Answering Your Questions, LIVE! Coaching Session

I reached out to my Fit Sisters in Christ Facebook group and asked the question, “What is the biggest problem you need help with on your fitness journey?” Tell me in the comments. So today, I’m going to answer as many as I can.

Before I dive in, let’s pray!

Dear God,

So many of us are stuck. We need answers. Our fitness journeys feel like an on and off again roller coaster. Please help us remember that your mercies are new every morning and in you, we don’t need to have guilt about food or missed workouts or what we weigh or how we look because our worth isn’t tied to any of that. Our worth is in you. Please Father help us remember this so we stop getting stuck and basing our level of commitment on our performance. Make it clear, lift the negative spirit of confusion, laziness, and inconsistency and help us go all in with you. we love you and want to live for you for your plans and purposes. Stop this fitness thing from getting in the way. We...

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Coaching Session Q & A Part 1

Today I’m answering your questions! You submitted your questions to me, and I am answering them here today. Although I’m pointing to answers, I want to always first point straight to God because He is our answer to everything!

If you are not a part of my online community, I highly encourage you to join us! We talk all things faith, fitness, womanhood, food, and all of the above!! Join us here!

If you’re experiencing any of these: hormones, cravings, hopelessness, age-related weight gain, lack of desire to workout, wondering how to get your abs back after baby, wanting to know what my favorite God-made meals are, my thoughts on intermittent fasting, finding joy, or what to do when you feel alone and lack confidence, buckle up because I’m pouring and praying it out today!

This blog format will be a little different than usual because I really want to focus on answering your questions fully! Let’s dive in!

How do you avoid screwing everything up each time...

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