Learn Over 20 Ways to Workout with God

faith fitness food health Feb 01, 2022

Have you ever thought, "How do I combine my faith with my fitness?"

I sure did, so I wanted to give you a list of things that you can do today to invite God on your fitness journey! These are simple tips for every workout that are going to change everything for you! Let’s dive in!

Between Grace and Grit

Do you know what grit means? It means an indomitable spirit. It means that you are impossible to defeat. You never give up. So fitness with Jesus is in between that grace and grit. We're determined to never give up. But we do friends, we quit on bad days. Give yourself grace! When we combine grace with grit, we're a force to be reckoned with!

Women who love Jesus who are trying to get fit, we have a whole power source that the world doesn't have, not to mention grace. They're gonna give you power for your workout, motivation, and even grace that only God can give you. 

Stand on the Promises of God

We've been fooled. The world has taught us to do fitness and eating and our...

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3 Traps the enemy Uses to Derail Your Fitness Goals

faith fitness food Jan 12, 2022

3 Traps the enemy Uses to Derail Your Fitness Goals

Press the pink button above to listen to this episode 

There are traps the enemy uses to throw us off our fitness goals. I’m going to share them today so you can spot them and they won’t derail your progress and success.

Whether it’s a breakthrough with food: overeating, under-eating, victory over a body image struggle or dysmorphia, or a newly found love for working out, I want you to be on guard because the devil is going to come after this area.

He hates your progress, so I want you to be on the lookout for these things so you can spot them and be like, "Oh no, you can’t shake me, let me tell you about my Jesus!" 

Press that pink button above to listen to the full episode.

Dear God,

Open our eyes to the schemes of the enemy, show us in these moments it's a trap. Help us hold onto our confidence and find the strength in you to keep going. Father, fitness is hard, trying to eat the foods you...

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God Can't Do a NEW Thing if You're Holding onto the Old You

It's is the beginning of the year, and I have a message for you! God can't do a new thing and you if you're holding on to the old you. I want you to think about the things God has been calling you to lay down. What is blocking your success? Let's dive into who God says you are and how to release who we once were for His glory!

I Have Decided

I want you to think about the things God has been calling you to lay down. What is blocking your success?


I was putting my Christmas tree away, and this song came on the radio, and I could hear God's saying, "I have decided." A decision means there's no finish line. So, let's think about this…I want you to think about your fitness goals through Jesus in a completely new and fresh way. Let's dedicate our fitness to God. 


When we say we've decided we're deciding to dedicate our fitness, our health, our wholeness to God, deciding to do this takes away the finish line. Like you know, you can't just stop and stop and start...

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Turn On God’s Power in You with Angelike Norrie

faith fitness food health Dec 28, 2021

If you want to listen to the Strong. Confident. His. Podcast episode that inspired this blog post, press that pink play button above and leave a review if this episode touched your heart! 

I recently interviewed my amazing friend Angelike Norrie on the Strong. Confident. His. Podcast and I thought it was so important to share this with you all. Angelike is a five-time cover model, a top corporate executive, a world-renowned martial artist, and a mom of three! We talked about everything from her kiddos to God, and I am so excited to share this Q&A with you! If you're struggling with getting fit or fear chasing your dreams, this is for you.

You have three children and you've been on the cover of five magazines. So I want out of the gate to share with people where you always fit. Have you ever struggled? 

I absolutely struggled. As a matter of fact, it's funny because we were at my in-law’s house yesterday putting up Christmas decorations. We're...

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7 Scriptures to Help You Eat from a Grateful Heart, Not a Gluttonous One

faith fitness food Nov 22, 2021

7 Scriptures to Help You Eat from a Grateful Heart, Not a Gluttonous One  

Press that pink play button to listen or read the blog below. 

*Freebie 10 of my favorite quick God-made Recipes.

Last night my daughter, Giavella, and I are were standing in the kitchen. I was making dinner and she said, "Mom, what did you look like when you were younger?"

I told her to watch the food while I ran into my office and grabbed an old box of photos. We laughed as we went through them, but at one point Giavella looked at me and said Mom, "Why do you look so different?"

Before I even thought about what I was going to say, I just blurted out food! 

I explained to her that I grew up thinking that dieting was the only way to get healthy and lose weight, so I’d go on a diet and lose weight and then gain weight, and this cycle was obvious in the photos. I shared with her how I never learned healthy eating habits or how to have a healthy relationship with food.


