Get Motivated: Faith Fuel for Your Workout

fitness May 05, 2020

Get Motivated: Faith Fuel for Your Workout

(Press Play to listen to today's episode or read the show notes below.)

This topic is oh so good today. 

People always ask me how are you so motivated to workout, so I’m going to share my answer.

...The truth is I wasn’t always motivated. 

Maybe today you feel like I did and working out seems like a chore, but it doesn’t have to.

Our world idealizes being fit with extremely lean bodies. I think this can make us feel defeated before we even start or make us quit when we don’t see the progress the package or promotion promised us.

...But then we’re missing the whole, real point of working out.

Too often working out is all about what we look like instead of taking care of our bodies (His Temple) I jokingly say, it isn’t about vanity it’s about sanity, because working out makes you feel amazing! 

Who wants more energy, better sleep, less stress, increased cognitive function, and of course that beautiful God-given glow? I sure do!

Consider this question, WHY do you want to be fit? How would your life be different if you had less stress, better sleep, more energy and felt great in your clothes?

How would you feel, how would your life change? What goals would you be going after? How would you be showing up in life differently than you are now?

Jeremiah 29:11 shares that God has a purpose and a plan for your life, but how are you going to accomplish the things He has planned for you if you feel bad about yourself, too tired or lack the motivation?

Here’s a tough love truth: We are much less likely to go for our big dreams when we’re not taking care of ourselves. 

I teach fitness through faith and have a fitness workout series called: Faith Inspired Transformation.

Listen to these 5 women who used the Faith Inspired Transformation program and how it changed their lives… Which goal sounds most like yours?

Paula, I’m able to do 15 pushups, and they’re not from my knees. I never thought I would be able to do one. I  feel so strong!

Sophie, I’m thrilled to share that, when I get up now, I no longer have pain in my knees, back and joints. 

Kari, I wasn’t able to play with my Grandkids without needing Tylenol, but now they have to keep up with me.

Amber, I went on my first Mission trip, and I feel so empowered to do what God called me to do.

Emma, My confidence has soared, and my jeans fit so much better. I feel comfortable and free to be me.

 Key takeaways:

  1. Being fit is about living healthy, achieving your goals and how you feel – not just what you look like! 
  2.   Know your why, what has God been calling you to do? What do you need to be healthy, fit and confident to accomplish?
  3.   Fuel your workouts with faith. Your true power source!

Here's How to Get Motivated with Some Faith Fuel for Your Workouts:

Dear God,

The motivation to workout is often based on reaching a look or a number on the scale, but that is so fleeting and never lasts. We want to rely on the power of faith to fuel our fitness. You have put dreams in our hearts, and we want to have the energy, strength and confidence to show up and do every single thing you have planned. We have faith that the mountain of excuses, laziness, and lack of confidence to take care of ourselves would be removed. Today, we trade doubt for belief, and we’re excited to receive what only you can do! 

In Jesus’ name, amen.


Faith Fuel:

Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen. – (Heb. 11:1)

I’m never going to leave you without asking you to get into action. 

Nothing happens without action, and I’m here to be your accountability partner.

Join My Power Up Challenge!

Make sure to Subscribe/Rate/Review to the Strong. Confident. His. Podcast, and head over to my social media: Facebook or Instagram.

Tell me how taking a scripture to your workouts or how my Free Spotify Christian Workout Playlists are powering your workouts.

When you do, you’re automatically entered into my Power Up Challenge! 

I pick one winner every week, and you’ll either get a 10-minute call from me, a copy of my best-selling christian fitness book Faith Inspired Transformation, the F.I.T. Workout Series or some fun Christian swag.

I’m invested in your success. 

If you’d like to get fit, gain control over your appetite and feel more confident, make sure you go to my site and download my free resources.

Remember, You are Strong. Confident. His.

Until next time... 

From my heart to yours,

God bless,


Links Mentioned In This Episode:

Free Christian Spotify Playlists

Faith Inspired Transformation Book & Workout Series

Strong. Confident. His. Podcast

Free Resources

My Social Media





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