How to Take Authority Over the Top 3 Issues that Come Against Your Fitness Success

Let’s just dive right in today and talk about why Christian women get stuck and can't succeed at their fitness goals and find worth. I want you to know about them so you can spot them, overcome them, and when they come up against you, you have a battle plan to win!

Here are three things that will come against you as a Christian trying to get fit, so let's hit them head-on, deal?

‌1. Confusion about Fitness being vain will come against you as a Christian woman trying to get fit.

‌Confusion causes legalistic religious attitudes about self-care and dismisses any focus on your health and fitness as vanity. To address the vanity issue head-on, let's look at the Biblical definition of vanity. The key word in Ecclesiastes is vanity," the futile emptiness of trying to be happy apart from God." The preacher, traditionally taken to be Solomon-the wisest, richest, most influential king in Israel's history, looks at life under the sun and, from the human perspective, declares...

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Own Your Worth in Christ with Cynthia Garrett

Need to tear down any walls of insecurity, fear, or approval addiction? God wants you to own your worth and claim your space!

Today's new episode and blog, will set you free and have you laughing!

 I recently had the pleasure of interviewing the amazing Cynthia Garret! Cynthia is a Long-time U.S. television personality who broke barriers when she became the first African-American woman in the USA to host a network late-night show, NBC’s LATER With Cynthia Garrett. Regularly seen on FOX News’ The Ingraham Angle, starring Laura Ingraham, as well as other Political News Channels, Cynthia currently hosts The Sessions with Cynthia Garrett, airing weekly on TBN and GIRL CLUB streaming on multiple platforms, including her own CGM TV YouTube Channel. 

 She’s an ordained minister and is a highly sought-after speaker domestically and internationally. Having graduated from the USC Gould School of Law, she holds a J.D. and a certificate in comparative law from...

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Coaching Session Q & A Part 2

Welcome to Part 2 of the Coaching Q & A Session! You submitted your questions to me, and I am answering them here today. Although I’m pointing to answers, I want to always first point straight to God because He is our answer to everything!

If you are not a part of my online community, I highly encourage you to join us! We talk about all things faith, fitness, womanhood, food, and all of the above!! Join us here!

If you’re experiencing any of these: hormones, cravings, hopelessness, age-related weight gain, lack of desire to workout, wondering how to get your abs back after baby, wanting to know what my favorite God-made meals are, my thoughts on intermittent fasting, finding joy, or what to do when you feel alone and lack confidence, buckle up because I’m pouring and praying it out today!

This blog format will be a little different than usual because I really want to focus on answering your questions fully! Let’s dive in! 

What do you do when...

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What I Do Every Day To Stay Mentally, Physically And Emotionally Healthy, Stay Focused, And Accomplish God’s Plan For Me

"A day in the life" sounded a bit indulgent, but I recently did a survey on my Instagram, and it was one of the most requested topics. I heard things like, Kim take us behind the scenes, how do you do what you do, how do you juggle it all, how do you work out and work and stay focused, eat healthily, and stay on track… I also heard comments like I want to tag along with you for a week and learn. So, I’m welcoming you on over, come on in and share a day with me and then I’ll wrap up with the big takeaways, the tips you can take and put into your day that took my years to learn!

I know what it’s like to live without order, without a plan, without structure, and by my emotions, and it taught me everything I know because it never worked, it can’t. The chaos showed me why God desires order, and He desires that for you too, friend. 

Topics I’m going to cover today include focus, creating work blocks, morning and evening routines, having a daily...

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Why Is It Taking So Long To Reach My Fitness Goals?

 Do you ever feel like you’re doing everything right, but you’re not getting the result you want? Like you’re praying for answers, and they are not coming? What are you supposed to do when you’re working on your goals, but you do not see the results you’re hoping for how are you supposed to keep going?

