Girl, I just want to pray over your fitness goals!

 You are on my heart today! I know the battle to get healthy is hard and you’re facing things today that you think no one understands, but Jesus does. I want to remind you of that today, and help you get free and on the right track in Him today!

I want to quickly say that I’m right there with you sister, and I understand the struggle too. I’m trying to make every food choice a God-made one, and I’m faced daily with the same choices you are. To work out or put it off. To look in the mirror and see a fearfully and wonderfully made woman of God or someone I don’t want to be. We are on this battleship together, it is not a cruise ship, so let’s get powered up and prayed up for the day.

My prayer for you.

Dear God,

I pray over my sister today that she would know you are there to take her pain, her hidden hurts, and you can help her with the habits that keep her from your best. Father, the world is so loud and the journey to be fit is hard. Temptation is everywhere, with food, body part goals, with weight goals, it can be all-consuming and so lonely.

But in you Lord, she has power, she has authority, she has victory, please open her eyes to that. Show her the path you have for her and that she is not alone. When she gets dressed and wants to pick herself apart, show her how to see herself through your eyes, Like your word says, in Song of Solomon 4:7 You altogether beautiful my darling there is no flaw in you.

I pray for a breakthrough over her that she would get healthy, find balance, and be free to enjoy food and workouts with a grateful heart and be deeply satisfied with how you made her. Open her eyes to see how valuable and loved she is and That she has hope in you, ANd lastly that she can trust you and lean on you and you will direct her path. When the world creeps in and the enemy tries to make her quit, Father I pray the Holy Spirit to be so present that she whispers thank you, I feel you, Lord.

I love my sister, I know her pain, I pray the bondages she’s struggling with are broken in your mighty name Jesus, Amen!

Jesus knows how you feel.

Fitness can feel so lonely, and it can feel like no one cares. I want you to know how much Jesus cares and knows exactly how you feel.

After the last supper, Jesus led Peter, James, and John to the garden of Gethsemane. He asked them to stay with Him. To find this in your Bible go to Matthew 26:38-41.

"My soul is deeply grieved, to the point of death; remain here and keep watch with Me". He fell to His face and asked God to let this cup pass from me. He was scared. He knew he was going to be crucified. He even sweats blood. He was beside himself with sorrow, and guess what, Peter, James, and John fell asleep. 

He woke them up and said, "So, you men could not keep watch with Me for one hour? Keep watching and praying, that you may not enter into temptation; the spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak" Again He prayed, but they fell asleep again. This happened 3 times. Can you imagine how alone He felt? How hurt?

You may feel completely alone in your battle to get fit, lose weight, get strong, and find confidence in how God made you. You may try to talk to your friends and they don’t seem to care. It may feel like everyone you talk to is just not there for you like no one gets it. Maybe you even go on social media to feel better, but it just makes it worse. 

Well, I have good news for you, Jesus gets it. He gets it, He knows! He knows exactly how you feel. Girl, run to Him! In Him, you have everything you need.

Write this scripture down!

“And the Lord will guide you continually and satisfy your desire in scorched places and make your bones strong; and you shall be like a watered garden, like a spring of water, whose waters do not fail.” Isaiah 58:11

Keep this scripture somewhere you can see it every single day. 

Remember friend, you are Strong. Confident. His.


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