How God’s Unwavering Love Guides and Sustains Us with Shannon Bream

FOX News Sunday's, Shannon Bream, joins us today to share about God’s love for us and how it has led her and sustained her. You don’t want to miss the advice she has for those of us with big goals. Shannon is the author of the number one New York Times bestsellers The Women of the Bible Speak and The Mothers and Daughters of the Bible Speak, the anchor of FOX News Sunday, and FOX News Channel’s chief legal correspondent.

Shannon and I sit down to have a very real talk about her heart behind her new book, the struggles of reaching your goals, and a message that will help you know God’s love for you. We are so grateful you are joining us.

Shannon talks about God’s love for us and why she wrote her new book, Love Stories of the Bible Speak

She draws lessons from the good, the bad, and the ugly of Biblical romances, friendships, and families. She shows how God’s love is often very different from ours, turning upside down our assumptions about life, relationships, and each other.

She reminds us that, no matter where we find ourselves, God’s unwavering love will sustain and guide us. These insights into biblical relationships will uplift and encourage you, and reveal new dimensions to the most central Christian duty: to love God and your neighbor.

Here are some of the topics we covered:

  1. Why did you feel led to write, The Love Stories of the Bible Speak?
  2. Did any of the love stories of the Bible surprise you or stand out to you? Why do they relate to our lives now?
  3. Our culture has shifted away from faith. Can you share your thoughts about this?
  4. I heard you start your day in the Word, can you share a bit about your morning routine? THIS ANSWER shocked me!
  5. You’ve accomplished so much. Do you have any advice for those listening and watching who have big dreams and goals? 
  6. What do people not know about you? Tell us a story about a setback or a hardship. You don’t want to miss this answer!

Watch the full interview on my YouTube Channel!


Get your copy of The Love Stories of the Bible Speak here!


Faith Fuel

Jesus said to him, “‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.’ This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like it: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ – Matthew 22:37-39 NKJV

About Shannon Bream





Shannon currently serves as anchor of FOX News Sunday with Shannon Bream on the FOX Broadcast Network. She joined FOX News Channel in 2007 as a Washington D.C- based correspondent covering the Supreme Court.

In addition to her role as anchor, Bream is Chief Legal Correspondent for FNC and host of Livin’ the Bream, a podcast on FOX News Radio where she shares inspirational stories, personal anecdotes and an insider's perspective on actions and rulings from the high court. 

She is also a founding author for FOX News Books, the publishing imprint of FOX News Media. Notably, her debut title, The Women of the Bible Speak: The Wisdom of 16 Women and Their Lessons for today was 13th bestselling book in adult nonfiction in 2021, according to Bookscan, and spent 15 weeks on the New York Times bestseller list, five of which at number one.

In March 2022, she published the second book in the franchise, Mothers and Daughters of the Bible Speak, which also rose to number one on the New York Times bestseller list, moving 200,000 copies within the first five weeks.

Prior to joining FNC, Bream worked as a weekend anchor for WRC-TV (NBC-4) in Washington, D.C., anchored the evening and late-night news for WBTV (CBS-3) in Charlotte, NC and held writing and reporting positions at WFTS-TV (ABC-28) in Tampa, FL.

‌Before entering the world of media Shannon practiced law, specializing in race discrimination and sexual harassment cases. She is an Honors graduate of the Florida State University College of Law, and obtained her Bachelor of Science in Business Management magna cumlaude from Liberty University.

‌She and her husband, Sheldon, enjoy traveling, fly fishing and they describe themselves as “a tad obsessive” about college football. Their home is run by English Labrador Retriever, Biscuit Bream.

I don’t believe that it’s an accident that you are tuning in today. I know that God has a word for you in this message that could transform your life. I can’t wait for you to listen because I know it's going to encourage you and show you God’s love for you.

Remember you are Strong. Confident. His.


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