Here’s what’s going on…

When You’re Working On Your Goals, God Is Working On You

God is working on you and He’s checking your heart motives. While we are focused on the goal, the numbers, and often are body parts, He is looking for our motives to be Godly, not fleshly.

Works of the flesh don’t work. They are weak, frustrating, and fleeting at best.

This is a good rule of thumb. When you’re working you’re little heart out, and nothing's working, you’re in the flesh. Oh, how I feel this, sometimes in the middle of my day I’ll stop and be like, Oh Lord, yep that’s me, not You! Let me...

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My Hot MESS of a Hormone Journey


Press the pink play button above to listen to this episode on the Strong. Confident. His. Podcast and don't forget to follow and share it with a friend.

Today is a woman-to-woman girl chat! Grab a cup of coffee and join me as I overshare about my journey through perimenopause and into menopause.

Here's what I'll cover:

  • Feeling unlike yourself...could it be perimenopause or menopause?
  • Insomnia, hot flashes, weight gain, anxiety, depression, ugh!
  • Hormones making you feel like you're going to lose it? 
  • Feeling very really alone, and like no one gets it or cares?
  • Wonder how long it takes to feel better and when it's going to end?

I have gotten hundreds of emails asking for me to share my hormone journey. I wish someone would have told me the things that I'm going to share with you today. Although every woman's hormone journey is different, and I'm not a doctor, it feels good to know that you're not alone!

Let’s dive in.

What Perimenopause Looked Like For Me

Did you...

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Learn Over 20 Ways to Workout with God

faith fitness food health Feb 01, 2022

Have you ever thought, "How do I combine my faith with my fitness?"

I sure did, so I wanted to give you a list of things that you can do today to invite God on your fitness journey! These are simple tips for every workout that are going to change everything for you! Let’s dive in!

Between Grace and Grit

Do you know what grit means? It means an indomitable spirit. It means that you are impossible to defeat. You never give up. So fitness with Jesus is in between that grace and grit. We're determined to never give up. But we do friends, we quit on bad days. Give yourself grace! When we combine grace with grit, we're a force to be reckoned with!

Women who love Jesus who are trying to get fit, we have a whole power source that the world doesn't have, not to mention grace. They're gonna give you power for your workout, motivation, and even grace that only God can give you. 

Stand on the Promises of God

We've been fooled. The world has taught us to do fitness and eating and our...

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Turn On God’s Power in You with Angelike Norrie

faith fitness food health Dec 28, 2021

If you want to listen to the Strong. Confident. His. Podcast episode that inspired this blog post, press that pink play button above and leave a review if this episode touched your heart! 

I recently interviewed my amazing friend Angelike Norrie on the Strong. Confident. His. Podcast and I thought it was so important to share this with you all. Angelike is a five-time cover model, a top corporate executive, a world-renowned martial artist, and a mom of three! We talked about everything from her kiddos to God, and I am so excited to share this Q&A with you! If you're struggling with getting fit or fear chasing your dreams, this is for you.

You have three children and you've been on the cover of five magazines. So I want out of the gate to share with people where you always fit. Have you ever struggled? 

I absolutely struggled. As a matter of fact, it's funny because we were at my in-law’s house yesterday putting up Christmas decorations. We're...

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God, I Can't...But I Know You CAN!

If you want to listen to today's episode, press that pink play button above and leave me a review if this episode touched your heart! 

2021 was challenging for all of us, to say the least. I don’t always share about my personal life outside of fitness, but I know God wants you to hear this. This message you are reading today is directly for you. I am going to take you through my 2021 trials and show you how each time God used them for His glory. 

Maybe today you have a mountain in front of you that you feel like you just don't have it in you to climb. That mountain can be a diagnosis, a lifelong struggle to reach your fitness goals. Or maybe even just finding the energy to try one more time. If you feel like you have nothing left, this episode today is for you. I haven't shared the things I'm going to share publicly today. I went through a very, very tough couple of months. And God put it on my heart to talk about it because he gave me a phrase from this time that I...

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