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How Teresa Lost 250 Pounds and Broke Her Sugar Addiction!

How Teresa Lost 250 Pounds and Broke Her Sugar Addiction!

Press play above to listen to this episode.

Today's show is straight from your questions. I often get asked, "what if I have a lot of weight to lose, what if I need to lose 20, 50, 100, or 200 pounds?"

And, here’s another one, "how do I break my sugar addiction?"

If these questions are on your heart, today’s show has your answer.

Before I dive in though,  I want to share something that means more to me than you will ever know, listen to this 5 star review for the Strong. Confident. His. Podcast.

I found Kim by accident but really by Divine intervention. I am a 59 year woman who for most of my life has been caught up in the world’s vision of beauty and health…body idolatry not seeing myself as a perfectly designed child of my Father, Abba. My self worth was not based on the living word of God but the media. Since listening to Kim’s podcast everyday on my drive from work, I my desire for...

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How to Keep Going When it Feels Impossible with Mindy Lawhorne

faith fitness food Oct 23, 2021

How to Keep Going When it Feels Impossible with Mindy Lawhorne

Press play above to listen to this brand NEW Strong. Confident. His. Podcast episode. 

Mindy Lawhorne and I invite you to a Holy Happy Hour, full of real talk about real struggles, from how to deal with your fitness goals when the scale is not moving to God growing something beautiful out of your deepest hurts.

You don’t want to miss today! 

  • If you keep quitting in the middle places
  • If what used to work isn't working anymore
  • If you are going through a loss and feel hopeless

Press play and get faith-filled, real-life advice from two of your sisters who care deeply for you.

This episode is for the days it’s hard and you want to quit.

God can do a new thing in your place of struggle, believe it!

 In the middle of your healing, in the middle of your fitness goals, God is with you and He's birthing something beautiful in you. He's giving you beauty from ashes...just because you don't see...

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Here's the POWER to Reach Your Fitness Goals!

Here's the POWER to Reach Your Fitness Goals!

Press play above to listen or watch the video here.

If you're ready to give up or you're wondering how to find the strength to keep working out and making the right food choices, this is for you!

Don’t give up, sweet friend, don’t quit, choose to believe again! You will find the power you need in the presence of the Lord!

He alone can lift you up, push you forward and give you faith to keep going! Give it all to Him, He will never let you down. 

Choose Him, He will pull you through!

Press play to breakthrough and live from a place of victory, beautiful woman of God! He is with you on your fitness journey.

Faith Fuel:

"...being confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ;"  (Philippians 1:6 NKJV)

"Blessed is she who has believed that the Lord would fulfill his promises to her!” (Luke 1:45 NIV)

Here's a prayer to...

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Don't Fall for THIS Fitness Trap!

 Don't Fall for THIS Fitness Trap!

Press play above to listen or watch the video here.

Do you have insecure thoughts...like you’re a failure and you’re never going to make it to your goals?!

Our minds think earthly thoughts and give into the flesh telling us we are not good enough, not smart enough, not strong enough, not pretty enough. But with Jesus we are more than enough, sweet friend, because HE is more than enough!

Press play to breakthrough and live from a place of victory, beautiful woman of God!

Power thought:

You might’ve made a mistake, but you are not a mistake. It isn’t about what you’ve done. It’s about what HE did once and for all on the cross.

Faith fuel:

I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 3:14 ESV

This video dives deep into day 39 of the Strong. Confident. His. Faith & Fitness Devotional.

Learn all about the Strong. Confident. His. Faith and Fitness...

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Girl, God Saved YOU to Shine!

 Girl, God Saved YOU to Shine!

Press play above to listen or watch the video here.

Do you ever wonder if it's okay to want to be fit or successful?

Could you have a stronghold about fitness being prideful or ungodly? 

God wouldn't give you a drive for your fitness without it having a purpose in your life! HE alone can give you the grace, endurance, motivation and drive to meet your fitness goals!

Press play above and get free from the lie that God doesn’t want you to be successful but rather glorified through your success.

Power thought:

You are God-designed and one-of-a-kind! Shine bright woman of God!

Faith Fuel:

“You are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden. Nor do they light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a lampstand, and it gives light to all who are in the house. Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.” (Matthew 5:14-16 NKJV)

This video...

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