Don’t let THIS Destroy Your Fitness Progress

fitness Jun 16, 2020

Don’t let THIS Destroy Your Fitness Progress

(Press play to listen to this episode of Strong. Confident. His. or enjoying read the highlights below.)

Today’s show is one that will equip you with a truth many of us may not even be aware of, and it's a major "aha" moment! 

Pause for a moment and think about this:

Have you ever made the connection that weekends were a third of the year and could be sabotaging your fitness goals?

In my personal struggle to stay strong and fit: mind, body and soul, God showed me this: 52 weekends a year X 2 days = 104 days

But if you start your weekends on Fridays, that’s 52 x 3 = 156 days

With a three day weekend, we’re getting closer to half of the year.

I thought it was important to do a Strong. Confident. His. episode on this, because God wants His daughter’s wise. 

He wants our eyes open to the traps of the enemy and the things that we don’t even see that are completely derailing us from our best.

 My students are stunned when I share this with them, and I get it!

 The weekend feels like a time to take completely off, but we can’t take our foot completely off the gas pedal and our hands off the wheel or we will end up in an unhealthy ditch!

Here’s a helpful example: Planning ahead of time what you're going to enjoy eating.

Let’s say you order a pizza, which we all do, but having a plan means you eat one or two slices and have veggies with it, versus eating three or four slices and then your mindset goes into...I deserve it mode…. and I’ve already blew it…. so I might as well have some brownies or ice cream too. 

 Come on we’ve all been there! 

 The food isn’t the most destructive part of it all. It’s when the weekend’s over and you go into full on food-guilt and feel really bad about yourself, and you’re heavier, disappointed and feel hopeless….

 Who wants off this crazy train?! I sure did! And God saved me from it. 

So, I’m determined to share everything I learned the hard way, and this sure was one of them.

 This concept of taking weekends completely off is why we start our diets over every Monday and we gain and lose the same weight every week and get nowhere.

 I’m hoping that this episode gets you thinking about your weekends, and how to approach them with a plan: so I made you a freebie, It’s called the Stay Fit Weekend Checklist, and I’ll link to it in my show notes.

 Success doesn’t happen with one big step, it happens in all the little steps. 

Little changes, equal big results.

Romans 12:1 says, We must offer our bodies as living sacrifices unto God.

This is where many Christians continually hold back their best from God—not wanting to fully surrender every aspect of their lives to him. But what we hold back, will always be a place of  pain for us.

Psalm 51: 6 says, 

Behold, you delight in truth in the inward being, and you teach me wisdom in the secret heart.

 Dear God,

You delight in the truth. I know the enemy comes only to kill, steal, and destroy me in places where I’d never guess he’d care to try to sabotage me. But I am yours, Jesus. If I fall down in you, I can get right back up. You open the eyes of my understanding and give me everything I need. Your Word says that if I draw near to you, you will draw near to me, and that you will hide me in the shadow of your wings. Be with me in even the smallest details of my life and help me be faithful over them.

In Jesus’ name, amen.


More Faith Fuel:

Draw near to God and He will draw near to you. ( James 4:8)

I’m never going to leave you without asking you to get into action. 

Nothing happens without action, and I’m here to be your accountability partner.

Join My Power Up Challenge!

I want to challenge you to download my Stay Fit Weekend Checklist and use it for one weekend and then come tell me how it helped you on social media. 

 When you do, you’re automatically entered into my Power Up Challenge! 

I pick one winner every week, and you can choose from a coaching call with me or my best selling Faith Inspired Transformation Book or Workout Series.

If you can think of a friend who would benefit from the Strong. Confident. His. Podcast, please tell them about it and make sure to Subscribe/Rate/Review, because it helps me help others.

Thank you in advance!

I’m invested in your success, friend!

Remember, You are Strong. Confident. His.

From my heart to yours,

God bless,

Links mentioned on this episode:

Stay Fit Weekend Checklist

Faith Inspired Transformation 

Strong. Confident. His. Podcast

Free Faith and Fitness Resources 

My Social Media



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