JOIN My Healthy for HIM Holiday Challenge!

faith fitness food Nov 24, 2020

JOIN My Healthy for HIM Holiday Challenge!

(Press play above to listen to this Strong. Confident. His. Podcast episode, or read the Blog highlights below.)

Happy Thanksgiving, sweet friend! 

I can’t believe Thanksgiving is this week! 

On top of the list of what I’m grateful for is YOU!

God is so good, He gave me you, and I am SO thankful for my Strong. Confident. His. Podcast family! Thank you for taking this journey with me this year. 

This scripture sums up how I feel...

Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever. – 1 Chronicles 16:34

I know how busy this week is for you, so I packed this with value and kept it short.

Can I just mention though that my NEW devotional comes out January 1, and I’m doing cartwheels over here in the Holy Spirit! 

You’ve got to get on my Be The First To Know list so you can get a copy.

Friends! God wrote this book… 

And did I mention it’s so pretty?

EEK! I just can’t wait for you to see it.

Okay….The year has been so hard on us right?! I’ve heard a lot of people say that they’ve gained over 20 pounds, they’re not motivated, and they just want to feel good again.

Well today... I’ve got an answer for you, and I’m going to be doing it with you!

Here’s your fit sister-in-Christ faith-filled plan to get back to healthy over the holidays: mind, body, and soul.

Through the end of the year, I’m inviting you to do the F.I.T. Power Hour Challenge! If you’ve done this with me before, let’s dig in and recommit!

Now if you haven’t, I’ve got a free guide for you to help you get started: Download it Here

Sweet friend, hear my heart, we can’t wait until Jan 1 to take care of ourselves. Let’s start now! Deal? 

Okay, our F.I.T. Power Hour Challenge is broken into three parts:

  • F.I.T. Soul–Time in the Word Spending time with God and in His Word everyday is the truest and most POWERFUL strength training. And we need it right now! So we’re going to spend time with God daily. Put Him on your schedule!
  • F.I.T. Mind–Time with yourself in reflection, prayer, and
    Gratitude This year might have been extra tough on us, but our God is Stronger and we can be too when we place our hope and faith in Him. 

Writing helps me get my thoughts out on paper and my mind right. Do you do this too? It’s so helpful. I also have a separate journal where I’ve written all the prayers God has answered. I highly recommend doing this. When I’m going through something hard, I’ll flip through it and it turns my stress into strength.

For our challenge, Here’s what I want you to do: Get a journal, write down your thoughts, your feelings, your goals, talk to God. Start being your own best friend and cheerleader, and collect scriptures to fuel your journey.

  • F.I.T. Body–Time exercising  Aim for 30 + minutes of movement a day. This could be a walk, a group fitness class, whatever you know you’ll actually do is the right workout for you!

And If you find yourself sitting a lot, get up, stretch, and get outside, don’t spend the end of 2020 on the couch watching TV. God has life for you to live!

Build in some accountability, Consider inviting a friend and doing it together. 

In just 5 weeks it will be 2021, and it’ll feel so good to start the new year off with these newly found daily healthy habits.

Now don’t worry about getting in a perfect hour, but just try to hit each of the three with the best you’ve got for the day. 

Always Choose Grace Over Perfection. No all or nothing thinking okay?!


Dear God,

Thank you for the greatest gift of all, your son, Jesus! 

And thank you for the blessing of my fit-sisters-in Christ. I pray that they know and feel how important, valued and loved they are.

God as we challenge ourselves to spend time with you daily, move our bodies, and keep our minds healthy with prayer and journaling, we invite you to be the centerpiece. You are the main focus. In you, we can do the things that are impossible. Help us honor you in our bodies, with our time, and live with an audience of one: YOU!

 In Jesus name, amen.

Maybe today, friend you don’t feel motivated or like you have much strength, so here’s a Word for you!

Faith Fuel:

Psalm 138:3 tells us,

In the day when I cried out, You answered me, And made me bold with strength in my soul.

Isn’t that perfect! 

Okay, friend...Pinky promise you’re not going to wait?!

All you’ve got to do now is here to download your guide and stay accountable with me either on social media or in the Fit Sisters in Christ private Facebook group. In Him, we’ve got this! 

And guess what, I made you a gift...

