How to Motivate Yourself to Workout

Have you ever just felt like not working out? You would rather fold laundry than a single lunge. Sister I have been there! But I have a few secret weapons of motivation up my sleeve to get me out of that rut and into the gym. Today I am going to share them with you!

Let’s dive right in!

The Word

Our first stop is the WORD!

“She dresses herself with strength and makes her arms strong.” (Proverbs 31:17 ESV)

“For the Lord gives wisdom; From His mouth come knowledge and understanding;” (Proverbs 2:6 NKJV)

I want you to challenge yourself to transform your workout motivation! Don’t start the conversation with yourself, well I don’t have time today, I don’t really feel like it. Stop it by saying ay aloud, “Jesus, help me take care of my body!”

Spot the Traps

The devil will talk you out of working out with thoughts like you’re never going to look like you used to, it’s not working look at you you’ve been working out, and nothing is happening. Remember he is a liar and an accuser, say the name above all names. “Jesus, help me take care of my body!”

We need to stop looking at our bodies in the flesh and we need to see them as the house of God. Think of how you would clean up your home if Jesus was coming over. Well, girl, He lives in you! Let’s clean it up and treat it like the temple it is!


I’m going to share something I’ve learned. Acceptance. I’ve learned to accept my body the way it is and love it through the changes of age through the power of the Holy Spirirt. I’ve learned to see myself beyond body parts and numbers on the scale and in my clothes. I workout not for how I look, but for how I serve you, my family, and for my health and how I feel.

Start to see yourself and your body as a woman appointed for God’s service with the Holy Spirit empowering you to do the hard things you think you can’t. When your focus goes back to a pick me a part perfection project tell the devil he is a liar, lace up your shoes straighten your pony, and get yourself to that class, gym, on that cycle, whatever it is. Say aloud, “Jesus, help me take care of my body!”

You are Valued

The goal of this episode is to impress upon you how important you are to God. You are the manager of the temple He has given you on this earth, your body is not your own, so it needs to be taken care of the way the owner, God, would take care of it. This means you need to take full control of your fitness, so you can walk in victory. We do this by dressing ourselves with strength (physical strength) and by gaining a heart of wisdom and understanding (spiritual strength).

Here’s the truth, working out may require a life change from you, but God is with you in this. Lean on Him! 

Make your workouts a time of worship by dedicating them to Him. This time with you and God will grow your relationship with Him and make you fit from the inside out. Although it’s tempting to wait for what feels like the right time to start working out, that time is right now. There will never be a perfect opportunity to begin working out. 

We often think, I’ll start when the kids grow up, when they leave the house, or when life slows down. We wait for the time to get fit, but the longer we wait, someday becomes later and ends up being never. Create a sense of urgency by committing your health to Him, dressing yourself with strength, and gaining a heart of wisdom. You are not alone on your Strong. Confident. His. journey.

Here are quotes to light your motivation on fire!

Walk in the power of God that is in you! Not the weakness of appetite.

The hidden work you do with Jesus is the birthplace of your greatness.

The more I made exercise about Spiritual growth and discipline, the less I focused on the weight. Each lost pound was not a quest to get skinny but rather evidence of obedience to God. - Lysa Terkeurst

Faith Fuel 

Open up your bible and write these down, they will change you forever!

Romans 5:1-5

Faith Triumphs in Trouble

Therefore, having been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom also we have access by faith into this grace in which we stand, and rejoice in hope of the glory of God. And not only that, but we also glory in tribulations, knowing that tribulation produces perseverance; and perseverance, character; and character, hope. Now hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out in our hearts by the Holy Spirit who was given to us.

Jesus’ presence in you is your hope of glory. Hope is an expectant heart waiting on God to do something good! Get excited!

Before you go, I want to pray with you and for you!

Dear God,

Give me a heart on fire to bring you glory and honor you in my body (1 Corinthians 6:20). I present my body as a living sacrifice, the one You find holy and acceptable( Romans 12:1). Forgive me that in the past my motivation to work out was separate from You. I’m beginning a new habit of dedicating my workouts to you. Your Word instructs me to dress with strength (Proverbs 31:17). Help me through the power of the Holy Spirit to turn from my excuses, laziness, and preoccupation with the numbers, and become strong from the inside out. Save me from poor health, that they may know this is Your hand–that You, Lord, have done it (Psalm 109:27). Please bless my efforts. I come to you with the right motives. My heart is sold out for You and Your plan for me. I want to be fit for my calling (Jeremiah 29:11). I pray that you would thwart Satan’s plan to come against my health or tempt me to quit for any vain reasons. My strength comes from you Lord, my rock and my redeemer (Psalm 19:14). I’m fully relying on You.

In Jesus’ name, amen.

If you need a workout you can do now at home head to Pure Flix and try my F.I.T. Faith Inspired Transformation workout now!

With God, you’ve got this!


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