Welcome to today’s episode, where we’re exposing a fitness trap that so many Christian women fall into. Let’s start with a story that may sound all too familiar.
You find yourself caught in a cycle, working out harder and harder, eating less, and pushing your body to exhaustion. You believe this is the way to look and feel better, but it’s a vicious cycle. Your constant restriction is making you lose muscle, and intense workouts are driving up cortisol, leaving you drained, weaker, and prone to storing more body fat instead of losing it. Each calorie you cut and cardio session only digs you deeper into the trap the world has sold you—that punishing your body is the only way to achieve strength and confidence. But it’s a lie, a snare designed to weaken, not strengthen you.
The enemy loves this trap, keeping you obsessed with appearances, empty promises, and never-ending pursuits of worldly standards. But the...
I know that God has a word for you in this message that literally could transform your life. I can’t wait to get started because I know this that is going to encourage you, strengthen you, and could free you from what has kept you down.
Prefer videos? Watch this episode here.
Last weekend I was asked to speak at a women’s retreat.
I prayed about what God wanted me to speak about and He led me to a scripture that unleashed a whole new love for Jesus and a level of understanding about His power working in us.
I believe this message could change your life. Writing it changed mine, I know someone else needs to hear this because I did.
The theme of the retreat was unleashed, so I dug into the scriptures and prayed about what it meant to be unleashed. Honestly, most of the scriptures I found were about God unleashing his anger in the old testament, but I found one that shook me and showed me that it is important to God that women get healed and free.
The holidays are here and so are their temptations! I want to arm you with a battle plan to keep first things first and stay healthy, happy, and fit God’s way.
This is your first blog in a series of Holiday guides to health, mindset, getting your workout in, detoxing, gift ideas, recipes, and more.
Okay, let me first say thank you for the 5-star ratings and reviews. If you haven't yet left yours, please do so here.
Thank you in advance for helping me help other women know Jesus in their food, fitness, body image, and worth, and Live Strong. Confident. His.
Okay, I’m going to kick this series off with where we win or lose our battles, our minds!
As a man thinks, so is he. Proverbs 23:7.
Your mind is the steering wheel of your life, so let’s drive you into the New Year Happy, Healthy, and Fit God’s way. I’m hearing Carrie Underwood sing, Jesus, take the wheel, and that is exactly what we want.
50% Complete
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