A Healthy for Him Holiday Checklist:

This time of year can be overwhelming, so I’ve prepared a helpful checklist to take the stress, potential weight gain, and guilt out and replaced it with a plan to make it a grateful, healthy and blessed Holiday Season. 

Food, Fitness, Fellowship Through Faith Daily Strategy: 

  • Invite God to be the centerpiece of the holiday season.
  • Pause and Pray before meals.
  • Move your body daily while meditating on a scripture, listening to a Christian Workout Playlist or your Bible.

Spend your calories wisely

Survey all the food choices and skip the stuff you can eat any time of the year. Save your calories for your holiday favorites and enjoy every bite!

 Be realistic, choose grace

Don’t try to lose weight during the holidays. Try to maintain your current weight. 

 Skip the food guilt! 

Refrain from the self-berating talk and all or nothing thinking. Choose balance and grace.

Plan to move your body

Nothing recharges us like time alone with God and a great workout. Listen to your Bible and go for a run, put on a great Christian workout playlist and workout, go on a family walk and talk about what you’re thankful for. Exercise helps relieve holiday stress and prevent weight gain. 

 Don’t skip meals

Before leaving for a party, eat a light snack like raw vegetables with hummus or a handful of raw nuts to curb your appetite. This will prevent you from overindulging, because no one makes good food choices when they’re starving. #hangry

 Satisfied not stuffed

Savor each bite, eat slowly and just until you are satisfied, not stuffed. 

 Balance it out

If you overeat at one meal go light on the next. It takes an additional 500 calories per day (or 3,500 calories per week) to gain a pound; this strategy will help balance out your calories and keep the pounds off.

 BYOF: Bring your own healthy dish to a holiday gathering.

Focus on Fellowship rather than food

Ask God to speak to your heart about reaching out and reconnecting or repairing relationships.

This may be the only chance throughout the year that you have to see/hear from a lot of your family members. Try to make the very most of this time. Say the things you might never have another chance to and let them know how much they mean to you. 

 Serve and help in your community

There is nothing that will fill your heart like knowing you’ve truly helped another person. This can be a big or small act. Here are just a few ideas: buy food for a struggling family, participate in serving food at Church or a shelter, or invite a lonely neighbor over who doesn’t have any family.

 Make family memories

Turn candy and cookie making time into non-edible projects like making wreaths, dough art decorations or a gingerbread house. Plan group activities with family and friends like playing games or going on a walking tour of decorated homes.

Cooking and Baking Tips: All the flavor without all the calories. Double win!

Gravy— Refrigerate the gravy to harden the fat. Skim the fat off and reheat. 

Dressing— Exchange bread for cornbread, rice or oats and add more onions, garlic, celery, and vegetables or fruits such as cranberries or apples. Moisten or flavor with low fat low sodium chicken or vegetable broth and applesauce.

Green Bean Casserole— Cook fresh green beans with olive and oil and spices and top with almonds instead of fried onion rings.

Mashed Potatoes— Use skim milk, chicken broth, and garlic instead of whole milk and butter. 

Healthy Holiday Nog— Four bananas, 1-1/2 cups skim milk or soy milk, 1-1/2 cups plain nonfat yogurt, 1/4 teaspoon rum extract, and ground nutmeg. Blend all ingredients except nutmeg until smooth. Top with nutmeg. 

Desserts— Make a crustless pumpkin pie. Substitute two egg whites for each whole egg in baked recipes. Replace heavy cream with evaporated skim milk in cheesecakes and cream pies. Top cakes with fresh fruit, fruit sauce, or a sprinkle of powdered sugar instead of frosting. 

If you love this episode, it would mean the world to me if you left a review for The Strong. Confident. His Podcast on iTunes and shared it.

 It helps the podcast and blog get discovered by other women and shows me what type of content to create for you and serve you with excellence! 

 With a heart full of gratitude, Happy Thanksgiving, sister!

Until Next time...

Remember You are Strong. Confident. His. 

From my heart to yours God bless!

Links Mentioned in This Episode

JOIN My Healthy for HIM Holiday Challenge!

Be The First To Know About my Brand NEW Devotional!

Christian Fitness Resources

Faith Inspired Transformation Book and Workout Series

Free Faith Filled Fitness Resources

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