Okay, heart to heart, Sister-friend,
I know how hard fitness can be, but I also know that fitness with God is the lasting answer you’ve been looking for.
I want you to succeed.
In case no one has ever told you, Jesus chose you and He set you apart for such a time as this. This is your time, girl! No more settling for less than. It's GO time!
Yes! You can get fit and feel good in your body.
Today is all about the NEW!
I'm so excited to share that I wrote a New Book, Fit God's Way! š
Fit God's Way Your Bible-Based Plan to Food, Fitness, and Wholeness
“Making fitness a Spirit-led lifestyle instead of a flesh-driven frustration project is the turning point of greatness,” And as you make this pivotal change, you discover a new hope because God can do a ‘new thing’ in your fitness.”
This book is the daily plan every Christian woman has been missing!
"Fit God’s Way isn’t about achieving a look, it’s about how you live and who you live for. If you don’t know your “why”, you can’t achieve the “what”. Boldly removing the aesthetic obsession with fitness and finding your spiritual motivation to get fit to serve through your gifts is the turning point of greatness. Kim Dolan Leto has done a masterful job of empowering women to get fit from the inside out with Christ leading the way."
– Tana Amen, BSN RN Vice President Amen Clinics, NYT Best Selling Author of: “The Omni Diet”
New Website
Need recipes, workouts, and godly body confidence? Visit my brand new website, Fit God’s Way
New Freebie
Get a daily plan that makes fitness simple and follows God’s ways
New Motivation:
Enter The Healthy Family Healthy You Sweepstakes worth $5000.
I want to encourage you with something I wrote in Fit God's Way, because, in Jesus, you have victory.
I pray you walk in that Victory in 2023. Get your copy of my brand new book, Fit God's Way, click here.
She is fit.
She knows her worth.
She acts in faith.
She thinks godly thoughts.
She fuels her body with God-made food.
She makes fitness holy.
She presses on through the hard times.
She never gives up, because she knows she can do all things through Christ who gives her strength.
Let me pray over you, Sister.
Dear God,
Guide my sister as she set goals and creates a system for her fitness with You at the center of it all. Her time with You is the rock on which she will build her new habits, and it will give her the strength, grace, and wisdom she needs for each day.
Remind her of John 15:5, which says she can do nothing apart from You, and Philippians 4:13 which tells her she can do all things in Your strength.
Father, You know the goals of her heart.
Let Your Spirit within her be louder than any excuses, fear, or doubts, and show her the importance of faithfulness over every small choice throughout her day. Your Word says that “the faithful over the little rule over much” (Matthew 25:23). Help her know how to “Apply her heart to your instruction, and her ears to hear your words of knowledge” (Proverbs 23:12) and take action.
Help her boldly show the world she is getting Fit God’s Way.
In Jesus’s name, amen.
Faith Fuel
But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. 1 Cor 15:57
Remember you are Strong. Confident. His.
Get Fit God's Way,
Kim Dolan Leto
Come say hello on Facebook or Instagram
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