Sneak Peek at My New Book, Fit God's Way

Today I am inviting you to come behind the scenes with me and take a look at the inner workings of my new book Fit God's Way. I'm going to share the good, the bad, and the ugly and some sister secrets here today. I want you to walk away with value and something that can help you right now that is always my goal.

When I look back at how this new book came to be, I see how God made the impossible, possible.

I felt really called to open up about this process, the rejection, the hard work, the success, and as I prayed, I heard the Holy Spirit say it's in God's timing, your faithfulness, and relying on Him to finish strong. I want to share the truth, the reality of all the hard work, the stuff you don't see when you look at a book cover.

I think sometimes we see the end result and we don't see the middle so today we're talking about the middle spaces where we give up and quit.

Okay, so I want to share the truth and the reality and how it doesn't look like what we think it looks like. So today is a heart-to-heart. Because I don't want you to quit in the middle. I want you to know not only how my God-given dream came true but also how God helped me through the hard times, and how He can help you too.

What could go wrong?

I believe God used competing and modeling in fitness to teach me a lot about hard work and discipline, what to eat, how to train, where to get my motivation, and how to trust him to help me finish a goal.

Toward the end of my fitness days, I felt called to write a Christian Fitness book, so I went to a She Speaks Conference. I knew I was walking into my calling. If you've never been to a She Speaks Conference, they have all these outlets where you can meet with publishers and learn how to speak. So there I was, and my book proposal was accepted by a literary agent.

I thought all the pieces were falling together, but they quickly fell apart. I know I've shared some of this with you in the past, but what I haven't shared is how much this hurt me it broke me and how it caused a spirit of fear and rejection in me. I felt myself close up and shut off, and it stopped me from doing what I was supposed to be doing.

It made me start questioning what I should do and who I was. I see now that God was birthing me into who I was becoming in him. And I had to die to my old way of doing things and get really vulnerable, really pliable. My ego had to die to that so that I could live for God.

My 5 Power Points

I'm going to share five things that you can take to your place of struggle right now that helped me through this process of having a goal to the completion of it.

Point number one: God has His timing. Like his word says, I, the Lord, will make it happen when the time is right. That's Isaiah 60:22. Friend, you're going to go through a season of learning. Think about your goal, and whether it's fitness, a business, parenting, whatever it is, you're going to go through a season of learning, equipping working, of sewing, let it grow you.

This is a season of reaping and sowing. I like to say grow up and glow up, we shine for him and not ourselves. So when the time is right, when God knows your heart's motives, he's going to promote you. I love how Proverbs 16:19 says a man's heart plans his ways, but the Lord established his steps. Let me re-phrase that a woman's heart plans her ways, but the Lord establishes her steps.

Point two: It won't be easy doing something for God, and it will not look like your plan. It will happen his way. Can I get an amen? A painful Amen, but an Amen, right? Matthew 16:24 tells us, “Then Jesus said to His disciples, If anyone wishes to come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross and follow Me.”

So what ended up happening is this book proposal that I had taken was just left in my hands. So I ended up, by the grace of God and my amazingly supportive husband self-publishing it. Imagine right now you have a book, but how are you going to get it out into the world? I remember it was December of 2014. And I was trying to get a website together. I was taking Chalene Johnson's Marketing Impact Academy, and I was trying to take online marketing classes to learn how to sell this book online to figure out all of this. It was so hard.

After I released the 10 Steps to Your Faith Inspired Transformation F.I.T., The book became a best seller without a big publishing house. I self-published it. A man named Steve Arterburn contacted me, it was so random, but he contacted me through this lovely woman who has a Christian fitness brand. Her name is Michelle Spadafora. This is how I found my literary agent. God was working!

So fast forward. I really felt called at the beginning of 2020 to start a podcast. It was during Covid and I thought, people, feel so alone now. So I took a huge leap of faith and started the Strong. Confident. His. Podcast. It's been in the top 15% of podcasts!

