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Your Mountain is no Match For God, Keep Climbing with Kelley Tyan


I bet today you might be facing something that feels bigger than you and you could use this faith-filled reminder. “The Best View Comes After the Hardest Climb.”  This New Episode will inspire you to keep putting one front in front of the other in Christ.

God often uses our pain to push us forward, and we will never become who He made us to be if we don’t keep climbing.

Kelley Tyan knows a lot about this. Her Mom had health issues all her life and ended up passing away, but it was HER FAITH that taught Kelley that the “The Best View Comes After the Hardest Climb.”

Kelley joins me on the Strong. Confident. His. Podcast to share how she kept climbing even after the death of her Mom, facing breast cancer, and leading women to live fit through faith with Jesus at the center of it all.

Listen above and stay on your climb, speak to that mountain girl, God’s got this!

Here are the highlights of our time together:

Addicted to the Climb


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So, What Should A Christian Woman Look Like Anyway?

Chances are, if you love Jesus and fitness, you’ve experienced the pain of being judged! First, let me say if this has happened to you, I’m sorry. I know how this feels, and it hurts.

This topic lights a fire in me, and apparently, a lot of our sisters…I’ll share how I came to discover this in a moment.

Here’s the goal of my heart today. I want to share some stories of my own experiences and a sweet sister so that you know you’re not alone and, most importantly, what God says about this to clear up the emotional pain, confusion, and judgment. Today will be fun and freeing. Let’s dive in!


A Wordly Image…

The other day I was answering my comments and messages on social. Under a video I posted on teaching women how to invite Jesus to eat with them and how doing, so it helps us control our appetites, there was a comment with words I have heard before. Her comment said, “You are saying the right things, but your image is...

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Here's Your Step-by-Step Success God's Way Blueprint

Okay, so sister to sister, why as Christians do we struggle with believing success is God's will for us?

Have you ever asked yourself:

  • God, I think you gave me this gift, but I'm scared to use it. Is it really your will?
  • God, do you want me to be successful? Is this my ego or is it you?
  • God, I keep failing at my goals, is it okay to ask you to help me succeed?
  • God, why do I keep getting to a place and then quitting?
  • God, can you help me believe I can succeed? Lord, help me with my unbelief.

Until I learned what I'm going to teach you today, it made reaching the goals God gave me...Hard!

Like standing on the scale and beating myself up over the number looking back at me… Hard!

Like answering the call to write a book, or start a business, and a podcast, and wondering who am I to do any of this? Is this even God's plan for me?.. Hard!

Like I’m old, it’s too late!... Hard!

Through a lot of prayer and diving deep into studying my Bible, God gave me His Blueprint for...

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My Hot MESS of a Hormone Journey


Press the pink play button above to listen to this episode on the Strong. Confident. His. Podcast and don't forget to follow and share it with a friend.

Today is a woman-to-woman girl chat! Grab a cup of coffee and join me as I overshare about my journey through perimenopause and into menopause.

Here's what I'll cover:

  • Feeling unlike yourself...could it be perimenopause or menopause?
  • Insomnia, hot flashes, weight gain, anxiety, depression, ugh!
  • Hormones making you feel like you're going to lose it? 
  • Feeling very really alone, and like no one gets it or cares?
  • Wonder how long it takes to feel better and when it's going to end?

I have gotten hundreds of emails asking for me to share my hormone journey. I wish someone would have told me the things that I'm going to share with you today. Although every woman's hormone journey is different, and I'm not a doctor, it feels good to know that you're not alone!

Let’s dive in.

What Perimenopause Looked Like For Me

Did you...

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God, I Can't...But I Know You CAN!

If you want to listen to today's episode, press that pink play button above and leave me a review if this episode touched your heart! 

2021 was challenging for all of us, to say the least. I don’t always share about my personal life outside of fitness, but I know God wants you to hear this. This message you are reading today is directly for you. I am going to take you through my 2021 trials and show you how each time God used them for His glory. 

Maybe today you have a mountain in front of you that you feel like you just don't have it in you to climb. That mountain can be a diagnosis, a lifelong struggle to reach your fitness goals. Or maybe even just finding the energy to try one more time. If you feel like you have nothing left, this episode today is for you. I haven't shared the things I'm going to share publicly today. I went through a very, very tough couple of months. And God put it on my heart to talk about it because he gave me a phrase from this time that I...

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