What I Do Every Day To Stay Mentally, Physically And Emotionally Healthy, Stay Focused, And Accomplish God’s Plan For Me

"A day in the life" sounded a bit indulgent, but I recently did a survey on my Instagram, and it was one of the most requested topics. I heard things like, Kim take us behind the scenes, how do you do what you do, how do you juggle it all, how do you work out and work and stay focused, eat healthily, and stay on track… I also heard comments like I want to tag along with you for a week and learn. So, I’m welcoming you on over, come on in and share a day with me and then I’ll wrap up with the big takeaways, the tips you can take and put into your day that took my years to learn!

I know what it’s like to live without order, without a plan, without structure, and by my emotions, and it taught me everything I know because it never worked, it can’t. The chaos showed me why God desires order, and He desires that for you too, friend. 

Topics I’m going to cover today include focus, creating work blocks, morning and evening routines, having a daily and weekly system and flow, grocery shopping and meal prep, workout schedules, plus when I do my laundry and tape my podcasts. Everything in my life has a system. It doesn’t mean I’m always perfect, so I vacillate between grit and grace because I know what’s it’s like to live without a system, and it’s circling the drain of what could be…

As I peel back the curtain to my life, I want you to think about your goals and systems, and I bet some of you blow me away. Maybe some of you might not have thought about this before. By default, not having a system is also a system. Here’s the deal, if you ever want to glorify God with the gifts He has given you and get all that God has for you, it won’t happen without order and execution. 

Let’s dive in!

My Morning Routine 

I was never a morning person, but I sure am now. This wasn’t an easy habit of making, but now I cannot live any other way. I even get up early on the weekends because I’ve come to love my mornings with God they are the glue that holds me together. I have a go-to morning routine! 

I make hot plain black tea, organic oats with a ¼ of envy, my fav apple chopped, add some walnuts and 1 tbsp of organic maple syrup, and a dash of Saigon cinnamon.

While I eat, I pray and talk to God, and then when I’m done, I open my Bible and read. Then my dog Bentley usually wants to go out. It’s still dark. I stare at the sky in awe of God and think about the day in front of me. When I come back in, I go over my plan for the day and jump into work. 

My days are full! I have an assistant, but it’s a lot between the book edits, courses, podcasts, blogs, show notes, newsletters, freebies, books, special media posting, captions, reels, stories, videos, and appearances. I’m so out of my comfort zone I feel like Peter walking toward Jesus on the water, and I try to keep my eyes focused on Him and not sink. 

About 2 hours later, I wake my daughter, make her and my husband breakfast, and then get ready. I listen to Charles Stanley or Joyce Meyer as I put on my makeup and get dressed. I’ve got this down to 20 minutes! Then, I drop my daughter off at school and then go to my favorite workout classes. 

Some mornings I work out at home before I take her, but I go to a mix of classes on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. I come home after working out, rinse off in the shower, and get to work, it’s 9:15-9:30 AM

My Afternoon Routine 

I work until lunch, and on Mondays, I have groceries delivered. Then, from 11:30 to 12, I cook meat, chop veggies, portion out salad greens, and make my lunches for the week. Lunch prepping makes my work week so much easier!

I pray before I eat, turn my phone over, and sit outside with Jesus in the AZ sunshine! Then it’s back to work from 12 to 2, and then I go get my daughter from school. I have 20 minutes in the car so I reserved this time to answer your messages and comments on social media. I always want to be here for you. Once we get home, I work for another hour, while Giavella does homework, and I plan the next day, and then we go to golf or walk sweet Bentley again.

My Evening Routine 

My husband and I walk almost every day. It’s like therapy for my soul. Once we’re home, I make dinner, and my sweet husband sits at the kitchen counter and chats with me. We sit at our table as a family and pray, laugh, and share our day. After dinner, my husband and I liked to sit outside and talk, and then we like to watch a show together before bed, so we go into the media room and snuggle up. Lately, we’ve been watching the Chosen Series and Sweet Magnolias. 

Then around  8:30, I go get ready for bed. As I wash my face, I listen to a slow worship song on my phone, like Believe For It by Cece Winans, Maverick City Music, or Elevation Worship. After I wash my face, neck, and decollete, (P.S. I am a skincare queen) brush my teeth, floss, and use my tongue scraper, I crawl into bed and take out my journal and do a brain dump, I clear my head, so I can sleep with peace. 

