Part 2 Holiday Checklist: Detoxing, Food Swaps, & Excuse Proof Workouts

* Special note...A couple of months ago, I shared with you that I was declaring war on hormonal and age-related weight gain. Well, I'm happy to share that with God, I beat it! This selfie is so much more than a picture, it is a celebration of the difference God makes. Join me on today’s new episode as I share how to excuse proof your workout, the workout I’ve been doing to help me recomp my body, how to detox God’s Way, and a list of food swaps.

Have you been traveling, partaking in the Holidays, overindulging, or have you been overwhelmingly busy? These moments can make you wonder how to detox your body, how to cook healthily, and how to find a workout that fits into a schedule with zero time!

Well, I‘ve got you covered, Sister!

Today I’m arming you with a battle plan to stay healthy, happy, and fit God’s way. I have created a guide to health, mindset, getting your workout in, eating strategies, detoxing, God-made ingredient swaps, and more!


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Holiday Checklist: 9 Tips to Stay Healthy, Happy, and Fit

The holidays are here and so are their temptations! I want to arm you with a battle plan to keep first things first and stay healthy, happy, and fit God’s way. 

This is your first blog in a series of Holiday guides to health, mindset, getting your workout in, detoxing, gift ideas, recipes, and more.

Okay, let me first say thank you for the 5-star ratings and reviews. If you haven't yet left yours, please do so here. 

 Thank you in advance for helping me help other women know Jesus in their food, fitness, body image, and worth, and Live Strong. Confident. His.

We win or lose battles in our minds

Okay, I’m going to kick this series off with where we win or lose our battles, our minds!

As a man thinks, so is he. Proverbs 23:7.

Your mind is the steering wheel of your life, so let’s drive you into the New Year Happy, Healthy, and Fit God’s way. I’m hearing Carrie Underwood sing, Jesus, take the wheel, and that is exactly what we want.


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