50 Powerful Christian Quotes to Inspire Your Fitness Every Day!

Hey Sister, Today, I’m getting personal and opening up the pages of my messy tea-stained journal to share the priceless words God has given me to encourage myself to get motivated, be consistent, and show up when I have nothing left.

Download your copy of "50 Powerful Christian Quotes to Inspire Your Fitness Every Day!" Just tap on the picture below.

Having a powerful Godly quote to read in a time of need can be exactly what you need to take a hopeless moment and transform it into a Thank You God, I see you working kind of transition! He renews our minds when we reset our focus! 

Here’s something you may not know about me, I love writing, and my mind is always putting words together. What’s funny is God always gives me quotes when I’m working out. There’s something about moving my body and listening to Christian music that really brings on creativity. I believe so much that Jesus is right there waiting on us to say, I need you, so let’s turn to Him!

When we stray away from Him, we fall into the flesh-driven frustration project, so I hope these quotes remind you to stay in the Lord. 

These quotes are written all over my messy bloom planner. It has tea spilled on it, and it looks like 100 miles of bad Texas road, but the work God has done in me through these Words is priceless, and I hope and pray there is something in here that you needed today.

I’d like to encourage you to take what you need, Sister, write it in your journal or a note on your phone, and keep the ones that speak to you as a reminder that God is with you in whatever you’re facing today, and He loves you so much.

Before you click on the image above to get your free gift, let’s pray together!

Dear God,

Life is full of distractions to keep us from living in your presence. Give us a Holy Spirit nudge to stay in step with you. When the defeated or anxious thoughts come, give us a Word to renew our minds. Help us turn what-ifs into even-ifs. Because even if what we fear or dread happens, you are there to take us through it; we will fear not because you are with us and you love us so much. Fill my sister’s hearts with your love in this moment and wash their thinking with your truth. Help them know you more and desire you above anything else. Father, we long to bring you glory. We love you -You are our living hope. Help us be the godly women we want to be.

In Jesus' name amen

Faith Fuel

"Don’t let your heart envy sinners." Proverbs 23:17

"Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart Be acceptable in Your sight, O LORD, my strength and my Redeemer." Psalms 19:14 

After you have downloaded the quotes, please tell me which quote spoke to you on Instagram or Facebook, and share it under my most recent post. I love hearing from you.

Remember you are Strong. Confident. His. and I am praying for you, sister!


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