My Sleep Scriptures

I have sleep scriptures because sleep was a struggle for me, and I want to share them with you! 

“Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty. You will not fear the terror of night, nor the arrow that flies by day. For he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways.” (Psalm 91)

“When you lie down, you will not be afraid, when you lie down, your sleep will be sweet.” (Proverbs 3:24)

“Be still, and know that I am God.” (Psalm 46:10)

“I lay down and slept, yet I woke up in safety, for the LORD was watching over me.” (Psalm 3:5)

“So don’t worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries. Today’s trouble is enough for today.” (Matthew 6:34)

“Return to your rest, my soul, for the LORD has been good to you.” (Psalm 116:7)

“I will both lay me down in peace, and sleep: for thou, LORD, only makest me dwell in safety.” (Psalm 4:8)

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” (Matthew 11:28-30)

Meal Time Secrets

I cook meat on Monday and make my lunches for the week, so work is easy and seamless. I love Mary’s organic ground chicken breasts. I cook it plain and season it with Greek, Italian or Mexican seasonings. I use Asian spices in my salads with dry herbs and dressings. I eat smaller nutrient-dense God-made meals and make sure I have at least three colors on my plate. 

I clean as I cook, and I cook multiple meals at a time. I reserve anything packaged for post-workout, like the minute I walk out of my workout, I eat a smallish serving of protein and carbs. Sometimes this is a bar or a shake, but usually, it's two Mediterranean meatballs with baby carrots, cucumbers, peppers, or sweet potato slices.

I eat on little plates and little bowls and use little forks. I set my phone down when I eat. I pray and pause before every meal. I keep portion control by keeping measuring tools in the kitchen. I never eat after 5:30 pm and I eat 4-5 times a day. If I want a treat, I have to leave and go get it.

I’ve learned you can’t eat what you don’t have in your house, so grocery shopping is your first line of defense.

I enjoy starchy carbs in the morning and sometimes post-workout, but lunch and dinner are always protein with lots of fibrous carbs, vegetables, and good fats.

The Key To A Successful System

One thing you’ll notice is God has helped me overtime to make everything have a prayer-filled flow and system. 

Here are the big takeaways

I take Sunday off. Other than meal planning and ordering groceries to be delivered, Sunday is all about God and family! 

Mondays start with a conversation with Jesus. I rededicate my life, goals, and my week, every morning but Monday is like the New Years’ day of my week! Throughout my day I’m in continual prayer and conversation with God. My workouts are set appointments. That time is crossed off of my schedule. I also batch my social media content on Mondays. I’m trying to get better about this. My goal is to plan out a month at a time, but right now I’m doing two weeks at a time. 

I reserve Thursdays for appointments: hair, nails, doctors, and the dentist. I also do my podcast taping and filming on these days. I batch my podcasts, (Batching means I do a bunch of them at once) I write them 2-to 4 at a time on Saturday mornings. I do all of our laundry on Saturday. I’m up before 5 am, it’s all done by 9 am, so it really isn’t that bad!

Friday night and Sunday night are date nights! Sunday Giavella goes to Church so Bill and I have our time together.

Okay, one last fun fact…I’m all glam or all fitness, I don’t really have a casual middle speed. I’m wearing 5-inch heels or my workout gear.

I asked my husband and daughter how they would describe me at home and my husband said I work like 10 people. He said, “you are passionate, disciplined and you demand more of yourself than you would ever demand from anyone else, and you inspire hope and confidence in everything you say.”

My daughter said, “Mom, you have the real fix. People want a diet, but you have what they really need.” Can you say all the feels?! 🥰

Sweet sister, I know getting into a new routine can be challenging, but with God and prayer, it is possible to set up systems that work for you in God’s favor. So let’s pray together before you go!

Dear God,

Thank you for your word. Thank you for how you love us and how you’ve gifted each of us uniquely to bring you glory. Father, remind us that you have poured these gifts into us for your use. Even though the world often rejects us, counts us out, or makes us feel like what’s the point. Remind us you are the point, you are our everything, and that living for you requires discipline, structure, and a plan. Help my sisters see their gift and open doors for them, and give them a favor.

In Jesus' name, amen.

Remember you are Strong. Confident. His.


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