Level Up Your Life With the Lord

faith Jun 30, 2020

Level Up Your Life With the Lord

(Press play to listen to this episode of the Strong. Confident. His. Podcast or enjoy reading below.)

Are there places in your life where you could really use the Lord's help?

Doing this exercise will show you exactly where God wants to do the work with you that will level up your life: 

Step 1.Think of your life as your home and each part of you is a room.

Let’s walk through your house together, and as we do, ask yourself if God has been pointing anything out in this room:

Kitchen: Has he been talking to you about making better food choices, or are you struggling with disordered eating, overeating, undereating, or maybe even numbing yourself with food? 

Office: Are you hearing anything about a business He’s put on your heart, your current job, trusting Him for a new job, or perhaps how you spend your money?

Bathroom: When you look in the mirror, do you see what He sees, or do you struggle with getting dressed or your body image? Do you shame a part of your body? Do you show off a part of your body? Does your confidence come from Him or other people's approval?

A woman recently asked me," Kim, what do I do with these darn hips?  I said you change how you talk about them, they are your Jesus created curves! " Now, her view is changing! 

Bedroom: Is God talking to you about your marriage or intimacy? Or even oversleeping or under sleeping?

Kids' rooms:  Are you praying for a baby, or wanting to be a better role model for your kids, or maybe start teaching them more about God? Do you need to spend more quality time with them?

Living room: Think of television, music, and entertainment. Is there anything that isn't in line with your Christian values?

Here's an example from my life...

One day, I was out for a run and as a song popped up on my playlist, I felt the Holy Spirit say, "This isn’t you anymore." It was VERY convicting. I went home and started searching for Christian workout music, and that is why I created so many Christian Workout playlists on Spotify.

As a saved woman of God, the lyrics just didn't fit me anymore. My music needed to level up! If your playlist could use a refresh too, visit my Spotify. 

Dining room: Think about fellowship, who are you surrounding yourself with? Are there any toxic relationships that don’t fit who you are in Christ? Or are there any friends or family you should invite over?

Lastly, Your Closet, Are there any deep secrets or broken places that you shove down every day: old hurts, guilt, anger from the loss of a loved one, failed marriages, or pain from rejection?

These unspeakable painful places are where only Jesus can heal. 

Step 2. identify if you are running from God or toward Him in this area of your life.

If you are running to God, wonderful!

But, if you're running from Him, you're not alone. Even Jonah ran from God, He was the only prophet who ran from Him.

Have you done Priscilla Shirer's Bible Study, Jonah? I highly recommend it.

She shares:

I am Jonah.

I want to serve God…

As long as it is convenient.

I desire to do His will…

Until it is a tad uncomfortable

I don’t want to have my plans interrupted.

Oh yes. I am Jonah, and I suspect that in

One way or another, you are too..”

Ahem, yes! I am! I think we all have a place where we’re like Jonah. 

And were trying to run away, but we can't run from God. 

In Psalm 139:7 and 16 (I highly recommend just reading all of Psalm 139, it’s so beautiful!)

David says, Where can I go from your Spirit? Where can I flee from your presence? Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.

The Psalmist knew there was nothing that God didn’t know about him.


Is there a room where you’re leaving God out? 

Did something well up in you when a room was mentioned?

God wants all of you. 

Even the thing you think He couldn’t possibly fix.

Jeremiah 1:5 tells us that, It is not by chance that You are where you are... God knew it from the beginning.

God knows, you, friend!

The funny thing is we think we can run away from Him, like Jonah,  but we can't. 

If you run to Him instead of away from Him, He can fix whatever you've had a hard time facing, and in that freedom, you can level up, friend!

Here's a prayer for us...

Dear God,

It’s overwhelming to comprehend that you planned every day of our lives before we were born and you know every single thing about us, but your ways are not our ways, your ways are better…

Help us desire them. 

Search us and know our hearts. Point out whatever is not of you. Today we run toward you and not away.

Lead us to become the very best version of ourselves – for you.

In Jesus' name, amen.


In the Jonah study, I mentioned... there was a fill in the blank portion that was so beautiful, I have to share.

It said:

Your tears are falling into the palm of His hands. You serve a God who is waiting to hear from you and He can’t wait to respond. 

Our Faith Fuel: Isaiah 30:21 gives this biblical foundation:

Your ears will hear a word behind you, “This is the way, walk in it,’ whenever you go to the right or to the left.” 

God’s got you! Yes, He does! 

I’m never going to leave you without asking you to get into action. 

Nothing happens without action, and I’m here to be your accountability partner.

Join My Power Up Challenge!

Tell me what spoke to you about this episode? Head over to social media, and leave me a comment or a message.

When you do, you’re automatically entered into my Power Up Challenge! 

I pick one winner every week, and you’ll either get a coaching call from me or the Faith Inspired Transformation Christian Fitness Program.

If you have friends who would enjoy or benefit from this type of Christian Information, please share the  Strong. Confident. His. Podcast. with them.

Thank you in advance for choosing to Subscribe/Rate/Review, because when you do you're helping this message become a movement and it’s so needed. 

I’m invested in your success, friend.

Remember, you are Strong. Confident. His.

From my heart to yours,

God bless,


Links Mentioned In This Episode: 

Christian Workout Spotify Playlist

Priscilla Shirer's Jonah Bible Study

Faith Inspired Transformation

Strong. Confident. His. Podcast

Free Faith and Fitness Resources

My Social Media



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