For the Days You Feel All Alone on Your Fitness Journey

fitness Apr 28, 2020

For the Days You Feel All Alone on Your Fitness Journey

(Press play above to listen, or read on to find faith-filled encouragement...)

 When you make the decision to change your health, pursue a fitness goal, or tackle totally changing your body, it can feel like no one understands and that you’re all alone.

  • Do your friends and family have a hard time understanding your health goals?

  • Have you ever felt or do you feel really alone on your fitness journey?

  • Do you feel unsupported?

–> Maybe you feel like you’re the only one who’s felt this way, but I want you to assure that you’re not.

Fitness can feel isolating. Like In the middle of a gym, a group fitness class, or bringing a healthy meal to a party, you can feel completely invisible, and like you’re working toward a goal that seems like no one really gets.

I want you to know that you’re not alone!

...Many moms tell me they feel so alone they excuse themselves to the bathroom to cry because they’re tired of trying to get their families to get off the couch at night or eat healthier meals.

Together we can overcome this feeling and stay strong!

You're not alone if you:

  • Have you ever had friends give you a funny look when you're ordering food and modifying it to be healthier? 

  • Show up to a party with a healthy dish and people make comments.

  • Hear comments like,” you care too much about the way you look” when all you’re trying to do is get healthy, workout, and eat right.

I fully get it, because I've experienced each of these situations, but, like the Bible says, “ we can’t grow weary in well-doing.”

May I encourage you today to revive your lonely fitness spirit and stay the course with these quick tips:

1. Go to God, and tell Him how you feel. Have a go-to scripture like this one:

I have set the LORD always before me; because he is at my right hand, I shall not be shaken. (Ps. 16:8)   

2. Choose a friend to be your Christian Fitness Accountability. Agree to support each other through tough moments, or join my free private Facebook Group FIT Sister-in-Christ. 

3.  Understand that not everyone puts the same level of commitment into their health and fitness, but we can lead with grace and encouragement rather than allow their insults or jabs to derail and demotivate us.

Here’s some faith-fuel to power your journey…

She is dressed with strength and dignity, and she laughs without fear of the future. (Prov. 31:25)

Dear God,

 Thank you for being our power and our comfort. In you, we don’t have to feel alone. Taking care of our health in your wisdom and strength can completely change our lives. Our family and friends may not always understand, but we want to lead with excellence and be Godly role models. Your word says, the Lord is near to all who call on him: he hears their cries and saves them. God remind us that you are with us and that we are not alone. Dress us with your strength, so we will not be shaken.

 In Jesus' name, amen

Take my Power Up Challenge! 

Tell me which tip helped you or if you’ve decided to find a Christian accountability partner? Head to my social media, or and leave me a comment.

When you do, that automatically enters you a chance to win either a 10-minute coaching call, get a copy of my Best-selling Christian Fitness Book: Faith Inspired Transformation, a copy of my Faith Inspired Transformation Workout Series or some fun Christian swag.

I choose one winner each week.

Here’s the truth, sweet friend:

God only made one you

He calls you His masterpiece. You are a piece of the Master!

You’re not alone on your fitness journey.

Remember You are Strong. Confident. His.

Until next week…

From my heart to yours, God bless,

Links mentioned in this episode:

FIT Sisters-in-Christ

Faith Inspired Transformation

Strong. Confident. His. Podcast


 Be strong and courageous. Do not fear or be in dread of them, for it is the Lord your God who goes with you. He will not leave you or forsake you. (Deut. 31:6)


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