in their health and wholeness and finding their identity in Him to light your motivational fire!

Before I dive in, I have to share that my Fit God’s Way Course is going to be launching soon. Sign Up Here to Be the First to Know

If you prefer videos, please SUBSCRIBE to my YouTube Channel, and Start Watching, below! 

6 Fit God's Way Success Stories 

I’m going to start with Wendy, her story will blow you away.

Virginia will touch your heart. Especially if you have children who have been bullied or you were once bullied.

If you feel like you’re too old or it’s too late Toni is going to help you know it’s not.

If you need community and confidence Ruby shares her story.

If you need to invite Jesus into your fitness, listen to what Viki has to share.

And lastly if you feel defeated, have a tendency to self-sabotage or feel like why bother trying again listen to Tamra.

Kim, I've read both of your books since November, and I just want to thank you.  You have encouraged me so much, and the Lord has answered my prayers for help through your ministry. 

I have felt so, so defeated in my health since last year, especially,  but I have been dieting most of my life. 

I was starting each day with good intentions and then diving into gluttony and self- sabotage every afternoon or in the middle of the night. 

I would say, "I can't trust myself. I can't do this. Why does it matter? I'll just fail again." I would work out a few weeks and not see results, so I'd quit and binge on all the foods I avoided.  

I tried WW,  Carnivore, Daniel Plan...I idolized food and numbers and they always failed me and left me a mess.

Then, I googled something like "weightloss spiritual battle Christian." I'm not sure exactly, but in knew this was a spiritual battle for me. I saw your website, and I kept seeing God's truth all over it. I was skeptical and trying to see if this was just another empty, promise-filled scheme, but I just kept seeing hope and scripture.

 I bought your newest book, started listening to some of your podcast, and bought your 1st book too. 

I haven't lost tons of weight yet, but I have my FAITH goals, and I'm free of my food idolatry and enjoying my power hour everyday! I'm working out and worshiping, and I don't have fear of failing anymore because I'm not doing this with my will power. I'm learning to be safe and surrender my appetite faithfully everyday..multiple times a day! 

I know I'll reach my goal on 9/13/2024. I've already had some failures, but I repent and receive grace.  I didn't fail and beat myself up and lay awake in guilt and defeat like I used to. I just surrendered to the Lord again and remembered He was with me, and my goal was still there, and I’m still going to reach it. 

My motives have totally shifted for my fitness goal. I'm so excited to be fit for His calling and to testify to what He is doing in me. 

I don't have Facebook,  so I just wanted to email you to let you know how thankful I am that your website popped up when I googled for help. I had prayed for help for a long time, and the Lord used you to help me. I'll be faithful, girl. I'll share Jesus too. 

Your sister in Christ Jesus our Lord,



Wow, my heart is so full hearing these stories of women’s lives being transformed by the healing work of Jesus. If God has done a work in you too, share it with someone today! Give Him the glory and them hope.

Faith Fuel

“Come and hear, all you who fear God, and I will tell what he has done for my soul.” – Psalm 66:16

“Let the redeemed of the Lord say so, whom he has redeemed from trouble.” – Psalm 107:2


I was inspired by these ladies, so I wrote a quote.

"We get saved, but then we forget that God wants to save us from ourselves." – Kim Dolan Leto

Let Him help you, friend.


A prayer to encourage you.

Dear God,

The struggle to find the motivation to be consistent with my fitness goals has been a battle all my life. But in You, I am not a quitter. I am an Overcomer (1 John 5:5). Your Word says, “forgetting what lies behind and straining toward what is ahead, I can press on toward the goal to win the prize for which you have called me in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 3:13–14). Fill me with Your presence, Father. I want to forget my past failures and recognize that I have this treasure in a jar of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from You and not from me (2 Corinthians 4:7). Today, I’m laying down every time I’ve quit in the past, and I’m declaring that I am done with being a poor steward of my body. No matter what comes, I’m pressing on and promising to rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, and be constant in prayer (Romans 12:12). When the trials come and the enemy tests me, I will hold onto Your Word that says, “You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you, because he trusts in you” (Isaiah 26:3). By the power of the Holy Spirit working in me, I will cross the finish line of my fitness goals and give You all the glory by saying, “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith” (2 Timothy 4:7). Father God, it brings me to my knees to know that I did not choose You, but You chose me and appointed me to go and bear fruit, and that my fruit should remain, that whatever I ask You in the name of Jesus, You will give to me (John 15:16). I’m asking and believing and trusting in You alone to empower me to press on and have victory over my fitness, my wholeness, my calling, my everything.

In Jesus’s name, amen.


What did you need to hear today? 

  • Was it Wendy’s story of 50 pounds of weight loss in months just through surrendering it daily to Him in all her choices? Who completed a 5 K and before that couldn’t even sleep in her bed because she said she was crushing herself.
  • Or what about Toni? Maybe you think you’re too old or it’s too late to get healthy but she’s 74 and went from 174 to 138 in months!
  • Or maybe you were bullied as a child for how you looked and grew up feeling like fitness was vain like Virginia who has since found God in her fitness and is now free. 
  • Maybe you need community and confidence like Ruby, or you need to invite Jesus into your fitness like Viki.
  •  Or Tamra's story of finding freedom from dieting and put her trust in God to walk out each day in Him.

I pray their stories empowered you to know that with God you can do what you've never been able to alone. He is waiting for you to call on Him and do each day, each meal, and each workout in HIs strength.

Before you leave, the Fit God’s Way Course is going to be launching soon. Sign Up Here to Be the First to Know

Remember you are Strong. Confident. His.



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Spotify Podcasts: https://spoti.fi/3YtGuif



Get the Free Fit God’s Way Daily Plan:  https://bit.ly/47bx0fs

Shop Christian Fitness Books, Devotionals and Workouts: https://www.kimdolanleto.com/shop



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