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F.I.T. Bible Study Series: Step 9 “Turn Your Fitness Setback into a Comeback!”

 F.I.T. Bible Study Series: Step 9 “Turn Your Fitness Setback into a Comeback!” 

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This is for the girl who has… 

  •  Lost motivation
  •  Isn’t seeing results  
  • Hit a plateau  
  • Is tired of eating God-made Whole Foods
  • Needs to get back on track

Step 9 of the F.I.T Bible Study Series is about keeping your eyes on God and trusting Him, even through all of the “what if’s”.

What makes F.I.T. different from other programs is the daily commitment to keep our eyes fixed on God. The time spent in our daily F.I.T. Power Hour is meant, first and foremost, to help us grow in our faith. From that faith comes the desire and the strength to honor Him with healthy choices in other areas of our lives. When we get away from our time with Him, the cares of the world take over. For this reason, we must continue to go to the Word and not the world when setbacks cause us to swerve of course.

What to Do When You Hit a Roadblock

Acknowledge the issue. Until you face the problem, nothing happens. Why has your progress stopped? Objectively evaluate your commitment. Did you get bored with what you were eating or with your workouts?

Remember simple changes such as new recipes or group classes can pull you out of a rut. Journal how you feel about it. Take the time to acknowledge how you’re feeling because avoidance will not get you back on track. We all mess up, get sick, have bad days, and sometimes don’t feel like working out or eating right, but that doesn’t mean we give up on our health goals.

Remind yourself why you want to get healthy. Stir yourself up, make your “Why” relational, medical, or spiritual. If your “Why” is your children, the temptation to order a bucket of fried chicken or skip a workout should lose its appeal when you think about being a good role model for them.

Recommit to your F.A.I.T.H. goals and to your F.I.T. Power Hour. Keep your goals in view. Write them on a sheet of paper and tape it somewhere, or make them your screen saver. Think about how much better you feel on the days when you get in your F.I.T. Power Hour than when you don’t. Any time spent with God, on your health, and checking in with yourself is better than none at all.

Pray for discernment and strength to keep moving forward. You may feel discouraged and want to quit when you don’t see progress, but this is when you need to have faith that every good choice you make is adding up to results. Getting healthy is a process, so be faithful to your F.I.T. Power Hour and God will give you all you need to stay the course. Don’t just focus on the negatives; look at how far you’ve come. If you chose God-made, healthful foods all day but had a cookie for dessert, that doesn’t mean today wasn’t a good day. If you worked out three days this week instead of five, hooray for the three workouts you got in! Balance out the checklist in your mind with what you do right, and refrain from focusing on the things you don’t do perfectly

To stay the course it’s important that we address some of these roadblocks that might spring up along our fitness journey and discuss ways to overcome them in order to move forward one day at a time. 

Faith Fuel: 

Do not despise these small beginnings, for the Lord rejoices to see the work begin. —Zechariah 4:10 

God-made eating isn’t dieting, and it isn’t boring; it’s our habits that lead us to the same boring food choices. Get out of your food rut by mixing things up and making food fun. Try new recipes, experiment with different spices, and even make your own salad dressings and marinades to capture your favorite favors. Eating should be enjoyable, and your food should taste good if you’re going to maintain a healthy lifestyle. I know you can do it!

Open your Bible and join in with or without your copy of my best-selling Christian fitness book, 10 Steps to Your Faith Inspired Transformation, F.I.T.

You can get your copy where books are sold or HERE.

Start today! God can do a new thing in you and your fitness, friend! ️

Now you know I’m never going to leave you without asking you to get into action because nothing happened without it!

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All you have to do is tell me how this episode spoke to you on Facebook or Instagram.

When you do, you’re automatically entered into my Power Up Challenge! 

I pick one winner every week, and you’ll either get a coaching call from me, a copy of my brand new Strong Confident His Faith and Fitness Devotional, my best-selling Christian fitness book Faith Inspired Transformation, F.I.T., or the F.I.T. Workout Series.

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It helps the podcast get discovered by other women and shows me what type of content to create for you and serve you with excellence! 

Thank you in advance, friend!  

Remember, You are Strong. Confident. His.

From my heart to yours,

God bless,

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