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How to Take Authority Over the Top 3 Issues that Come Against Your Fitness Success

Let’s just dive right in today and talk about why Christian women get stuck and can't succeed at their fitness goals and find worth. I want you to know about them so you can spot them, overcome them, and when they come up against you, you have a battle plan to win!

Here are three things that will come against you as a Christian trying to get fit, so let's hit them head-on, deal?

‌1. Confusion about Fitness being vain will come against you as a Christian woman trying to get fit.

‌Confusion causes legalistic religious attitudes about self-care and dismisses any focus on your health and fitness as vanity. To address the vanity issue head-on, let's look at the Biblical definition of vanity. The key word in Ecclesiastes is vanity," the futile emptiness of trying to be happy apart from God." The preacher, traditionally taken to be Solomon-the wisest, richest, most influential king in Israel's history, looks at life under the sun and, from the human perspective, declares...

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