Then I also wrote and published the very successful, Strong. Confident. His. Faith and Fitness devotional. This devotional was born out of every fitness failure I had and every woman's top issue with fitness and how with God, we can overcome them all.

Point three: God desires our faithfulness. He wants us to keep getting back up with our eyes on Him, our trust in Him, and our strength from Him. When we live for God, we have a fullness of joy. Right now, not when we reach our goal, clothing size, or even financial goals, we can be happy right now. 

So one day, my agent called me, and after years of saying I wasn't ready, I said, Yes! So I put together a new book proposal, and he started reaching out to publishing houses. That sounds great, right? 99% of them didn't want to publish anything that had to do with faith and fitness. Christian publishing houses still don't believe that it's a thing. So rejection after rejection came, and He kept telling me to hang in there. In the back of my mind, I started to expect failure.

But after a meeting with Salem Media, they said yes.

Powerpoint four: In Christ, you are called to serve. And this isn't always easy; it's running your race with endurance, staying in your lane, which from my experience, can feel very lonely, and it's finding your motivation by stirring yourself up in the gift of God that is in you fanning that flame.

Faith Fuel:
2 Timothy 4:7 says, “I have fought the good fight. I have finished the race. I have kept the faith.”

2 Timothy 1:6, “Therefore, I remind you to stir up the gift of God which is in you through the laying on of my hands, or it also some other translations say not to stir up the gift but to fan the flame of motivation.”

Hebrews 12:1-2 says, “Therefore we also since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses. Witnesses, let us lay aside every weight which so easily ensnares us and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking under Jesus, the author and finisher of of of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.”

Philippians 3:10, “That I may know him and the power of his resurrection, and the fellowship of His sufferings, being conformed to His death.”

Point five: Serving God through your gift will bring you more fulfillment and joy than all the money and fame in the world. Helping people through writing books, workouts, reels, videos, podcasts, and blogs, has given me a significance and fulfillment that the world could never give me. I work for Jesus, live for Him, and help others know Him. And no amount of likes, followers, or dollars could ever mean more.

Sneak Peek of My New Book!

So I have to give you some sneak peek insider sister secrets about my new book. It's called Fit God's Way, Your Bible-based Plan for Food, Fitness, and Wholeness. In my new book, I take everything I've learned from helping 1000s of women, and I made it into seven habits. This book will teach you Bible-based food, fitness, and wholeness, and I’ll teach you how to trade the flesh-driven fitness mindset and create a fit Spirit-led lifestyle.

Many people have been asking me to see this book. What does it look like? Tell me more about it. So I wanted to share.


And guess what? You can preorder it.

I'm going to put on my Godfidence right now, and I'm going to ask you to preorder your copy today. You can preorder it at




Barnes, and Noble;

And everywhere books are sold.

Let’s pray before you go!

Dear God,

I lift up every heart that is hurting over the setbacks they're facing. I want to pray for those whose spirits have been broken by fear, failure, or the lies of the enemy Father, we pray for breakthrough. Through the Holy Spirit, reveal your plan. Give us the steps and give us peace in this journey. Help us know it's not over. Show us your assignment for us. Whether it's in parenting, getting healthy, using the gifts you've given us, or maybe even a season of healing and stillness, help us see that you are in it with us. And we're not alone. Jesus, we want to finish strong for you. We want to come to the end of our lives and hear, Well done, good and faithful servant. Father God, I want to publicly thank you for this new book fit God's way. I dedicate it to you, I pray that every word be yours. And I say and write only and everything that you would want to be said. I pray that Your word, your way, and your will be done. Father, God, please get this book into the hands of every woman who needs it. And Father bless the work. Bless the hearts and hands of those listening. Give them favor according to your word. In Philippians 4:6 it says, being confident of this very thing that He who began a good work and you will complete it into until the day of Jesus Christ. God, we are so grateful we come to you with grateful and expectant hearts.

In Jesus' name. Amen.

I want you to hold onto this if you're in that hard or unknown middle place right now, Keep pressing. Keep praying. Keep the faith!


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