Iron Sharpens Iron: SOUL Good Scoop With My BFF

fitness Oct 27, 2020


Iron Sharpens Iron: SOUL Good Scoop With My BFF

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Today I’m doing something new and super fun on the Strong. Confident. His. Podcast and Blog.

I’m starting a new theme called Girl Chat, and I couldn’t think of a better way to kick it off than with my bestie. 

This girl is my go-to, my superhero cape, my BFF for 20 years. 

Please welcome Kandace Hudspeth to Strong. Confident. His. 

We’re going to cover 3 Ways To Stay STRONG: Mind, Body, & Soul when life gets overwhelming!

Because let’s be honest... it’s a struggle right now!

It's human nature to "press pause" or put ourselves last when our world gets stressful....the voice of the enemy tells us to "wait for the perfect time" when we know that the perfect time is right now. 

Life doesn't pause and the good work we are called to complete doesn't pause either, so we hope this encourages you.

 1 Thessalonians 5:11 tells us,

Therefore encourage one another and build each other up.

And that is the mission today, friends!

3 Ways to Be STRONG When Life Gets Overwhelming 

Mind Strong:

We need to speak out against our doubts, fears, and anxieties!

Pull the lies out of your mind just like you would a weed and replace them with God’s truth!

As Christians, we don't need to freak out or feed our fear and confusion.

When we are faced with things that steal our peace, we need to hold strong and go to our source of truth.

Romans 12:2 tells us...

Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is--his good, pleasing and perfect will. ... Hate what is evil; cling to what is good. Be devoted to one another in sisterly love.

We may not be able to go to church right now, but we are the church and with friends and family we can have church anywhere. 

There is peace and power in fellowship and friendship.

I’ve noticed that people are on edge, have you?

We all need checks and balances to keep sure that we are responding with wisdom and love versus reacting to challenges we may be navigating...especially right now when there is so much temptation to "be right" we must remember that it is more important to love one another the way God has commanded us to.

Doing this will help us hold onto our peace and stay connected to each other in godly love.

Body Strong:

Right now more than ever, girl, you need to take the very best care of yourself. 

Are you practicing the 5 Ps, friend? If you’re tempted to eat for comfort, stress or numb yourself with food, this is a trap!

Don’t fall into it!

If you don’t know what the 5 P's are, download them, here. 

Okay, time for an honest girl chat moment!

You may be thinking, how am I supposed to get my workouts in and take care of myself?

Adopt THIS approach:

Tell yourself, it's not all or nothing, it's always something.

Picture your workouts on a dial, somedays are a perfect ten, and some days can only be a two.

The point is you can always do something.

Consider the law of averages and do the best you can with what you have knowing that if you bring all you have to your day, God will bless it! 

Soul Strong: 

Have you felt the heaviness, have you felt under attack?

Praying the word of God is the truest and most powerful strength training! 

Pray! And then pray again, believing! 

 We need to believe with boldness in our prayers sister/friends!

The prayer of a righteous person has great power as it is working. – James 5:16

Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours. – Mark 11:24

When we cry our to God, He hears us.

I teach a tool called the F.I.T. Power Hour in my book, 10 Steps to Your Faith Inspired Transformation, F.I.T. to help stay STRONG: Mind, Body, & Soul!

It's very simple to follow, you can give it a try, download the steps here.


Our Prayer For You!

Dear God, 

Help lift the heaviness of the world from our hearts. In you, we can live strong and confident in our mind, body, and soul. Your word says, Two people are better off than one, for they can help each other succeed. If one person falls, the other can reach out and help. But someone who falls alone is in real trouble. We don’t want anyone to feel alone or hopeless. We want our sisters to feel reset and full of faith and inspiration with this moment!

Lord, help us navigate this time through you and for you, and grow deeper in Christ together.

 In Jesus’ name, amen.

Faith Fuel

Proverbs 27:17 tells us, As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another. 

Let’s stay STRONG together!

And since we’re doing life together, please hashtag us on social #schtogether and share your Strong. Confident. His. moments with us.

We want to come alongside you to celebrate you and pray for you!

Join My Power Up Challenge!

I’m never going to leave you without asking you to get into action. 

Nothing happens without action, and I’m here to be your accountability partner.

Make sure to Subscribe/Rate/Review to the Strong. Confident. His. Podcast, and head over to my social media. 

Tell us how this episode spoke to you and share your STRONG moment with the #schtogether

When you do, you’re automatically entered into my Power Up Challenge!  

I pick one winner every week, and you’ll either get a coaching call from me, a copy of my best-selling Christian fitness book Faith Inspired Transformation, F.I.T., or the F.I.T. Workout Series.

Remember, You are Strong. Confident. His.

From my heart to yours,

God bless,

Links Mentioned in This Episode

Connect with Kandace Hudspeth

 Faith Inspired Transformation Book and Workout Series

Free Faith Filled Fitness Resources 

My Social Media



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