You know those issues we don't often hear about in church topics like suicide, depression, eating disorders, low self-esteem, domestic violence, generational curses, and toxic relationships? I recently interviewed the amazing Courtney Dawn Shaw, and she has dealt with all of these issues, sisters. She is married to her best friend Jeffrey, and she is the mom of Kingston and Carrington. (Don't you love those names?!) She is an author, speaker, health advocate, spokesperson, and TV and radio host of the Authentic Living Show and the 2014 and 2015, Mrs. Florida America. She is a longtime health advocate and member of the President's Council on sports, fitness, and nutrition.
Prepare to be blessed, sister!! Let’s dive in!
“I get asked that a lot. I began my Christian walk as a young teen and really surrendered, and those were some of the darkest years...
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