How to be Consistent with Healthy Eating, Working Out, and Staying Motivated: 5 Steps to Overcome Quitting!

Ever wonder why being consistent with your food, workouts, and motivation is SO hard?

This blog will give you the reasons why and 5 things you can do to that work!

I want to introduce you to Christine because her problem is many of our problems, but she beat it in the Lord.

She came to me because she couldn’t stick to her goals. She would do really well for a couple of weeks, but then she would quit. She asked me to help her understand why she kept quitting. I asked Christine if she had ever made God the God of her fitness goals. She laughed and said, “What do you mean? He doesn’t care about the forty pounds I need to lose.” As we spoke, Christine started to cry and said, “I did this to myself. I did this to my body. Why would God want to help me, and how could He help me?”

Maybe today you feel like Christine. You’ve started and stopped your fitness goals more times than you can count—but you really want to see them through.

If you...

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Tips for God-Made Meal Planning, Grocery Shopping & Kitchen Organization

As a busy wife, mama, and entrepreneur I know how difficult it can be to eat God-Made if you don’t know how to shop God-Made. So today, I am giving you my best tips for shopping, meal planning, and organizing God’s way! This is going to be such a game-changer for you, I can’t wait any longer. Let’s dive in!

I made a freebie for you with tips and recipes, so make sure to download it at kimdolanleto.com/grocerytips

God’s Principle

Before we get into all these tips about shopping, meal planning, and how to give your kitchen a makeover to help you with your health and fitness goals, I want to share that God has given us a principle in His word that we must follow when it comes to food.

We know the world is full of diets and tricks and has created a flesh-driven mindset around fitness, but I teach a Spirit-led lifestyle. The founding principles of Eating God-made and living this Fit God’s Way lifestyle are centered on this scripture:

“Do not be...

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