How to Get 30 Grams of Protein Cheat Sheet: Protect your Muscle, Fuel Your Temple


Want to Know How to Get 25-30 Grams of Protein Per Meal to Protect Your Muscle, Fuel Your Temple, and Dress Yourself with Strength? Today, I'm sharing about the importance of protein, specifically how to get enough in each meal. I want to make it easy for you with practical tips, delicious ideas, and the spiritual significance of nourishing your body, which is the temple of the Holy Spirit.

And guess what I made a cheatsheet for you with meals and snacks!

Download your copy here!

Foundational Scripture: "She dresses herself with strength and makes her arms strong." – Proverbs 31:17


Protein Helps You Dress Yourself with Strength and Make Your Arms Strong

Let's chat about the importance of protein, not just for our bodies, but for our walk with Christ. You see, making sure we get enough protein with each meal isn't just about hitting fitness goals—it’s about stewarding the temple God has given us.

In 1 Corinthians 6:19-20, we're reminded that our...

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Announcing the New Fit God's Way Book and Website

Okay, heart to heart, Sister-friend,

I know how hard fitness can be, but I also know that fitness with God is the lasting answer you’ve been looking for.
I want you to succeed. 
In case no one has ever told you, Jesus chose you and He set you apart for such a time as this. This is your time, girl! No more settling for less than. It's GO time!
Yes! You can get fit and feel good in your body.

Today is all about the NEW! 

I'm so excited to share that I wrote a New Book, Fit God's Way!

 Fit God's Way Your Bible-Based Plan to Food, Fitness, and Wholeness

“Making fitness a Spirit-led lifestyle instead of a flesh-driven frustration project is the turning point of greatness,” And as you make this pivotal change, you discover a new hope because God can do a ‘new thing’ in your fitness.” 

This book is the daily plan every Christian woman has been missing!

"Fit God’s Way isn’t about achieving a look, it’s about...

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