Don't Let Your Weight Become Your Walk With Kelly Whitfill

fitness Jun 11, 2020

Don't Let Your Weight Become Your Walk with Kelly Whitfill

(Press play above to listen to this Strong Confident His Podcast episode, or enjoy reading the highlights below.) 

If you’ve been unable to get the weight off, get fit or have underlying health issues you think you can’t overcome, this episode is for you! I highly recommend listening. 

Today’s guest, Kelly Whitfill, is one of the winners of my Power Up Challenge. For her prize, we did a coaching call, but I have to admit I felt like the winner that day!  

F.I.T. is a program like no other! Kim Dolan Leto has brought together what I consider to be the 3 pillars of health for every Christian woman. Moving your body with fitness, nourishing your body well with an emphasis on God-made foods, and most importantly spending time every day in God’s word and asking him to take the lead on your health journey. 
If you (like many) have struggled to find your way to better health, then I’d encourage you to check out Kim’s book and workout dvd, and get started on your Faith Inspired Transformation today! – Kelly Whitfill


(I have to admit this photo of Kelly's kids is near and dear to my heart. Providing a faith inspired training program was a dream that God made come true, so seeing this is a full circle moment.)

 On this episode, Kelly and I dive deep into:

  • How she overcame the weight gain from the thyroid disease, Hashimotos
  • Why faith is her lasting answer to losing weight and getting healthy
  • How she stopped falling for quick fixes and found a plan for life 
  • Being a parent of a child with the health issues
  • Helping others learn the faith and fitness difference

We remind our friends of the importance of not letting their weight become their walk, and how God can use real women just like you and me to do extraordinary things...

When God is in it, there is no limit! 

Dear God,

There are women who have lost hope, they don’t believe in themselves anymore. They’re struggling with health issues, worthiness and even too many failed attempts at getting healthy. Please meet them right now in their unique situations and show them that you’re there and they don’t have to live this way.

Only you have their answer, and we ask that you fill them with knowledge and peace in this moment. Help them believe again. Help them find hope  in you! 

In Jesus’, name, amen.

Faith Fuel: 

"What no one ever saw or heard, what no one ever thought could happen, is the very thing God prepared for those who love him."  (1 Cor. 2:9)

Join My Power Up Challenge!

Tell me what you’re believing God to help you overcome, so I can join you in that prayer. Share with me on social media.

When you do, you’re automatically entered into my Power Up Challenge! 

I pick one winner every week, and you’ll either get a 10-minute call from me, a copy of my best-selling Christian fitness book Faith Inspired Transformation, the FIT workout series or some fun Christian swag.

In Christ, you can overcome the things you think you can't!

You are Strong. Confident. His.

From my heart to yours,

God bless,


Links mentioned in this episode:

Kelly Whitfill's Instagram

Faith Inspired Transformation 

Strong. Confident. His. Podcast

Free Faith and Fitness Resources 

My Social Media



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