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The BEST MOTIVATIONAL SPEECH: Failure is NOT Your Destiny!


Hey Sister,

One day, I was feeling really down, so I did a Google search on the best motivational speeches. I found a few that were great, but they were worldly. All hype, and no Jesus!

I know God had me go through this experience, so I could create the very thing I needed to hear that day. I prayed about what to say, and God blew me away with this. I'm so excited to share it with you. I pray it blesses you again and again. 

Promise me you'll listen. And share it. It's very important that you press that play button and that you save this page. You are not alone on your fitness journey, so refer back to this as often as you need it.

I'm here for you Sister, and in case you want to read the words I wrote, here they are. I typed them through Holy Spirit-filled tears! God is so good.

 The BEST MOTIVATIONAL SPEECH: Failure is NOT Your Destiny! by Kim Dolan Leto

There will be days you want to quit. 

When frustration overtakes you. 

And hopelessness overwhelms you.

But you were not brought into this world to be defeated.

You are a daughter of the King.

As your Fit Sister in Christ, I’m here to remind you…

Failure is not your destiny!


Say it, Failure is not my destiny

Even if you fail 100 times 

You are not a failure 

Pick yourself up in God’s grace again and again 

Do not stop, Do not give up, Do not quit


Say it, Failure is not my destiny


Your body is going to crave junk

You will miss workouts

You will fall off track

You will stand on the scale and look in the mirror and feel defeated

Your thoughts will try to take you out

But your Spirit is stronger than your circumstances 

GET UP in your Spirit

You can’t trust your feelings 

You can’t quit on a bad day 

Your emotions are going to try to override the Holy Spirit working in you to accomplish God’s call for you 

Remember you are in the world 

But not of it!


Say it, Failure is not my destiny


Don’t stay down when you blow it

Don’t let a bad choice turn into a whole weekend, get back up in grace, or that weekend will turn into a week and then a month, and then a year

Stop now, step into His grace

Remember, you can do all things through Christ, who gives you strength

When you rely on your own strength, you fail 

When you rely on your own willpower, you quit 

When you rely on God, you win


Say it Failure is not my destiny


Your life is being built on your choices

Choose to read the Word of God every day

Choose to believe who God says you are

Choose to work out 

Choose to eat whole God-made food

Choose to drink more water

Choose to worship God

Choose to prioritize sleep 

Choose to think fit thoughts, godly thoughts

Choose to keep your head and your heart and your body focused on God’s call

Choose to break the generational curses, break addiction, break dieting failure, break the chains of perfection, loose every bond of wickedness


Say it, Failure is not my destiny


Fear has no control over you. 

God has not given you a spirit of fear 

When you’re rejected use it to fuel your fire 

When you blow it, remember Jesus died for you.

Say it,  I will not back down I will not quit. I will not give up. I am a fighter

I’m an Overcomer


Say it, Failure is not my destiny


Don’t listen to thoughts that do not line up with the Word of God

The devil knows how to get you and keep you down

You can’t trust your thoughts when you are emotional

Hold your hands to your head and pray the blood of Jesus over your mind

Stand on God’s promises, fall on your knees in His presence, and you will find peace


Say it, Failure is not my destiny


Give God 1st place always

People's opinions are not your truth

Know who you are, and whose you are, take your power back


Say it, Failure is not your destiny

Don’t quit, don’t give in, don’t give up, remember your why

Why are you doing this? 

Think of your kids, think of your parents, think of your family, think of the call God put on your life 

Show up, show up stronger, show up better, show up in the Holy Spirit

You are not your past

Stop settling for less 

You’ve settled for less for way too long

You’ve hidden in the shadows

You’ve played small

You’ve questioned God’s call

No more! 

You’re not small, you are chosen, called, and set apart

Get your head up, heart right, mind set, shoulders back, eyes up, and straighten your crown, daughter of the King, it’s go time, get after it!


Say it, Failure is not my destiny!

At all times remember change will not last without God.

Do it His way, Get Fit God’s Way, and Start now!

 "But thanks be to God, who gives us victory through our Lord Jesus Christ."

(1 Corinthians 15:57 NKJV) 


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