Stronger Together: Build Your Faith and Fitness Community

fitness Apr 23, 2020

Stronger Together: Build Your Faith and Fitness Community

(Simply press play to listen, or read the highlights below.)

Do you feel called to lead a faith and fitness, small group?

Or has God put someone on your heart to walk out a journey of faith and fitness together?

Accountability and community make all the difference when you're working toward your fitness goals.

On today's show, Lisa Vasseur Jarvis and I share how to start your own faith and fitness community, the importance of faith in your food, fitness, confidence, and how accountability in Christ changes everything.

My guest, Lisa, is a Proud Mom, Christ Follower, Fitness Instructor, and Healthy Food Blogger.

We cover these topics and so much more…

Getting fit and staying fit is already hard, but when you couple that with aging, hormones, dissatisfaction with your appearance, depression, and feeling like you don’t have a purpose, it can feel impossible.

Lisa shares:

1.   How she felt God calling her to teach faith in her fitness class and how she did it using Faith Inspired Transformation. 

2.   The feedback she’s getting, and the overwhelming difference Jesus makes.

3.   The advice she has for someone wanting to start a small group.

  •  Like having the courage to share Jesus in a place many people don't know He cares about. 

  •  How rewarding it is.

  • How God is calling us to His perfect plan (at any age or stage, God's not done with us...if we're still here He has work for us to do, and we need to be healthy and fit to do it – mind and body). 

Our Prayer for you...

 Dear God,

 We pray that every woman listening knows how incredibly valuable she is to you and that she can come to you with every detail of her life – including the struggle to lose weight, get fit, and feel confident.  

Touch her heart and help her know she’s not alone.  

Comfort, lead and guide her, give her wisdom and the ability to be strong even when she feels weak, so she can confidently walk in the purpose you’ve given her. 

Help her see herself through your eyes and live with Holy Spirit boldness.

We are so grateful to you God.

In Jesus' name, amen.

 > Has God spoken to you about teaching fitness through faith or about approaching someone to become your fitness accountability partner?

Who has He placed on your heart? 

Will you reach out to them today, or even take a big faith-filled step toward starting your own faith and fitness small group?

If so, I’ve created a resource (the same book Lisa used in her group) to help you do that. Learn all about it here, Faith Inspired Transformation.

I want you to take the first step because nothing happens without action.

> Power up Challenge!

Head to my social media and leave a comment sharing how you started your small group or reached out to that sweet friend God put on your heart.

When you do, I’ll be picking one winner every week to do either a 10-minute coaching call, get a copy of my best-selling Christian Fitness Book: Faith Inspired Transformation, a copy of my Faith Inspired Transformation Workout Series or some fun Christian swag. 

I know you’re going to find so much faith-filled value and inspiration from this episode.

I’d love to hear from you.

You’re not alone on your journey to fit.

Together, we are...

Strong. Confident. His.

 From my heart to yours, God bless!

Links Mentioned in this episode:

Faith Inspired Transformation 

Strong. Confident. His. Podcast

To learn more about Lisa Vasseur Jarvis:

Her Blog, Food for Thought. Today.

Christian Women Living Magazine


Two people are better off than one, for they can help each other succeed. If one person falls, the other can reach out and help. But someone who falls alone is in real trouble. (Ecc. 4:9-10)


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