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F.I.T. Bible Study Series: Step 7 โ€œHow to Control Your Appetite and Stay Motivated"

F.I.T. Bible Study Series: Step 7 “How to Control Your Appetite and Stay Motivated" 

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I’ve witnessed hundreds of people work tirelessly to lose weight only to gain it all back. In fact, more than 80% of people who have lost weight on a dieting plan regain all or more of it after two years.12 Sadly, this is the very result of most diets because the common short term mindset of dieting overrules the lifestyle change that should be happening. Lasting change requires lasting commitment. 

I can’t even count the number of times I’ve lost weight only to gain it all back. Until I got my mindset right, I was on a never-ending roller coaster of restriction and overconsumption—happiness and depression. A pivotal shift in my thinking came when I realized I wanted to be happy and healthy all the time, not only after I’d lost weight for a special occasion. 

The enemy of self-control is instant...

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F.I.T. Bible Study Series: Step 6 โ€œHow to Eat God-Madeโ€

 F.I.T. Bible Study Series: Step 6 “How to Eat God-Made”

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If you struggle with weight loss, dieting, overeating, stress eating, or using food to cope, this will help you learn how to beat this with the Word, create Godly eating habits, and how to make a God-made plate of food. 

Glorify God in Body and Spirit

All things are lawful for me, but all things are not helpful. All things are lawful for me, but I will not be brought under the power of any. – 1 Corinthians 6:12 

Did you know Jesus wants to eat with you?

Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me. – Revelation 3:20

Many of us use food to cope with stress, we find ourselves mindlessly eating quite often. And although this coping mechanism may seem harmless, it can shake the foundation of health that we are trying to build into our...

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F.I.T. Bible Study Series: Step 5 "Set F.A.I.T.H. Goals: Plan For Success"

 F.I.T. Bible Study Series: Step 5

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This lesson is vital for your fitness success through faith.

Because we don’t want to do anything apart from God, we will be setting F.A.I.T.H. goals. These are a play on SMART goals, but they have key differences that enables us far beyond our ability. Jesus!

Why Faith Goals? Because faith sees the invisible and does the impossible. - Oral Roberts 

Step 5 of the F.I.T Bible Study Series is about setting a good foundation and mindset for changes to come with your new healthy lifestyle. Let me explain. 

Picture your life. Think of the issues you have dealt with that kept you on the sidelines and denied you health and happiness—depression, anxiety, fear, self-loathing. How long did you stay there? Are you still there? Just like the lame man by the healing pool, you have the option to get well. The only catch is that you too must get up and move. Jesus told him, “Get...

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F.I.T. Bible Study Series: Step 4 "How to Get STRONG from the Inside Out"

F.I.T. Bible Study Series: Step 4: "How to Get STRONG from the Inside Out"

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This is for the girl who...

  • Struggles with motivation to workout.
  • Feels like she just doesn’t have time to exercise.
  • Wonders if her workout is even working.
  • Feels fitness is hopeless.
  • Doesn't know Jesus is with her in her fitness goals.

This episode is going to fill you with the motivation, hope, and daily tips to see you to your goal!

Faith Fuel:

“Dress yourself with strength and make your arms strong.” Proverbs 31:17

Open your Bible and join in with or without your copy of my best-selling Christian fitness book, 10 Steps to Your Faith Inspired Transformation, F.I.T.

You can get your copy where books are sold or HERE.

Start today! God can do a new thing in you and your fitness, friend!

Now you know I’m never going to leave you without asking you to get into action because nothing happened without it!

Join My Power Up...

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F.I.T. Bible Study Series: Step 3 "How to Put God 1st in Your Fitness"

F.I.T. Bible Study Series: Step 3

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The Bible is not quiet about our fitness. Chances are you’ve tried a lot of diets, but you’ve ended up in the same spot…wanting answers, wanting results, and wanting peace with it all!

We get stuck trying to find the right weight loss program, the right workout, and the secret to confidence, but all too often, we are seeking answers apart from God. 

This is a spiritual battle and we cannot answer spiritual issues with worldly answers.

Today we are going to learn how to create lasting results with God and how and why He must be front and center! 

You are not alone in your fitness goals, our amazing Jesus cares, and when you seek Him first, you will find answers.

“Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all things will be added to you.” - Matthew 6:33

Join in with or without your copy of 10 Steps to Your Faith Inspired Transformation, F.I.T.,...

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F.I.T. Bible Study: Series Step 2 "See Yourself Through the Word and Not the World"

F.I.T. Bible Study: Step 2

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The Bible is not quiet about our fitness. When we renew our minds in the Word, over the world, we are able to walk in victory over our fitness goals.

Our minds are the battleground, so this new episode will teach you how to set your mind on Jesus and place your identity in Him.

Join me for Step 2 of 10 Steps to Your Faith Inspired Transformation, F.I.T., to learn a Word-based answer to your fitness.

 Power Thought:

You are not alone in your fitness goals, our amazing Jesus cares. Renewing your mind in the Word will create a shift from the things that have been holding you down to freedom and power in God‘s truth.

 Faith Fuel:

“And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.” – Romans 12:2 

“As a man (woman) thinks, so is she.” –...

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F.I.T. Bible Study Series: Step 1 "Stop Dieting: Get Healthy For Good with God"

F.I.T. Bible Study Series: Step 1

Press play above to listen or watch the video here.

The Bible is not quiet about our fitness.

I'm doing a new F.I.T. Bible study to share how relevant and needed God's Word is in our fitness.

Join me for Step 1 of 10 Steps to Your Faith Inspired Transformation, F.I.T., to learn a Word-based answer to fitness.

You are not alone in your fitness goals, our amazing Jesus cares and is ready to help. He will direct your path if you trust and lean on Him. 

Faith Fuel:

Trust in the Lord with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths. Do not be wise in your own eyes; Fear the Lord and depart from evil. It will be health to your flesh, And strength to your bones. - Proverbs 3:5-8

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Listen to this episode, and make sure to Subscribe to the Strong. Confident. His. Podcast on your favorite podcast platform (Edifi, Apple, Spotify, Charisma, Google, and all...

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