Get Fit Through Faith: Free Step-by-Step Guide

fitness May 21, 2020

Get Fit Through Faith: Free Step-by-Step Guide 

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* Download your free guide, here

  • How many times have you come to the end of the day and you're like, ugh...I didn’t get my workout in?
  • Or how many times have you excitedly set a fitness goal, but somehow it never made its way from your thoughts on to your to-do list?

Let’s be honest, getting fit can be exhausting hard.

Many women tell me they have a continuously negative conversation going on with themselves and they beat themselves up because they don’t get their workouts in. 

This struggle to workout is compounded by the very unrealistic and single-focus of what it looks like to be fit.

Fitness should be a lifestyle, not a look

This is why many women feel defeated and like, what’s the point because they can’t measure up to their social media feed. 

Oh, my friends, the point is YOU ARE WORTH TAKING CARE OF

Health is not something to take lightly, and what you look like on the inside matters more than the outside.

It’s so easy to get caught up in this space of negative self-talk and exhaustion, and when we do it’s clear, we’re not doing this with God or in His strength.

The answer for those who love Jesus is so obvious, it’s almost too obvious, and here it is: Seek God first and rely on His strength.

Our Biblical foundation for seeking God first in our fitness and relying on His strength is found here:

 Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all things will be added to you. (Matt. 6:33)

 Seek the Lord and His strength seek His presence continually. (1 Chron. 16:11)

 I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength. (Phil. 4:13)

 >>Doing this is absolutely life-changing, so I’ve created a freebie to help you. << 

Make sure to download it, here: Get Fit Through Faith: Free Step-by-Step Guide 

Here’s a sample of what you get in your Step-by-Step Guide to Get FIT Through Faith.

 Learn how to seek God in your fitness and set your goals in F.A.I.T.H.:

Faith-filled and specific: Seek God, and pray about His will for you and your health. Determine your specific faith-filled goals.

Accountable and actionable When, where, and how in your week are you getting your workout in? (There’s a printable template in the Get Fit Through Faith: Free Step-by-Step Guide.)

Inspiring What is God calling you to: Start a new business, be a role model to your kids, avoid diseases that run in your family? What inspires you?

Time-based Set a goal. Put the date on your calendar and take the first step.

Healthy Make your goal a healthy one. It’s not healthy to try to lose 20 pounds in a week or compare yourself to anyone else. Embrace you, be who God made you to be. Set healthy expectations, because fit is an outfit that looks different on every body!

 Did you know this:

 Dr. Gail Matthews did a study and found you are 42% more likely to reach a goal if it’s written down. 

>> Take the first step by downloading your free guide and write your F.A.I.T.H. Goals down. <<

 Faith Fuel: 

Deuteronomy 4:29 tells us:

But if from there you seek the LORD your God, you will find him if you seek him with all your heart and with all your soul.

 Dear God,

You know the goals of our hearts, but we can get so lost in the details of applying this structure to our lives that it feels impossible. The day often seems to tell us what to do versus the other way around. We know you desire order and not chaos. What has been impossible for us, we know is possible in you. Today, we seek you in our fitness goals. We surrender this to you. Help us set goals that honor you and create a system with you at the center of it all. You are our power source, our loving Father, our everything.

In Jesus' name, amen.

If getting healthy and fit has been a struggle for you, I’d like you to think about this…

Your loving father wants to do life with you, you are His daughter. 

He’s there just like your father was when you were a little girl: reaching for your hand as you cross the street, watching you perform at your dance recital, and tucking you in at night.

And now as an adult, He wants to do life with you. Every part of it!

You are so loved! And you’re not alone on your journey of health and fitness.

Power Up Challenge!

I challenge you to download your free guide and start today, and I want to hear all about it. Head over to my social media and let me know your F.A.I.T.H. goal.

I believe in you, and I know that you can do all things through Christ who gives you strength.

Remember you are,

Strong. Confident. His.

Love your virtual BFF & FIT Sister-in-Christ

P.S. Feel free to share with a friend.

Links Mentioned in this post:

Get Fit Through Faith: Free Step-by-Step Guide


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